Yea this is me, i really don't care about the "NTR" stuff that much(well i prefer if it's optional since i like to avoid it), i personally don't even view 2 girls as NTR, it just doesn't bother me. What bothers me is Kims character as i explained in my previous post, the fact that the 2 of them now kiss instead of scissor changes literally NOTHING for me personally, she still betrayed me, she still went over my back, she still did something that could have had unforeseen consequences and despite the Dev saying how "bad things will happen in this game" he doesn't actually do anything with it, we are forced to immediately forgive her instead i actually wouldn't be opposed this scene at all if there was an option to just break your friendship with Kim or go even darker and make her fall in love with you and then dump her and break her heart, if the Dev wants to talk about "bad things" lets go the whole way. Or how about instead of her dumb actions having hilariously good consequences they actually end up having bad consequences and Kim learns a valuable lesson that when you do dumb stuff you can expect dumb results, instead the game rewards her and makes you look like the bad guy for even being upset, but if instead lets say this somehow ended up with your sister maybe not ever being born and then Kim actually breaks down emotionally because she feels like she basically killed a person and then the game actually SHOWS the consequences and her becoming a wreck, she stops thinking about herself, she becomes slob, she constantly tries to go back in time by herself to try and fix this, actually makes some sacrifices, that might make things interesting. I might actually feel sorry for her and forgive her then if she became a total traiwreck and eventually we could end up fixing things and put them the way they were.
But nah she fucks/kisses your mom, she feels bad but you get a "better life" and all is good, it feels like the Dev/game is trying to make us(main character) feel like assholes and the bad guys, i mean what do you fucks want everything turned out great? Just let your best friend fuck your sister now behind your back, maybe you might become millionaires next, the shittier friend she becomes to you the better your life is, that's how all this works.
That's one thing i found a lot of these games haven't figured out, it's how to do a good best friend for the main character, a lot of the time our best friends are some morons and fat slobs that no MC would actually hang out with in a million years, we look like complete polar opposites, a few times a game actually gives you a friend that resembles you in a way that feels like he would be your best friend because he is about as competent as you, he isn't ugly as fuck, he isn't a moron, he doesn't exist just as a plot device(cough*Bacon the time machine builder*cough), it ends up like this....
I feel like of all the games i played which isn't that much the only character that FELT like your best friend was Steven from No More Secrets, the last few updates on that game got rushed unfortunately so he wasn't featured much at all, but in the first half of the game for like 5-6 episodes the friendship between the 2 is what i would point out to other Devs as how you do a best friend in a game like this, he doesn't betray you, he is about as clever, good looking, funny and a ladies man as you are without actually overstepping his boundaries as in he wont ever get to do anything with any of the girls if you don't want him to and when he does he let's you share in on the action the banter and pranks you do on one another are hilarious and feel genuine, on the female side of things in terms of best friend i personally liked Bella from Summer's Gone, you start of as kind of enemies hating each other but though common goals you end up being what I consider really cool friends, there is lots of funny and likeable moments between the 2. Kim is just not like these 2 at all, she feels like a liability and despite the Dev saying she wont do any bad stuff to you again, the damage is already done i don't feel like i can trust her, she is like a chain and balls i have to drag now that just wants to fuck everything close to me behind my back.
Anyway sorry about the rant but i noticed a few people throwing accusations about "beta cucks" and "pussies" that can't take the "NTR" in the game, when that's not what bothered me here, as i said i didn't view this as NTR i viewed it as a character i was already on the fence about going behind my back in a really shitty and potentially very dangerous, literally life ending way and with us being powerless to do anything about it.