VN - Ren'Py - Android LIFE [v0.4.2 EA] [MateDolce]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The beginning is a little slow, but the writing gets fun pretty quick. Once you get into the cycle of the game it's a lot of fun and worth playing.

    The characters are traced, but the art is honestly a strong point in the game anyways compared to a lot of other games. The tags are all dom/slave stuff, but there are characters that are subs and characters that want to be your girlfriend. A great mix and a lot of fun. Will be coming back to it once there is more content.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Top notch. Going to sub on Patreon right now. Amazing art (the traced Koi models look great actually) great fetish/niche inclusions without turning it into a fetish game, fun story, and the H scenes so far are amazing. Grabbing Emily's ass 10/10 This is exactly what I want out of an H game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    +Good writing
    +Scenes are pretty hot ;) :insert Borat very nice:
    +Cute Girls (I like the art)
    +Rea's thighs
    +Choices have small branching paths and scenes that affect other ones later on (don't know how much they affect the overall story)
    +Hey its free

    -Currently nothing negative can be brought to mind or I am just based
    -Ok i have found some typos eg: "I didn't told you... but yesterday in the locker.." and a few others nothing too major
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    It has been a while since playing one of the earlier versions and i have to admit i didn't like it at first.

    but now with this version(v0.3) my opinion has turned 180 degrees...i like it now.

    the game has improved a lot in all aspects, renders, spelling, more Choises for the MC(doesn't feel like a KN anymore, thats a plus for me).
    the HUD (hintsystem?!) I like it, I'm really curious whether and how this will affect the later course of the game.
    the mc doesn't seem to be a wimp any more, I'm curious how much freedom one now has in oneself.

    keep up the good work... i will definitely keep the game on my watchlist.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    [v0.3] Review

    It's still early in development but I can definitely see the potential here.

    It's cute, unique and really funny. The jokes are on point and the characters are really interesting. The writing is great!

    The art style is unique and sexy, with smooth animations.

    My only complaint is that it ended a bit abruptly, but I guess that's to be expected from a 0.3 build. Don't download this expecting a full game. So far it's pretty much only an introduction.

    I'm super stoked for more! I'm definitely keeping an eye on this one!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    i knew this game for a while now and i've waited for it all the time the chara-design the plot the H scene for now i know it's just the beginning this game you are making is a beautifull game and has a lot of potential :) take your time don't rush everything and you can make a good game such as harem hotel or other good exemple ^^ i also are a non native english so if you read this don't take too seriously the spelling mistakes. good luck you are in the right way and hope your doing well.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    A tasty adult-comedic gem!

    First of all, the game is funny! I mean, really good humor dispersed throughout. Oh, but its not only good comedy, its also CUTE! Cute and funny, and that's not all! The charm of this game exceeds the sum of its parts, and those are some parts, I tell you! Lets see:

    Music - the jazzy music is not only refreshingly good and original, but it is also coded to coincide with the narrative - when the action gets funny, the music also gets funnier. The sound quality is also impeccable.

    Graphics - this one puts the standard really high, the art-style, just like the music compliments the comedic story-telling perfectly. All the characters are charming and unique. While not everything is animated, when animations do kick in, they are at the right spot, doing exactly what is needed to be done.

    Narrative - as other reviewers already noted: it is FAR from boring! The story keeps you reading and entertained so much so, that you are guaranteed to forget about whats between your legs. Yeah, this may seem as a negative, but its not! Far from it! The story is pleasantly unpredictable, with a good backstory, and with the situational humor permeating each interaction, is bound to endear.

    Adult content - this part also doesn't take itself too seriously, but this does not take away from it, sometimes its hard to coordinate your laughs with arousal, but I won't complain. The fetishes/sex scenes are also enticing so far. Without any spoilers: the girls are written intentionally naive and endearing, even when they push some light femdom buttons, they keep being cute.

    Even though I usually like femdom themed games with much more bite to them, this hasn't stopped me from thoroughly enjoying this little creative gem. And if we are lucky, there is more to come. I warmly recommend you try this game whether you like its fetish tags or not, this game is clearly a product of genuine care. The dev deserves all the credits, I will surely put this on my growing list of games I will support as soon as I can.
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    Smol Latin Weeb

    Great and fresh art that makes it stand out from other games. However, writing is kinda lacking in comedy or depth of the story. Polish that and you will have created an outstanding game. Good luck!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    -A good art with a personal touch that makes it stand out from the rest of games.
    -A very good character desing. In this game all the girls are pervert but they are not the same girl with the same personality but a different style.
    They have differences and you can differentiate one from the other, making each character unique.
    -A virtual novel with choices with differents outcomes. (This can be a pro or a con if you are: "can someone share a full save" people or someone who actually going to play the game).
    -This game have animated scenes, that always is a pro, and beside that the animation is good.
    -Background music. Several several games don't have it and that kick you out of the game world.
    -Although the story is simple I think it can get really interesting.
    At least it already aims to be better than the 80% of games you can find in F95.
    -It lacks sound effects. Which is not bad if they gon 'suck
    -There should be options to go against Rea, even if it won't end well for you.

    Overall, this is a fucking good game. At least "MateDolce" is triying to create something personal and different from the rest of generic copies that populate this website.
    Keep the good work. I hope everithing go well for you.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great game!
    Playing it was no ordinary experience.
    The beautiful art not only made my pp and heart happy but also made me think about the beauty of the moment when I played this game for the very first time.

    You see, up until that point, I had a normal life, just like you! I had just finished highschool and got into my first job (btw shoutout to my mom for giving me the job that allows me to pay for his patreon) and still had a full life ahead of my. I planned on saving money until I could travel to Germany to visit a few friends and a few cool historical places and ofc, practice the language. But nothing of this mattered once I saw Rea's (the blue hair girl) smug for the first time.

    That was when I realized that millions of years of evolution, ever since my (and also yours, whoever you may be) ancestors, who lived somewhere near Lake Turkana decided one day that they would no longer live in that lake. And that day, millions of years ago, led to this day, in which I could appreciate seeing such wonderfully round anime tiddies.
    Just like our ancestors did hundreds of thousands of years ago, when they created entire religions based on HUGE tiddies, like Venus of Willendord, godess of fertility who had just the HUGEST melons ever.
    This makes me think on how beautiful evolution is.
    I mean, just like now I am enjoying those BEAUTIFUL breasts, so did my ancestors back in the cave days.
    So I can't help but feel a sort of connection to them, perhaps even a sense of pride, they endured so much just so I could be here, appreciating the same thing they did, hundreds of thousands years ago, ficticious, massive tits.
    So thank you, my ancestors, thank you for bringing me here.

    As for the game, yeah, it's pretty good. By far one of my favorites, so I do recommend you to check it out if you're looking for a VN that's easy to read, that has a sophisticated= yet simple- sense of humor and that also has a GORGEOUS art. It may not have as many H scenes as some hornbois would've wanted, but I promise you that you won't need them :)

    I hope you will have as much fun as I had playing it! And regardless if you will enjoy it or not, have a wonderful day! Don't forget that many thousands of your ancestors had to live the most miserable lives just so YOU could be here reading this review.

    Thank you for reading this, friend!
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    This is VN type of game, not a simulation. As of 10/04/20 there are no actual sex (peepees in vajaynas) content, yet, however.

    It is a fun ride so far. I am looking forward to experiencing more.

    If i still had a job I would support this joker on patreon.
  12. 3.00 star(s)

    Doom Marine


    Art style, animation is good!

    Direct VN story type, Very low amount of sandbox itens.

    Sound and effect very good: although some are memes and cool to have sound effects, like i hate those type of silent games, it make me rancid!

    Too much Femdom Content: Seriously, it´s way too much of that kind of content over here, honestly it´s 95% of the game in question!

    Low amount of H Scenes:

    More than 3 years of develompment and yet, this game have a decent walktrought, not to mention of the development time, its too long between updates and the duration of game update is very short. "this game, only get 1 update every 10 months... so, one update per year!"

    No gallery of scene replay.

    There are lot plot holes.

    Choices have little o none branching paths and cutscenes that affect other later on.

    Long dialogs. quit heavy text for a VN.

    Overall: I wish MC would act a little more like a man, not too pussy shit guy, MC always threatened like a shit every day and he didn´t even try to think about how to gain the upper hand or fight back! I hate these type of character, this dumb and silly tropes animes is overrused!

    No to mention mixes with plot holes, since men have been eradicated by a disease, wouldn´t it be better, the MC to be treated like some kind of god than worthless sack of shit?

    Rea is supposed to be the hero fo this VN but she acts like a shit villain, also she is quite annoying and the mc´s attitudes is uncooperative. all she does is say "I´m genius" and "Now, go make me some money" for fuck sakes what a weird shit girl.

    Seriously, you are able to create time travel and, instead of trying to profit off that invention, you try to profit off the enslaved human you kidnapped and are passing off as an android. Even though you make androids for a living it is too hard to make them so you time kidnap an orphan to rent out to people? Holy shit, that´s what a i call supreme selfishness.

    I don´t know what her thing is, but after that there no way i can stant a character like that. she is shit caracter, i´m not going talk about the communist girl or that little rich princess who rent the mc to rape the poor girl.

    Anyways, too many negative to mention but keep in mind this supposed to be VN hentai lol! is type of game to come play and turn off the brain!

    Still, when a game is made especially for a certain niche community, the game lose half of potential. like its obvius what game was made especially for those who enjoy fetish Femdom. but what save this game is at least MC choose the path he want to follow, but his BETA TYPE personality is wanting to be desired.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    I don't believe the dialogue & plot of this VN were written by an adult.

    From the nonsensical plot, infantile inner monologues, to the cringe inducing attempts at comedy this game takes the proverbial cake.

    It goes like this:
    In the future, all males are dead 'because virus'. You have been transported into this future to pose as a robot prostitute. Blah blah tween school drama.
    Oh and feminism is a global conspiracy akin to the Elders of Zion.

    The writer uses the Destiny "I could tell you" tactic on occasion to handwave plot holes away. for comedic effect maybe?

    Characters are tired one-dimensional anime clichés.

    I could go on... but I WONT :)

    There's an interesting take on the visuals however, which is the only positive I can think of. It looks like a 3D engine but uses a hand drawn filter. It's a fresh take. There's also animations.

    Pass on it if you care even a little bit about the "Novel" part of a VN.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Actually engaging world building and story in my adult game?! Sign me up for more.

    I usually just start skipping to the sex when I start getting bored but this actually had me sad when it ended. Wish it had more h scenes though.
    Likes: LC123
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Doctor Fluffypants

    This is a great game that has nice potential and the roadmap is really thrilling as well (saw it from devs patreon) anyway...
    -Adorable/beautiful characters and the enjoyable storytelling.I dont have a favourite yet but i had fun when playing the ch2.0 version
    -Having choices and seeing them matter is a big plus always as well so yeah
    -Animated scenes were great hopefully there will be more in the future :)
    -Music goes nicely with the story and the art goes smoothly with the animations
    -Lack amount of choices and lack amount of fetishes but it's understandable because its in ch 2.0 yet
    Keep up the good work dev i'm looking forward to this one !
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Animations 5/5
    Story 3.5/5 For now.
    Characters 5/5
    Gameplay 2/5 For now. Mostly just reading

    It's very early in this game's development, so time will tell. So far the game has a lot of good points, with the lack of choices being the one bad point. The story is good enough but not quite a 4, hence the 3.5 stars. The characters are well developed and have varying personalities. I love the fendom and think that it's very well balanced for the game.

    What really got my attention, however, was the assjob animation, which is my all time favorite kink that is both rarely used, and even more rarely, done to the point of ejaculation. The animations are very smooth and have no crazy camera movements, great work. I'm pointing the camera movements out, because there's been a bit of a trend towards it with animations lately, and I've now started avoiding games using such a setup.

    Worth a playthrough. Would wait for more development and content.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Beyond the far fetched premise I have to say this isn't really a game. A game would allow the player to make choices, play puzzles, do something besides read the idiotic plot. In the 1.5 release the player makes one choice only. I understand that the whole story revolves around the player being a slave to all females that he comes into contact with, however the developer doesn't even try to allow the player a chance to rebel against the control of the moron who kidnapped him.

    Seriously, you are able to create time travel and, instead of trying to profit off that invention, you try to profit off the enslaved human you kidnapped and are passing off as an android. Even though you make androids for a living it is too hard to make them so you time kidnap an orphan to rent out to people.

    Pros: the art is fine

    Cons: everything else, the game is just one person's enslavement fantasy.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    This little game (may it continue and flourish!) succeeds right from the start at being both very sexy from a female-in-charge perspective, and also incredibily funny. Femdom games often have a somewhat dark allure, since there is something quite arousing about evil, especially in female form. But this game succeeds in showing that the opposite also works: with the first female character already being an adorable mixture of ditzy/dorky scientist with very assertive and aggressive sexual behavior towards males, it made me laugh uproariously and feel quite close to both her and MC -- and that's only the first ten minutes! The art style adds to the adorkable aura of the characters, as if this was a femdom version of the Big Bang Theory, and guarantees that this is a game whose development I will be following in the foreseeable future.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely the most promising game that I have played so far.
    There is a good strong content (femdom) and I personally LOVE it. I would have pushed even more the boundaries.
    It is not an ignorant all-sex game, you need to read the story and understand.
    The overall quality of the game is very good, especially the art.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved this adult novel. Story is rare, but for people whos like rape and femdom, its perfect. The arts is amazing, I was shocked when I saw all of them naked, really nice work. Sometimes the dialogues are well made, sometimes boring, I think later It will be better. For me it was annoying I had to click after the first sentence for got the second sentence.

    Thats all, Im gonna waiting for the next update, hope you will involve more femdom, more rape, maybe some futas in the game. :D If not, Its fine. Just stay on this road and your game will be really popular!
    Well done!