whew this game is pretty rough. only got 1 slave so far and im slowly trying to gain Denarii to upgrade my gear.
I did Spear+ shield, leather greaves, & belt. I bought a few potions and then used the rest of the money to grind experience in the Arena and sleep in the inn.
After some time on this game today, here's what I got so far...
The Stats
Strength seems to be how hard you hit. This raises your base damage.
Agility seems to be the bottom Yellow bar in Combat. This stat determines how fast you can perform Combat ACTIONS
Agility caps at 5 points (so far in v1.6)
Accuracy is the how often your hit successfully lands.
The Grind
game seems to autosave every day at the daily tax window thing. Every exp counts and save/load is a must for this game.
use this to save some money if you die via reset & Load
Hunt the wolves in the woods (northeast of your house). They have no armor and have 100HPs
- then, rest at home for a save
Sell items by clicking your inventory then clicking the chest on the bottom-right corner of the inventory window
Top off your exp in the Arena and use the Inn to recover @ 10 Denarii per night.
Random chest can pop up as you traverse through the map. 100 Denarii, potions, and Ambushes may happen
The Combat
its pretty straightforward. Shield will block if you time it right with a shield. The enemies have the same combat poses.
Fast will strike immediately.
Normal will charge an attack. Looks like short delay (arms raised)
Strong will gather for an attack (crouch) for 2 turns
havent figured out how to use the Strength Scroll (ended up selling it to the Gear+Item Vendor)
*Sometimes ambushes in the Woods make bandits not wolves as the text says. theres a graphics glitch that doubles the bandit models there (not sure if that's known yet). Rarely a double is targetable and does fight in combat.