My opinion on the game / demo:
I like the fact that the premise is something else than a creepy young guy with a MILF mom and two sisters. Basically the game is inverting the standard incest trope family.
I like the MC, she's a very sweet and nice person. She has a pretty face (although it has been used in some games already), her body is nice too although the tits are too big for my liking. It does fit the story though so that's probably more important than my opinion.
I REALLY like the fact that the Dev wants a Pure path. I do REALLY hope that the dev keeps that up and not force something upon us at a later stage. Seeing that this takes place in LA, I would recommend Angel to attend a couple of self defense classes and/or get a concealed carry license... Preferably both, I like women who can take care of themselves.
Personally I would also like a lesbian path ot at least some lesbian side interests on the naive or experimenting paths.
It's basically a demo, so I understand that there is not yet a lot of story. What's there is quite good so far. It will be interesting to see how it progresses and how your choices work out in the end.
Just to understand the game mechanic: during dinner, the brothers are staring at the MC's boobs. The Pure path choice is to get upset, but I think that in reality this would also cause a hit to the relationship points, quite a big hit possibly. So I went with the Naive choice (ignore) instead. Is this how it works? Or is that only a path choice and not an affection choice?
Regarding the last scene with the stepmom, I did find that a bit forced upon the player to be honest. I understand the stepmom is not the MC and that we cannot control her actions. But personally neither me (as player) or the Pure MC would approve of her actions. Maybe it would be better not to show the scene but have it take place outside the view of the MC. The MC could then somehow find out and then persuade stepmom not to do it (hopefully before it's too late) on the pure path or join in on the experimenting path.
Finally, regarding the renders, yes it's pretty bad. It won't stop me from playing or enjoying the game though! The only thing is that because of the graphics, dad comes off as more of a creep than he is based on the dialogue. This is a problem if you want to pursue that relationship. The younger brother is also creepy as fuck but was intended like that. The older brother is ok in my opinion.
If I were to rate it at this point (which I won't because I want to see how it progresses first): either 3 or 4 out of 5, but I'm leaning to 4. To get to 4, the story has to remain consistent with the intro: three paths, no forced shit. To get to 5, the renders do need to improve,