RPGM - Completed - An insensitive brave and an all-you-can-eat female knight [Final] [Nitoowa]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    It seems to be a trend that Nitowa's games are as good as they are underrated, and in this case quite hidden in the depths of the f95 forum.

    If you're coming here after having played their other game "Yuri & Claire", you'll love this one too. It's more basic and has less content as it was Nitowa's first game, but the core of it is just as fantastic. Even if you didn't like "Yuri & Claire", chances are you'll enjoy the game as long as you're into the main character's design, or can at the very least tolerate her proportions, and most of all: Are into NTR and kissing scenes.

    The game's synopsis stated in the opening post keeps another curse hidden, namely that Reina and the hero's level get reduced to 1 at some point in the story. That's when the bull, Bardo, opts to help them, bringing strength and his massive dick into the party. The rules are simple: Should Reina and the hero lose a battle, Bardo will come to help - at a cost, as Reina will pay him in sexual services.

    While this may sound like a typical NTR setup, the beauty is in its execution and the way the dev wrote the scenes. During their journey to break the level 1 curse, Reina will slowly be awoken to pleasures she had no idea even existed.

    She will however not fall.

    That's where the game really starts to shine: Instead of wrapping things up early and having Reina fall, her and the hero get their original level back and return to their original mission, breaking the harassment curse.

    Though as fate has it: They run into Bardo again.

    During the second journey with Bardo, the hero gets to make a very important decision, one that's a genius move by the dev. If the hero decides wrong, Bardo will get the chance he's been waiting for and rapidly increase Reina's affection for him. The genius part here is that even if the player did everything in favor of a pure love route with the hero, this one decision (and the entire area it takes place in) can completely change things in Bardo's favor.

    The sequence is followed by yet another incredible set piece, one final challenge for the hero to overcome before they can reach their goal. The dev's design decision is great once again: The final challenge can be repeated (and failed) many times, ultimately leading to Reina's fall unless one plays perfectly. The dev even included several variations for these final scenes and their aftermath, all of which are fantastic for fans of juicy, brutal NTR.

    As if this wasn't enough already: The game continues even after her true fall, for players to enjoy the new love that bloomed between Reina and Bardo (unless they succeeded the pure love route, which is tricky but possible).

    And to go even further: All of the above is "only" the main route. The game also features an entire IF-scenario with another bull.

    Personal rating:
    • 10/10 Strongest female knight in history of mankind awakening to pleasure
    • 10/10 Kissing scenes, including kissing-orgasms
    • 10/10 Devious NTR mechanics, the hero can lose his girl until the very last moment
    • 10/10 Surprising scene variety despite the low base CG count thanks to good writing

    • Artstyle is hit-or-miss, some proportions and angles seem wonky
    • Reused CGs due to low base CG count (though the writing makes up for that)

    Full recommendation to all fans of NTR, big breasts, sexual harassment and oral focus (kissing). Also recommended to those who like to experiment and discover "hidden" scene variations, of which the game does have some.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Nitowa, the absolute Madman,
    Just came from Yuri&Claire to realize, it's from the same dev.
    This too, 10/10 game.
    Even though the drawing of the women always look weirdly proportioned, this dude knows how to deliver.
    Pretty degenerate and heavy stuff in this, but you'll be satisfied.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The only scenes that were really cool in this game were the ice cream eating scenes. This particular scene is the hottest NTR I've ever seen. Everything else is either the MC did not see how his wife is fucked, which is not very interesting, or painfully ridiculous scenes when an invisible dude fucks a girl in front of the MC, it looks super stupid in the eyes of the MC, he sees how his woman is standing in a strange pose and make happy faces. All the MCs can think at this point is she out of her mind? Does she need help? Was she possessed by a demon?
    So yes. Eating ice cream is ultra cool. The only complaint is why, after the end, she didn’t let Klein try some vanilla ice cream?)))
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    really wanna give this a 5star, the game definetley is in its own right...but because the way this game is played it heavily relies on the text and script, the mtl drags it down.
    Other than that one of the best games ive played in this genre and has good mechanics... zero grind but some repetition.

  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Master Z of NTR

    If you like NTR games using the same gameplay as Boy Hero Ken ~Haunted House Investigation or NTR Adventurer Alisa you are gonna like this one.
    Doen't have the best art in the internet but has a very good story and gameplay.

    Master Z of NTR approves