I think they all complaining for a reason : to warn people to no invest money on this because this project look like a scam.
And we'll keep complaining till the project doesn't smell fishy anymore or become abandoned.
Huh... So you, and the rest are the morality police? Taking self-righteous measures to influence others away from what you don't believe is right?
Complaining about the release date, or content of the free shit isn't warning others, it's showing entitlement mentality. All people have to do is look at when this game started, check the change log and where it is now. Thjat shows a pretty good history or how much, or how little, work has progressed on this game. And anotyher thing.. Who are you, or anyone else, to decide what osmeone else spedns their money on? You're not the "keeper of the wallet" for the billions of people on the planet, no one is..
How about just leave the thread alone, or post errors/bugs found or what you liked or didn't oike story wise next time, and not complain about the length of time from release of how few or too many renders there are? At least *thaty* would be constructive criticism and would show others how the game really is. The rest of it is wasted space in the thread, just like this post is, lol.
By the way.. I hope you have someone outside your workplace that self-assesses your daily work output and heckles you constantly about your quality ot quantity of work. It doesn't matter if they are in your leadership, a co-worker or some rando from the street, just so *someone* does it... Why? Because then you'll know what posting in a thread like this regarding length of time to complete, your perceived judgement of the dev's activity or the quality of their work is worth, execpt this time someone is doing it to you. Seems only fair, right?