They are, as long as people actually bother to report them. Most of the time I see reviews that violate the review rules, I report those and they're usually removed within hours.Rewiews on this forums cost nothing in many cases, because they didn't moderated properly,
Do report it, might violate rule #3.he rate my game low because other mine game (that's unnfair, because we lost any redemption and we give up on people for their mistakes).
The reviewer didn't mention any sexual orientation in their review, so I don't find it likely that this actually influenced the review that much.[...]and if we check who make rewiew we will know that was a gay, or properly say "cunt boy",[...]
Also you can check who make a rewiew. His rating was unfair, because he was not straight (better for him check games in "gay" or "another disguisting shit" tag)[...]
Your language here is also not very respectful. Please mind the rules and stay respectful of other users.