First off: it's not a bad game 3 stars is 60% that is a pass.
I actually liked the Female MC, the Male MC was also nice, but ulitimately I felt the story went nowhere.
Yes it was a nice tease, but if it were meant as just a tease, it failed since
If it were a meant to be a realistic tease, then it should have stopped before that point. If it were meant as a porn tease, well it stopped far short of a satisfying ending.
A good realistic tease is much more subtle then this short story, but a porn type tease should have amuch more satisfactory ending IMO.
So I was left feeling disappointed after playing the game. It feels as if this game tried to cater for realism, but with also some porn cliche' like loosing her panty when falling into the water. Trying to go for both did not really do it for me. Rather go full on realistic (much more subtle) or go full out on porn clichés where they end up banging like rabbits.
I liked the MC male and females.
Character models were good.
Redering for me were average mostly.
Premise was good, but ended up dissapoining for me.