I don't actually think I have a great game, far from it. I do see there's a lot of interest in it though, but it seems mostly only if it's for free, and I struggle with that for sure... there's a bare minimum it needs to reach to be able to move forward at a certain point, and it can't at this rate. That's fine, it is as it is and I've come to terms with that.
You're twisting my words a little... I never said that anyone who skips my game is a disgusting racist. I do have a problem with anyone saying they can't identify with another human being that has a different skintone than theirs. Especially if they feel the need to personally tell me in the hopes I'll change that for them.
He has a point. I mean the fact is that non-whites have played as white characters for DECADES and still do to this day and many don't complain.
But to expect a developer to retroactively change his game from the ground up just to include something that was not originally intended is an unreasonable demand UNLESS you are dropping a significant amount of cold, hard cash to persuade the dev to do as you ask.
For free? You are living in the dream matrix man. Pay up or don't beg and expect anything.
I personally like MC except for his hair which looks... unpolished and kinda fake. Small criticism overall, since the same could be said elsewhere if you look closely enough.
I like that he's just a normal guy and not THAT stereotype that is from the hood streets thugging around or dressing like that.
I also like that the way the white people in the story treat him is... mostly realistic.
There are plenty of white guys in real life who will challenge non-white guys by being abrasive on purpose, but it does not necessarily mean they hate non-whites, only that they are testing them to see what they are like and what they can and cannot get away with.
The white girls seem cool with black people and not racist at all, and while such do exist in real life, there are also those that run the gamut from uncomfortable until they know they can trust you to those that are actively belittling non-whites or treating them as inferior, which is definitely racist.
Even then rascism is a spectrum, some are slightly so depending on the situation, moderately so, and still others are dramatically so.
Like honestly it even goes both ways... wise blacks don't necessarily trust whites in certain situations and will double check to make sure they are not taken advantage of, just as whites are or should be shrewd enough to realize that walking around Chicago at 12am in the hood part of town with a clear backback full of fake hundred dollar bills is more than likely going to end up in them getting laid out.