This has never made sense to me, because I feel like at the very least, expanding your creative endeavors to focus on content OUTSIDE of existing IP’s, can only do you good and show your creative service in action.
Like my team is in pre production on what we think will be a really quality, engaging and enjoyable game *based* on an existing IP. I am looking to help draw in fans *of* that IP into my game, and to capitalized on the IP’s world and characters within my game. St the same time, we are introducing new elements to make it enjoyable for everybody.
So with that said, my first thought wouldn’t be to want to stretch out the game, it’d be to make it as good as possible, so that when I wanna move on and make my own original content, people are then invested in my namesake enough to say “Y’know, I know this team makes quality stuff based on something imf familiar with, I’m willing to stick around snd see what they got cooking.”
The goal for me has always been “build the brand, and they will come”. I can’t help but come up with new ideas, I can’t imagine prolonging a project indefinitely just tor the moneys.
Just making a general observation about what I’ve seen some devs definitely do in the past, I still have hope they isn’t what Amity Park is at this point…