This is different to what i've been saying before i know. But i'd like to offer an alternative way this game could be handled that offers more freedom, while still allowing episodes and continuity, allow repeat scenes, allow things like pregnancy and relationships and the like without causing story conflicts etc.
The way I think it could be handled is to break up the episode format somewhat. As i'm sure most of us have played summertime saga I would recommend using something like that games format. Saga isn't necessarily a story that has continuity to it. Rather it has broken up individual stories loosely linked together with slight dialogue changes. I'd use something like this personally. But not in the same way.
Rather i'd make it so instead of focusing on central plot lines and episodes, i'd rather do it like this.
Each girl in the game get's their own set of 'episodes' or 'season' that has their own storyline focused around them that has Danny and their relationship change and evolve over the course of these episodes. Each of these episodes contribute to a 'season'.
So for example there could be a 'Season Ember' or a 'Season Dani' or 'Season Jazz.' And the player is able to choose which one they want to focus on and follow. Which would have it's own fights, scenes and storyline that isn't connected to everyone elses. There can still be dialogue choices and the like to allow each episode to have different outcomes or diffrent scenes that can be unlocked or missed depending. When each episode ends, another is unlocked, allowing progression and new developments.
Simple as this sounds, the big advantage of this change would be it allows players to choose which girl they want to follow or spend time with. Say someone doesn't like Maddie and wishes to foucus on Jazz or doesn't like Ember and wants to foucus on Desiree. They can simply choose to go to her and follow her episodes through her season which is it's own self contained story.Alongside this, it allows the game to do more big things such as allowing pregnancy to happen without running into the issue of how it would affect the characters lives and their connections to eachother outside of that 'season'.
Example. Let's say a player chooses to go down a season with Paulina and becomes her boyfriend and knocks her up. In the current games central story you'd need to do alot to allow a player to still be able to do stuff with Sam or Star given how major this would be and that it would enact a big change. In other words the story would need to shift alot to compensate for this.
But if this happens in something of a...Bubble. Then you can have this sort of thing happen easily and it so you can choose episodes to have repeat scenes or moments or still have a player able to go down the paths or relationships they want.
The show it'self provides the perfect means to have this type of story in the reality gauntlet, which allows Danny to do this as it allows him to alter reality or the like. As a result he can do an entire season with Ember and have a kid with her and then go along and do the same with Jazz and the two wouldn't overlap much as he has the power to keep them seperate.
I have more to this idea and more thought out which i would be happy to explain, but i feel this is already too long. I simply think this could allow more freedom and more meaningful events to go down and the like for the game and allow players to have more foucused and chocie based experinces.
What do you all think of this so far?