Wolf RPG - Completed - Alternate DiMansion Diary [v1.02] [Sprite Hills]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    The writing is decent: the plot and scenarios are realised well with some juicy twists, even if they are not exactly original. The art is proficient and has just enough detail to titillate, but pure pixel art can only go so far. Both the art and writing share the problem of there just being too little, however.

    The lack of content was compounded by the developer acknowledging it in their thank-you message. Respectable, but still a bummer.

    The game's weakest bits are the maze puzzle (it's more like a punishment than a puzzle) and tedious movement. The stretched view and the mansion's proportions make navigation less than fun, which is a pisser when most of the game is spent walking back and forth.

    Would recommend to a fan of the genre, but not if you are easily frustrated or want more than a long demo.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The author is a genious. The whole atmosphere changes as you progress and you can feel it. One of the best scenery I've ever seen in an adult game.

    Everything is great in this game if you can appreciate pixel art. Gameplay is alright, puzzles aren't single bit annoying but still require fair effort form your brain, which I find nice. Animations are smooth and clean, main heroine is cute, the situations she is getting herself into are hot, and the story is pretty cool too! And the AFTERSTORY is what really stood out to me! Beautiful ending for a beautiful game, despite game being veeery short (1-2 hours of gameplay), I can't think to myself to rate it anything below 10 out of 10.

    edit: grammar
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A game that boldly proves that great CG is not the only way to a successful visualization of an erotic game.

    + good pixel graphics;
    + very nice animations, both the default and those in the scenes themselves;
    + sexy erotic scenes;
    + moderate, well-chosen level of difficulty, you have to try a little bit but on the other hand without exaggeration and there is satisfaction with the solution of individual stages. After that, the character from time to time gives us various hints in the form of her own observations and thoughts.
    + cool dialogues, and the MC monologue adds flavor to the story itself;
    + the game contains well-made endings (we also have good ending) and let's call it "additional content" in the form of scenes that probably perform a function more fanciful than real.

    - in addition to the endings themselves, the game is a linear sum;
    - some elements of the game may be slightly vague, but this applies to most games that have logical elements. While the puzzles can be understood, the character stops in the perfect place to turn on the event and find an important key, it is not too cool, because it forces the player to click everything around, even what is not an object.

    Rating: 5/5
    In this game it's hard to fault anything, you can complain about something but on the other hand, these are secondary things that ultimately don't have a strong impact on the playability of the title. It is a very successful game and it is difficult for me not to recommend it, except for big opponents, pixel graphics - which I personally always liked if it was well done and here it IS, and I happily hugged the scenes that the game has to offer.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Note: My “review” is general overview of a game and with heavy weight on how much I enjoyed it rather than “critical/objective” rating. In another words my “review” is PERSONAL ENJOYMENT + a bit of “critical” rating/comments.

    +rather fun puzzling
    +enjoyable character
    +well done sprite lewds
    +solid scenes
    +multiple endings and bonus scenes
    +solid world and premise
    +some voice acting

    -no clue. For sprite animation H-game it’s rather solid. Even though I’m not into sprite lewds much.

    Not much to add. Very enjoyable puzzle H game with plenty of scenes that were also rather nice.

  5. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best pixelated porn games I've ever played, and I've played a lot of them.
    The sprites are clean, the animation is tight, the sounds are on point, everything about the sex scenes is amazing. The way the corruption works in this game is especially smooth and pleasant. The girl doesn't simply becomes a slut out of nowhere, but rather slowly deviates towards what makes her feel good. The game gives you a good glimpse of what goes in in her mind, and the execution of that internal conflict is perfect.
    When it comes to non-sexual content, however, the game also doesn't disappoint. The plot is simple but interesting, and the ending is conclusive and satisfying. Seriously, the true ending is really good.

    In conclusion, this is a must-play for anyone who likes pixel art games. You can easily see that there was love put into this product.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game.

    Works great, feels great, scenes are great, art is great. Even athmosphere is pretty good, it has some cool japanese horror game vibes. There are hidden stuff you can find.

    All around it's a great game, especially if you like pixel art you should try it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 951200

    this might be my favorite lewd game ever. spoiler tags are used for real spoilers so open at your own risk
    Pros: decent fetish variety for such a short game and for the most part only 1 character
    TOP TIER atmosphere! its not legit scary, but its just a fun adventure. who wants to be genuinely scared while "driving stick" anyway?
    lovable character. maybe shes a little dry, a bit of a trope, but hey I like this trope
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    Cons: the game is only 2 hours to 100% with the walkthrough
    puzzles were a bit obtuse sometimes. friends told me I'm just a brainlet tho so maybe you guys will think differently
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    I would have liked to see more fetishes and at least 1 or 2 more characters. I know any game could always use more of that, but this one in particular felt a little bit lacking but like I said I quite enjoyed the protag myself.

    honestly this game is soooo good, I just wish there was more! also, the walkthrough is a bit misleading at one point... I hope this isn't a spoiler, but it kind of implies that if you go for an early ending, you'll be locked out of the other ones? the wording is something like "if you go to X, you will get Y ending. instead, go to Z". the "instead" is what I mean, like its saying for you not to go for Y ending.. well, just save your game and see the ending, and then reload, it'll be fine. maybe I'm being stupid for seeing it this way lol but I don't want you guys to be confused and miss out on things :p other than that, the walkthrough is perfect. btw if you guys know any more games like this, let me know!
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 240790

    Super fun rpg maker gamer with a LOT of scenes throughout it. Thier is the issue of needing the walkthrough throughout most of it because their isnt really any direction throughout the game because it plays alot like resident evil minus the zombies and guns (the puzzle aspect that is) otherwise the scenes are nice and extremely plentiful and the game itself has a couple endings allowing for about 2 hours of gameplay i would say (if your following the walk through, without the walkthrough the confusion would really extend it.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    gameplay: really good.

    story: good.

    ambient and music: really good.

    scenes: (erotic ones): really good and hot.

    draws (bits): really well done.

    conclussion: the 2 strongest point in this game are, the "whats going on?" factor,
    and the gameplay. both of them flows togheter really well, and the game also got a nice pase.

    this game TOTTALLY deserve your time and money.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    this is refreshingly different game!

    i'm a sucker for retro looking games, which is the primary reason i gave this one a go, and it did not disappoint, so lets go over some things

    english-translated from japanese, some idioms dont make the best sense but all in all this is a very nicely translated game

    graphics-as i said i love the retro look, the sprites look amazing and the mc is very cute

    story-typical japanese magic meets lewd stuff, i was not surprised by it, but felt very happy with the ending

    puzzles-i loved these, they werent hard at all but just rewarding enough to make me continue to play and figure them out, i never felt i needed to use a walkthrough so i didnt, and the hardest thing was figuring out how to continue the story after second shower when she leaves the mansion, luckily i figured where to look

    horror-atmosphere is amazing, but otherwise this isnt your typical horror game, nothing is out to get you, theres no end game, there are several different endings, however, but none of them is bad

    lewd scenes-amazing, well thought of, very sexy, specifically very fond of mirror illusion scenes

    afterplay-after the main game is finished and true ending has been unlocked, you can continue to play and have fun with mcs friends... that part in on itself was worth going over and spending the hours i did to figure out all the endings and get there

    in retrospect, i wished there were more scenes, and i wish there is a sequel and or prequel to this

    the game packs just enough puzzles and needs just enough brainpower to not be boring has really nice atmosphere very sexy lewd scenes some humor and amazing ending to it!

    well worth the play, and i certainly wish there were more games like this one, as i said refreshingly different.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Interesting game and quite enjoyable indeed! unfortunately it lacks some important things to make it 5 stars.

    First things first: you are playing a school girl who fell down from a cliff after hanging out with her friends. in the middle of the woods she finds a mansion and that's where you come in and play the game.

    you have to find a lot of keys and solve quite some tough puzzles to go further. whenever you solve an important puzzle (like dusting off the mirror) lewd stuff happens. and... that's actually it ^^.

    the story is pretty simple but offers a funny twist at the end.
    the game itself is made with sprites... and i tell ya, it's really nicely done! the animations are top notch and the game works like a charm without any bugs.

    but why do i only give 4 stars then? well, there are some annoyances ingame and we didn't even talked about the porn stuff, did we?

    1. the running mode. you can run with her by holding down shift. this however doesn't work in every room. and god damn it is she slow! it's like controlling an electric wheel chair. a faster pace would definitely increase the fun, 'cause due to the puzzles you'll have to run to every quarter of the mansion.

    2. the saving system. i don't care if you can only save in certain locations, but i do care, if the system trolls ya. normally, when you press on a bubble that says "save", you expect to be able to save. WRONG! first comes the loading screen... press X and press on the bubble again to be finally able to save. and now the annoyance... if you want to save again and press Y [Z for american keyboards] (either to skip it or, because you simply forgot about the damn load screen) you are busted and load your old saving. that trolling caught me three times -.-. fun fact: when i wanted to save for the last time the load menu didn't come up, instead the save menu showed up. the heck?

    3 and last. the porn. well, even though it's nicely animated, the porn scenes are just... normal. normally, when a frigile, cute girl enters a scary mansion in a porn game, you expect quite some perverted stuff. not so here. the worst things that can happen here (spoiler alert) are gangbang scenes and a tentacle scene at the very end. nothing that we didn't see before, right? ofc., if you are a 10 year old boy who discovered the perverted world on the internet just recently, then you might find this game exciting and "forbidden". but i need a bit more "creativity" to get me hooked up. to sum it up: you get a porn that we all have already seen a lot of times. at least the girl looks cute and the sound during the porn is well done.

    therefore 4/5.

  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game, I love Sprite Hills games, except for the fact that they never translate their games in English! (I usually have to click everything since I don't understand what is going on in the previous games)

    This is probably the first game I've played from them that is translated in English (and a good translation too), plus I don't have to do that "Japanese windows" version, so I'm giving this product a 5/5!

    The game was great! please keep doing this!
    The English walk through guide was also very helpful! it saved me a lot of time in finishing the game :)