Unpopular opinion. Long term, making DLC's focused on things liked by.. 5% of community or more was a big mistake and a waste of time. Reading comments here, last DLC was deleyad for almost 1 YEAR. It's huge amount of time.
I randomly choosed a moment in the podcast.
If your daily routine is to talk to CGI Team 1, CGI Team 2, talk to Animator 1, talk to Animator 2, and it takes 2-3 hours then there is a big problem with work organisation. It's okay if its only 1 day in a week, like a Friday or Monday, where you just checking progress of the work done by the teams and tell them what do you expect from them in following days. That's how it's done in most of the corporations. But if they have to be told everyday what it needs to be done today then.. yeah..
Also, after all this time, we are waiting and you want to "surprise" us.
Hell yeah. Please surprise us. Shock us. But i hope that you know that after 2-3 years of the development of Blood Lust, some of the people expect Blood Lust to be nearly done with some additional minor updates? You should start hyping us for Night Eternal that is supposed to be released next year.. Instead i'm not even know if there is hype on this site for upcoming game. I never seen any "sneak peak" from BloodLust here and that's very weird.
I don't know how does it look on discord, because i never been here. I hope it looks better than here.
Hope you are guys fine after all and you will deliver the game that will be better than Fleeting Iris.