4.70 star(s) 7 Votes


Forum Fanatic
Dec 9, 2018
Thank you for your feedback. I was a little bit worried that the new premise would "feel flat". I may just have to make a 180 degree turn on this and just remove the "friendly scenes" when going down the defiant path. The problem always was the tone not being consistent, and the current version 0.11.0 tries to align the tone towards a common storyline regardless if you go down defiant or submissive path.

As for when you kill Don, good to know that it feels dull and weird. I would probably fix that my just adding a bit more inner dialogue and another choice in the end where you deliberately kill him for hurting you.
I played this once before a while back, but just played through the rewrite of the defiant path (skimming some sections). The changed premise didn't do much for me beyond giving Don a flimsy excuse to indulge his worst impulses; rather than just an arsehole rapist he became a hypocritical arsehole rapist, pretending against all reason to be doing it for the MC's good.

As you point out youself, the main challenge for the number of paths in the game is tonal inconsistency, and that definitely reared its head more than a few times, with the MC suddenly acting affectionate towards or initiating sex with or only having the choice between "respecting" and "tolerating" Don (and not, say, loathing and despising him). But of course there are limits to how many variations you can reasonably include in one game without it getting out of hand. And the people who play non-defiant paths deserve a solid, consistent and coherent experience as well.

The added option for killing Don was definitely appreciated.


Aug 31, 2016
1)" chose to believe that MC didn't even know what sex mean at the beginning of the game and has no special feelings against it." I mean if thats the case Don is even "more" evil as he is basically doing, mentally speaking, tantamaount to child sexual abuse? We would not say that a child abuser isnt "evil" or that the child isnt "abused"/"hurt" simply becouse "he/she doesnt know what sex is yet"
2)Don is evil regardless of society's attitude towards androids. If a society is evil overall it doesnt make its members non evil, they are still evil. Maybe they are less personally guilty for having become evil, as it was more something they learned by society, but the fact that they are evil doesnt change
1) MC's lack of knowledge has nothing to do with evil, but it is possible that MC cannot tell how she was treated was acceptable.

2) lets say there exist a world where dogs are treated equally as human, people taking their dogs for sterilization would be as "evil" as sterilizing their own human children to prevent STD, aggressive behavior and cancer developing in related organs. But most people in our world believes that it is "good" to sterilize their dogs.

In our history slavery was considered normal and noone at that time would consider slave owners evil how they treat their slaves. But in our standard it is definitely evil to treat someone with such unequal manner.

Good and evil has never been a fixed line and has always been changing as we evolve. I'm not saying Don isn't evil, because he definitely is in our standard. But he might not even know about that and his actions might have even been "good" (compared to others in his world) from his knowledge. I believe showing the "good" side of Don makes his character more complex and is beneficial to the story.

That being said, I still cant find time to sit and play the latest version. I'm not sure if the story has changed and whether Don behaves differently in the new version
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Game Developer
Mar 30, 2023
2) The scene when she kills DOn becouse of his abuse is even more weak. Its all in a blur and very short, with no dialogue nor confrontation at all.
Regarding this: there are two situations where you can kill Don. In the kitchen you can choose not to take a risk by confronting him. This is that case you're talking about, right?

The other instance is if you choose to hide the knife and talk to him. You can play along for a moment, then kill him. Or you can confront him about it all. The discussion is rather heated and goes on for a while, so if you missed it I recommend giving it a read.

However, once you confront him, he is not going to be caught off-guard. You've lost the element of surprise, and there is no way you can get the upper hand anymore.
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Game Developer
Mar 30, 2023
Version 0.14.0 is now available, with 35 new images! No story changes this time.

Synthetic Rush has now started working on Sequence 4, which already has roughly 15% of the art done.

Changelog for v0.14.0:

PS: If you like the writing in Animus Non Grata, then you might like my other games! Especially Jessica's Plight, which recently got a massive remake (better image quality) and an expansion (15 000 words longer, 2 new chapters). You can check out the game here on f95zone (free copy) or directly on my itch.io page (paid copy). Links:
F95Zone: https://f95zone.to/threads/jessicas-plight-v3-0-1-flimsylegs.154443/
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4.70 star(s) 7 Votes