Wolf RPG - Completed - Alternate DiMansion Diary [v1.02] [Sprite Hills]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Too complicated for a porn game.

    I was wondering for about an hour or so and didn't get fucked by a thing.
    Luckily somebody uploaded a 100 save, welp, too few animations, super pixelized, wouldn't see anything.

    Don't recommend it.

    It's a crime to release/upload a game here without pinned 100% save file!(n)
  2. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4238737

    puzzles are too confusing. Wouldnt suggest unless following a guide. I like puzzles, but this wasnt fun puzzles or bad puzzles. Needs more clarification in hints

    ere -- meh. not good pixels
    game --- eh
    puzzles -- confusing
    final rating 4.5/10 stars
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is...
    Best played without spoilers.
    Very atmospheric. Even though it's all pixels, colorful, bright. Still spooky.
    Collecting everything leads to the true ending, truly worth seeing.
    You will not regret it.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Straightforward adventure game made in RPG engine, featuring simple but soulful pixel art animations. Short and sweet (around 3 hours) with no battles.

    Basically a walking simulator and scene collector, you control a girl who got lost in the woods until she found an eerie mansion, and now she has to enter it and solve puzzles in order to escape.

    The puzzles are not too difficult, but will require a small amount of thinking nonetheless. Other than that the gameplay mostly consist of moving about the mansion, collecting the items in order, unlocking new rooms, all in mostly linear fashion.

    I liked the bait-and-switch about the theme of the game, because while I do enjoy myself some suspense/horror games, I ended up enjoying the twist (in the true ending) as it was cute, even wholesome in a way.

    There is a decent amount of pixel art and they are all charming and well done, but I wish there was more. They mostly revolve around the girl_x_machine fetish, so if you're not into that kinda thing the game will lose a lot of its appeal to you, but there are also some vanilla sex, tentacles and even futanari as well, and given how short and simple the game is, might be worth a check for the animations alone, or maybe grab a full save and see the gallery.

    All in all, if you're a fan of pixel art then this is a pretty decent 3 hours time waster.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I want to say that this game is more like a 3.5/5 in F95zone standards, but more like a 6/10 otherwise.

    The H-Animations are high quality, entertaining, and feature a variety of situations, but there are too few early in the game, and then too many are thrown at you simultaneously at the end. A better pace throughout would have been nice.

    Moving around the map can be quite slow. It's an overly large, boxy map that is lacking in clutter and intriguing detail. There's little to no visual story telling or character in the environments.

    A walkthrough is included, and thank goodness it is because otherwise you'll be doing a lot of slow wandering back and forth through the mansion. All the puzzles operate like this: You'll have to find the singular hint, then try and figure out what that hint means, and then figure out the singular location of the map that hint was referring to. This leads you to wander around the map a lot looking for one specific thing. If you overlook examining absolutely everything in the environment or miss something small, expect yourself to be wandering around in circles for a long time if you're not keeping the walkthrough handy. I think that in games like this, where the only way to win is to solve a linear series of puzzles, there should be multiple clues in the environment and maybe more than one way to find or reach the next goal.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Simple adventure game, the score comes from the detailed pixel-graphics and the strong, if generic schoolgirl-theme.

    There are a lot of scenes, which are animated, there is a narrative with interesting pacing and there's even some non-trivial gameplay. All in all, it's complete.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Alternate DiMansion Diary is a very simple survival horror game with not much horror. The puzzles are easy and shouldn't require too much thinking so don't worry about difficulty. Personally I just didn't really enjoy the sex scenes. For the most part they felt too short and the sprite work isn't anything special.
    Likes: ob123
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    Pickle hunter

    This game surprised me positively. Essentially this is a horror game (despite the ending) and the erotic scenes mix well into it. Although all the lewd stuff is performed by pixel sprites, they are good enough. Also since this game is relativly short (couple of hours), the sprites don't grow old.

    The voice acting is... okay. Basic japanese woman moaning that sounds like somebody trying to torture a shrew. Sadly they didn't bother to record different moans for the parts where the Sae actually starts to enjoy herself so it sounds weird in the context of what is actually happening.

    All in all, a good game. Just very short.
    Likes: ob123
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    amazing game. sprites are VERY fluid and the animations are nothing short of amazing. the game's puzzles are actually smart and fun to solve, although I've found myself stuck 2 times I still really enjoyed it! the game is about 2 hours and there's a decent amount of events with a post game story! the dev seems like a great guy and a big effort went into this game, must play 5/5
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I overlooked this game for so long because the pixel sprites didn't inspire me much, but then I played the developer's other games and decided to give this another shot. And oh boy was it a mistake to skip this: the puzzles are all really well thought of and the scenes are all incredibly hot. It took me about 3 hours to reach the true ending; now I wish there was a sequel really bad.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved the art and the story, felt just long enough. Very well executed overall. It's been a while since I've had to keep written notes for a puzzle game, but I didn't mind it here. For the most part, the game flowed well from puzzle to scene to puzzle. Very fun.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Enjoyable puzzle game! I've just completed it without using a walkthrough. You have to have a big brain to play this lol. Seriously, that snake puzzle was quite clever at the start and i enjoyed the rest of them as well. If you're stubborn like me, it might take you around 2 hours to complete. The atmosphere is great and chilling. More of a spooky game than a scary one. Even if it has low quality graphic, the animations look pretty good. There are some varied and wacky events as well. I loved it. Recommendable!
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Playtime: ~1.5 hours, and there's a walkthrough in the OP in case you get stuck
    I was enjoying this for the first hour or so. Solving puzzles in a lewd mansion; I'm here for that. The art is nice while the puzzles tend to be logic-based and not too hard. Looks like we could be heading towards some sort of sexual-awakening ending. Turns out this is a corruption game of the "she got gangraped, is now all about sex, and wants her friends to get raped too" variety. Which is a real shame since a lot of effort clearly went into the game, but you can't solve the mystery of the mansion while also avoiding rape. There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to find all the necessary items (perhaps using knowledge you would have only acquired during a previous playthrough) aside from "the dev doesn't want you to." Which seems odd. The intro and true ending are both somewhat whimsical, so I feel that a lighthearted ending would have been thematically consistent and easy to implement.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Just realize I forgot to rate this game despite completed it very long time ago, so I gotta give it because it deserves a 5 stars.
    - Decent story though it's not deep.
    -It's pixel game so people who are not into pixel may not like it. But the animation is very good.
    - The H scenes are incredible, all of them are animation with the erotic situations. This is most important part of a H game and the author does it very well.
    - The puzzles are decently clever and not too difficult, but challenging enough.
    - The sound/bgm is nice and ease to listen through out the game.

    Overall it's hard to find a cons of the game, except for that its pixel. You should try other games from the same author too if you like this game, which is Pixel town: Akanemachi.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game. There are enough h-scenes. The focus is on puzzles and gameplay. It's not just watching porn scene by scene. We visit F95Zone to find such games like this. The movements of the character could be a little faster, the keys can be moved. like perceiving. I haven't faced any other problem than this.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    A solid puzzle game with great pacing, puzzles that aren't too hard to figure out, and really really good animation! Beatable in an afternoon and totally worth getting all the way to the end, this one is a labor of love for sure.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Solid game if you want to play something for about 1:30 hours.
    puzzles can be hard, but the walkthrough is very good. main issue is that everything is pixelart, so the sex scenes could be better. though it is good pixelart. music is well done, dialogue is very clear.

    if you're gonna play this, i recommend playing the after story as well. it takes like 10 minutes but has 4 good sex scenes.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Cute sprite animation game where a girl wanders into a mysterious mansion and is assaulted by lewd traps.

    The puzzles require a fair bit of thinking, with some lateral thinking reminiscent of games like Resident Evil. They won't be for everyone, but it's a fairly short game so they didn't become a bother for me. No shame in using a Walkthrough if they're not for you.

    Bonus points for the music. I almost always mute the music in these games but it wasn't necessary here, which meant I could enjoy the lewd voices. I'd say the music enhances the story as well, but find out why for yourself.

    Only complaint is that you never see the characters in CG's. The sprites are very well made and have a lot of life to them, maybe more than any I've seen before. Still, it would be nice to see the girls' facial expressions.

    Sprite Hills manage to do a lot with a few pixels, but facial expressions are where CG has the highest potential to enhance the experience--two versions of the character (clothed/nude) plus a few changing faces would go a long way. The faces alone would be fine as well.

    Lastly just wanna say I was genuinely impressed with how far they went with some of the animation work. Transitions where most games would just fade to the next sex position were often animated instead, and even non-sexual scenes were often animated. You can tell the artists were passionate about their work and it's really refreshing to see someone taking extra steps to give us a better experience, even when it's not necessary or expected.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a very strong game you won't regret you've played. It's got a few hours' content, has a pretty good story, fun tone, good pixel art (that manages to not be repetetive), and great follow-through. Definitely worth your time.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice Puzzles, takes a few minutes to the first scenes, but nothing unreasonable. Animation is better than screenshots suggest.
    Takes about an hour to complete. Could have more scenes with the Ghostmen and more characters, makes you wish for more content.