What kind of content can we expect from the redux version? Usually stuff like that is done to improve early graphics after the creator got a better pc or something but seeing as how this is all 2d I'm not sure what can be done to improve it further. Is it mostly stuff like re work of the combat/skill point system or will it be changes to the story as well? Any new content?
Also, any rough estimate on how long the re-work will take compared to normal updates?
Anyway, keep up the good work.
There's literally I think 8 pages of bullet-pointed notes? We're going to have a sit down amongst the main team and go "Okay, I agree with this idea, I think this should come later, we can't do that currently within the budget, I don't think we should bother with that at all." Just breaking down the content workload into bite-sized pieces we can chew, and then divide it all up.
Here are the main things I think we can say we'll be attending to:
1) Script changes: Altering some dialogue, changing certain interactions we had in the past, and retconning them or changing them to better suit the story we plan to tell. Proofreading the whole game again and optimizing the language and writing choices we've since established. The script is very important to me that it sounds and feels right, a lot of this game's pull or interest has been people saying "Man, the game's content is pretty good so far, but the writing is actually really what keeps me coming back. Great stuff." Also weaving in new quests/events for episodes lacking in numerous amounts of content or diverse in content. Think episodes 1, 3, 6, and 7. These new scenes will I think allow for the more subtle build of sexual tension or desires between characters. As well as allow for characters that weren't in the game originally to exist, and we can all pretend like they really were always there. We kinda did this with Kwan already to a lesser extent.
2) New combat system integration: Getting the game's old system ripped out like a wart at the roots and then replacing it with all the new mechanics and elements that Epadder worked on. Will also allow hopefully allow for random encounters that the player can either win, lose, or run away from.
3) New Background Art: When Gzone started out, the backgrounds were all done by him, in computer software, and were often limited to "approximating" the bulk of the backgrounds to their cartoon reference. Now we're going in with Dreams software on the Ps4 and remaking them from the ground up. A better likeness to the show, more details integrated, more areas to explore. We'll be working on it so you can go upstairs in the school, actually hang out inside and outside of the Nasty Burger, have more places to discover characters just hanging around, and generally having more freedom. More areas to explore also means more places to find random ghost encounters to grind your skills with.
4) Character Portrait Rework: Adding features to the characters that weren't there before. Getting rid of the "Statue" portraits that the game started out with, where every character is just one whole image instead of made up of multiple separate pieces, like a cell animation or something. Adding in characters like Valerie Gray, Mayor Montez and Prinicipal Ishiyama. Redesigning the Lily girl at the Nasty Burger, along with giving her actual ways to talk and interact with Danny. Replacing Box Ghost's old "too close for comfort" design with his new "in frame" design. Giving Princess Dorathea green skin instead of human skin. Many other examples, most of them including just taking the new portraits we now have, and replacing the old ones.
5) Beter features: Being able to buy actual stuff in the game for ghosts to wear. Desktop backgrounds for the character to unlock. PDA App that allows you to see the affection points, skills, and general trivia about many characters, both humans and ghosts. Adding time frames like morning, afternoon, evening, night, and midnight to allow the player more chance to really explore and engage with the world. More diverse SFX.
6) New GUI: Main Menu (with new background art), navigation prompts, backpack inventory optimization, ghost selection from the Fenton Thermos, exit menu, shop menus, win/loss Chibis when you battle along with exp shown, and many other things.
7) Bug fixes out the wazoo. A lot of playtesting is going to need to happen for all of this to work.
8) Taking out old assets and replacing them with new, while also reducing unneeded or unnecessary file package space.
So, a lot of stuff, definitely in terms of changes. I'd say new mini-quests or events sprinkled in throughout the game and newly added features will be the bulk of the new content. But I think at least playing it, visually, you'll be able to tell you're playing a brand new experience.