1.10 star(s) 8 Votes


Active Member
Aug 18, 2018
is there any progression even to this game ?? like how she gets lewder the more she cums or turns into succubus ??

I would forgive it being a scene viewer or Ai images if at least there was some progression (like at the beggining she gets molested but then she seeks pleasure herself and you get new scenes etc)

PS : There is no progression to this game it's just scene viewer but to add insult to injury the only gameplay is a very shit RNG "run away" from enemies and there is no reward to "complete" the game (no scene with thief boss, only scene not aviable in village is 1 thief from the hideout and im pretty sure it's a mashup of animation you can have in the village anyways)

shame I wanted to like it but there is almost nothing to like
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Oct 22, 2020
Do with this information what you will.
I will use it to teach Oaks on how to properly bake bread!

MTL + AI art, lol I can already see the future of the next generation of lazy devs. :p
On the upside, they (as whole, the works) are improving. What started with RPG Maker (and perhaps whatever 3D girl for porn) did transition to renpy, grammarly and Blender/Koikatsu. Now we can see a vast improvement incoming Auto-TL and Auto-Art. Basic Coding can also be done/checked with automation/by AI but this one is less ripe.

Remember, one year ago AI Art and ChatGPT just became a topic.

For now, most 'professionals' (those who want to and can provide quality) do use renpy and Koikatsu until AI Art becomes consistent, flexible and affordable (i.e viable, same applies to translation). There is basically but one who 'professionally' AI-translates the works here and tweaks the engine (or script) and it sure is something to be thankful for. Since it is based on commissions which requires some demand while the engine is available to the public.

Neither programmers, writers or artists will go out of business if they are actually good at what they do since it requires a professional's competence to prompt, tweak, edit and check a work to make it flawless if not outstanding. Now I really don't recommend writers to let AI produce their 'basis'. Grammarly already serves as editor while proper prompt-ing should provide references and suggestions.

Especially German RPG Maker Games are/were infamous for the dedication many teenagers had (born around '85-'90, it took off with RPGM 2k rather than 95), while producing utter trash one after another. In terms of writing and, well... somehow it become popular to construct maps that consist solely out of a spiral pathways. One creator especially refused to improve/grow up, after making 10 lengthy entries into a series over 10 years. German Quality? Sure, there are some many German RPGM gems but well, they are sensible enough to not advertise (translate) their failures.


Jul 26, 2017
I never bother going to NTR-tagged games, but there are very few decent Loli games here so I'll ask... Is there actual NTR? reading the description it does not look like it... but I guess its better to be sure and ask..
Dec 21, 2018
I never bother going to NTR-tagged games, but there are very few decent Loli games here so I'll ask... Is there actual NTR? reading the description it does not look like it... but I guess its better to be sure and ask..
What's the point of going to THIS netorare tagged thread then? It's hilarious because the description, if you read it properly, is suggestive that there's going to be netorare.


Jan 3, 2021
Especially German RPG Maker Games are/were infamous for the dedication many teenagers had (born around '85-'90, it took off with RPGM 2k rather than 95), while producing utter trash one after another. In terms of writing and, well... somehow it become popular to construct maps that consist solely out of a spiral pathways. One creator especially refused to improve/grow up, after making 10 lengthy entries into a series over 10 years. German Quality? Sure, there are some many German RPGM gems but well, they are sensible enough to not advertise (translate) their failures.
Did you perchance play Vampires Dawn? XD one if not "the" most popular German developed RPG maker games from
back-when in dem good'ol days

i've been interested by the artwork of "this" game i have not downloaded it yet since yall's takes on it are pretty.... colorfull.
sometimes i wish i could just take the game and translate it myself which would at least give me something to do, i hate when people use programms to translate these games,because this brings a whole lot of issues... misspronounciations for instance when people say he instead of she speak in third person for some reason if they didnt before so on and so forth.
just hand me a programm to crack these open and i would "Hand translate" those, since i have nothing else to do.


Jul 26, 2017
What's the point of going to THIS netorare tagged thread then? It's hilarious because the description, if you read it properly, is suggestive that there's going to be netorare.

ok I went back and checked, I did not bother clicking the "more" spoiler before and nothing was alluding to NTR in the overview. but yea if you do I guess there is...

>What's the point of going to THIS netorare tagged thread then?
I kinda answered that first thing in my message.. very few loli games here it was worth checking... so many tags here are mislabelled 80% of the games with the Rape tag do not contain any rape at all. so it was worth to try.
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1.10 star(s) 8 Votes