Don't worry, remember the game always do an autosave on the first file from the morning of the current dayum thats another problem... i saved in the park at night...
Don't worry, remember the game always do an autosave on the first file from the morning of the current dayum thats another problem... i saved in the park at night...
I didn't have any problems. if u want i can complete thisis any way to bypass the break bathroom lock (i am not quick at the keys keep running time)
thank for offer, i got it in the end (after umpteen attempts)I didn't have any problems. if u want i can complete this
how do you get school grades to up (stuck on d+ i attend two classes in each day for weeks in game weeks)
probably not completed some priority questyou just need to constanly attend the class. AND WHY CANT I TAKE THE CLASSES NOW? the shiy thingy missing and i cant do anything but to watch my grade drop (edit: also when i went into the classroom during noon my game stuck.
grades stuck at d+ (not missed any classes) now no furniture delivery is bugged or what ?.
thank youDon't worry about D+ grades, keep going to class and it´s ok. About the furniture, everybody had this problem, we have to wait for the next update.
how and where im stuck with the bug and i need the cheat or i hve to restart the gameAnyone know how to cheat the college grade, noon class is bugged for me and freezes the game and i dont seem to have any morning classes.
Nevermind found it, variable#45 set the value to 10 for a b+
give me save, i try look what happenedhow and where im stuck with the bug and i need the cheat or i hve to restart the game
nvm i gave up and decided to make a new save.give me save, i try look what happened
save?idk anymore guys. is my game broken? i cant achieve the hug 3/3, cant get a green light; i cant install the camera in the neighbors house; i cant spot the raccoons having sex. i see all these amazing things you can do and I just cant do them because i cant get surpass these tasks
give me some, i try lookmaybe multiple saves? will that work?