Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
The timelines for the original short novels are defs screwy especially with the mix ups of school, college and university with the uniforms and the look of characters in play.
IMHO it feels like the time lines based from the story plots:
Hard Exam (Last Year of School) Anna 18 {The exam is important for her to get the scholarship to Uni/College}
Hard Exam 2 (Last Year of School contd.)
Christmas Gift (2nd/3rd yr Uni / College) {To keep the scholarship}
Old Church (Last yr Uni / College) {Willing to get naughty due to the above experiences/interactions already}
Hard Exam occurs in college. It mentions in the plot that she's in college ( you can't get any clearer than that). In the USA, to retain a scholarship, you have to keep passing exams, all the way through college. It's not just one exam in High School, and it lasts for the whole 3-4 years, you have to maintain a very high standard throughout college to qualify for one. And if you drop below that standard, you lose it. Which is why Anna is so focussed on studying in the short novels.

Anna's First Time, which occurs prior to Hard Exam ( for obvious reasons) is set during Summer Recess. It states clearly she's already turned 18 ( well it actually says she's of legal age, but because some US states define that as 18, we can assume that's what the Dev means). That means she must have finished High School, because if she was going into her final year in High School, she could only be 17 during Summer Recess. Because the earliest you can turn 18, and be a High School Senior, is during September. The only way Anna could be 18 during Summer Recess, and about to enter her final year in High School, would be if she'd failed, and been held back a year. That obviously is not the case with Anna, because she wouldn't have a scholarship.

Also, at the very start of Chapter 1, it states that Anna and Andrew met in college ( not in High School ). So if Hard Exam was set during High School, how could she know Andrew? Also in Hard Exam 2, it states that Andrew is a Senior and Anna is a year lower than him. If they were in High School, then Hard Exam couldn't be set during Anna's Senior Year. Which would mean that Anna wouldn't be of legal age in Anna's First Time. The only way any of it makes sense, is if Hard Exam is set in College.

The thing that really confuses people, is Anna wearing a uniform. Because that doesn't happen at college. There is literally nowhere in the world, that makes college students wear uniforms. I've no idea why Deep decided to have Anna and her fellow college students wear uniforms, unless it was for the fetish value? Logically, it doesn't make any sense. But everything else points to all the short novels from Hard Exam onwards being set in college.
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Engaged Member
Aug 12, 2022
So essentially, the first is the route they split up, the second is where she carries on cheating, and the third is the faithful route. So which one of those do you think, most aligns with Chapter 1?
the one where she is NTRing Andrew with Ashley and so on
She is with Andrew in all the chapters 1 and 2 and all shirt novels... the dumb novel in the op does not count bc is senseless

Ok I will post pics from the great chapter 1 to you... and just for be clear-- there is ONLY ONE PATH for me in all Anna games:

1) Anna stay with Andrew and she follows all the choice to make him as maximum cuckold is possible :love:
Sometime I would have been the most whore and careerist in the whole world because the power of having all the balls of men in my hands to get power and privilege would be inrresistible to me:devilish: especially living in a big Russian city;)
2) always mac corruption point for my Anne in CH1

For example at the Parker bar... click to expand to see the choices i selet for Anna
As you can see she is worrued about her beloved boyfriend with a small dick... but it is not important for Anne her goal is make him maximum cickold as possible:devilish:

Andrew is telling her that he got a job from Sergey
Click to expand
She immediately thinks she was wrong to ask Sergey to hire him...but he day after at the beach
but the day after at the beach she can't resist to Michael BBC
Than Sergey
And she goes with Sergay in his car in a very well written cuckold romance

in the Evening she is with Andrew but Alfred rings to the door and Anne invites him to the dinner:devilish: Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 18.16.26.jpg Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 18.18.36.jpg :devilish:
Anna gets mad at her boyfriend and fucks old alfred without a condom..but they wlll be together
I don't think I can upload pictures yet so I can guarantee you that in the mo path apart from a few rifts at the end Anna continues to stay engaged to Andrew until the last scene

Anna also gives the masseur Chris a blowjob while her boyfriend falls asleep in the massage table next to her
this is last pic for now... but it is CLASSIC NTR SCENE Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 18.27.26.jpg

Absolutely amazing storyline in CH1.. everything has a lot of sense and choice matters!

In CH2 Andrew is Anna boyfriend! I already explain the path that has sense as story progression in some post ago!
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Engaged Member
Aug 12, 2022
the fact is that Anna is used to taking care of her boyfriend Andrew she has sex with all men precisely because she wants him cuckolded and she likes to lovingly take care of her boyfriend's cuckolded ... I really cede that if Andrew was not there she would not feel any pleasure in fucking all the big cocks she fucks

I have noticed that Anna is able to fuck 4 or more times in the same day with always different men and a few rare times she even fucks Andrew or at least she thinks that the one fucking her is Andrew:devilish:

Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
the one where she is NTRing Andrew with Ashley and so on
She is with Andrew in all the chapters 1 and 2 and all shirt novels... the dumb novel in the op does not count bc is senseless

Ok I will post pics from the great chapter 1 to you... and just for be clear-- there is ONLY ONE PATH for me in all Anna games:

1) Anna stay with Andrew and she follows all the choice to make him as maximum cuckold is possible :love:
Sometime I would have been the most whore and careerist in the whole world because the power of having all the balls of men in my hands to get power and privilege would be inrresistible to me:devilish: especially living in a big Russian city;)
2) always mac corruption point for my Anne in CH1

For example at the Parker bar... click to expand to see the choices i selet for Anna

As you can see she is worrued about her beloved boyfriend with a small dick... but it is not important for Anne her goal is make him maximum cickold as possible:devilish:

Andrew is telling her that he got a job from Sergey
Click to expand

She immediately thinks she was wrong to ask Sergey to hire him...but he day after at the beach
but the day after at the beach she can't resist to Michael BBC
Than Sergey
And she goes with Sergay in his car in a very well written cuckold romance

in the Evening she is with Andrew but Alfred rings to the door and Anne invites him to the dinner:devilish: View attachment 3723697 View attachment 3723705 :devilish:
Anna gets mad at her boyfriend and fucks old alfred without a condom..but they wlll be together
I don't think I can upload pictures yet so I can guarantee you that in the mo path apart from a few rifts at the end Anna continues to stay engaged to Andrew until the last scene

Anna also gives the masseur Chris a blowjob while her boyfriend falls asleep in the massage table next to her
this is last pic for now... but it is CLASSIC NTR SCENE View attachment 3723735

Absolutely amazing storyline in CH1.. everything has a lot of sense and choice matters!

In CH2 Andrew is Anna boyfriend! I already explain the path that has sense as story progression in some post ago!
I know what path you want to take in the game. I'm just pointing out that the choice you've said you made, is not going to get you there. But if you want to carry on down the wrong path, then that's entirely up to you. I know which choice I'll be making to have Anna carry on cheating on Andrew, and it's not the third one.

Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
the fact is that Anna is used to taking care of her boyfriend Andrew she has sex with all men precisely because she wants him cuckolded and she likes to lovingly take care of her boyfriend's cuckolded ... I really cede that if Andrew was not there she would not feel any pleasure in fucking all the big cocks she fucks

I have noticed that Anna is able to fuck 4 or more times in the same day with always different men and a few rare times she even fucks Andrew or at least she thinks that the one fucking her is Andrew:devilish:
The reason Anna is fucking everybody, has nothing to do with Andrew. It's because she suffered a head injury, when she was hit by a car, early in Chapter 1. This has caused a chemical inbalance in her brain, which has significantly increased her libido, as well as reducing her inhibitions, which means she's effectively horny all the time and has very low resistance to temptation. Anna's desire to have fun at Andrew's expense, is not the symptom, but merely the consequence of her medical condition caused by the blunt force trauma of her car accident. If Andrew wasn't there, she'd still be just as horny and uninhibited, and just as liable to fuck around. He just happens to be her boyfriend, and thus the person she ends up cheating on. It could just as easily be another guy or nobody.


Aug 28, 2023
With or without Andrew - Anna is who she is now, i'm not flaming or disagree with anyone else - but Andrew has been a tool for a long while, he cant satisfy Anna (and is even dilusional to think he is, and there has been plenty of hints) plus no one is going to accept he threw her own sister, Rebecca under the bus, for Anna's sake - utter bullshit and he knows she doesn't like him, so better to get her out of the way. There was even a referance to that, after Andrew and Anna fought at the biker bar over what he did to Rebecca, he makes some filpant comment like "she hated me all along" (**not a quote just something i remember from back then in the story). Anna does have lingering love from her time he saved her, from her father - but that can't ssustain a relationship.

She has moved on and so should he - he might wake up to the absentmindedness and narcissistic tendencies he has. I hated him having a comeback at all and chose whatever option it was to end it with him. She was working 2 - 3 jobs, got hit by a car, then his so called friend blackmailed her into a compromising situation and he's off drinking and gambling with Ashley... claiming he's trying... trying is an excuse to be failing and happy to not push through or over the hurdles. strike 3 you're out of there.

That car accident also contributed to Anna's physiological and psychological change in her sexual arousal and behaviour. they've grown apart, recognise and move on.

Well thats my tke on the story - and each to their own.

Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
With or without Andrew - Anna is who she is now, i'm not flaming or disagree with anyone else - but Andrew has been a tool for a long while, he cant satisfy Anna (and is even dilusional to think he is, and there has been plenty of hints) plus no one is going to accept he threw her own sister, Rebecca under the bus, for Anna's sake - utter bullshit and he knows she doesn't like him, so better to get her out of the way. There was even a referance to that, after Andrew and Anna fought at the biker bar over what he did to Rebecca, he makes some filpant comment like "she hated me all along" (**not a quote just something i remember from back then in the story). Anna does have lingering love from her time he saved her, from her father - but that can't ssustain a relationship.

She has moved on and so should he - he might wake up to the absentmindedness and narcissistic tendencies he has. I hated him having a comeback at all and chose whatever option it was to end it with him. She was working 2 - 3 jobs, got hit by a car, then his so called friend blackmailed her into a compromising situation and he's off drinking and gambling with Ashley... claiming he's trying... trying is an excuse to be failing and happy to not push through or over the hurdles. strike 3 you're out of there.

That car accident also contributed to Anna's physiological and psychological change in her sexual arousal and behaviour. they've grown apart, recognise and move on.

Well thats my tke on the story - and each to their own.
Actually, we now know, that it was Carl who was behind Rebecca's Kidnapping. Everyone was supposed to believe Andrew threw Rebecca under the bus, because Carl set him up to take the fall. If he was guilty of anything, it was being weak and gullible enough to believe Fitzgerald's threats that Anna's life was in danger. The only reason for Andrew being there, was so nobody would suspect that another member of the gang was in cahoots with Fitzgerald.

The plan was to draw Sergey into the open, kill him and then have Carl take over the gang. But what Carl didn't anticipate was Anna getting involved and being in the hotel, when the shootout happened. Fitzgerald's henchman was going to kill Sergey, but Andrew got in the way, because he was worried about Anna, and he got shot instead. And then Sergey killed the henchman. So Andrew unintentionally foiled Carl's plot.

As far as Anna's relationship with Andrew is concerned, we've already made the choice whether they stay together or not. Several updates ago, Anna was given three choices. To either leave Andrew eventually, stay with him but keep on cheating, or stay with him and return to the faithful relationship they had at the start of the game. The Devs have already stated, that Andrew will change to some extent in the future, if you choose for Anna to stay with him. I'm guessing you made the first choice, and on that route Anna will eventually dump him, and we'll get the alternative endings with various other characters, and probably one where she remains single.


Aug 28, 2023
Actually, we now know, that it was Carl who was behind Rebecca's Kidnapping. Everyone was supposed to believe Andrew threw Rebecca under the bus, because Carl set him up to take the fall. If he was guilty of anything, it was being weak and gullible enough to believe Fitzgerald's threats that Anna's life was in danger. The only reason for Andrew being there, was so nobody would suspect that another member of the gang was in cahoots with Fitzgerald.

The plan was to draw Sergey into the open, kill him and then have Carl take over the gang. But what Carl didn't anticipate was Anna getting involved and being in the hotel, when the shootout happened. Fitzgerald's henchman was going to kill Sergey, but Andrew got in the way, because he was worried about Anna, and he got shot instead. And then Sergey killed the henchman. So Andrew unintentionally foiled Carl's plot.

As far as Anna's relationship with Andrew is concerned, we've already made the choice whether they stay together or not. Several updates ago, Anna was given three choices. To either leave Andrew eventually, stay with him but keep on cheating, or stay with him and return to the faithful relationship they had at the start of the game. The Devs have already stated, that Andrew will change to some extent in the future, if you choose for Anna to stay with him. I'm guessing you made the first choice, and on that route Anna will eventually dump him, and we'll get the alternative endings with various other characters, and probably one where she remains single.

Correct, we know Carl was behind all the backend / under the table deals, but from what i remember of the game, it was Andrew who was in the car with the brothers and pointed her out, and he mumbled that he had to sacrifice Rebecca to save Anna ("I had no choice"). and Anna also when Anna was chatting with Rebecca & Micheal, they all agreed he should have come to them before deciding to act.


Active Member
Jun 11, 2018
Is there a way to remove the controls during sex scenes? it was already removed before, the devs should never put it back. imo

Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
Correct, we know Carl was behind all the backend / under the table deals, but from what i remember of the game, it was Andrew who was in the car with the brothers and pointed her out, and he mumbled that he had to sacrifice Rebecca to save Anna ("I had no choice"). and Anna also when Anna was chatting with Rebecca & Micheal, they all agreed he should have come to them before deciding to act.
Yes, because Fitzgerald had told him that something bad would happen to Anna if he didn't. Where Anna is concerned, Andrew doesn't think rationally. He wants to protect her, even if he's actually incapable of doing it. If someone, who you knew was a ruthless criminal, threatened to kill your girlfriend or your wife or your mother or your daughter, would you be so blase about it? Andrew did what he thought was the best thing to protect his girlfriend, and maybe it wasn't, and maybe he wasn't thinking about Rebecca, but in circumstances like that people don't always act logically? If someone gave you a choice between saving your wife or girlfriend, or saving her sister who you didn't get on with very well, who would you choose?

We can all sit on the sidelines and criticise Andrew for making a poor choice. But if we were in the same situation and one of our loved ones was being threatened? Could we all truthfully say, we'd have all sat down first and had a good think about it calmly, and considered all the possible options, before making the most rational choice? Most people are not like that, they panic, they act in the heat of the moment and they make stupid decisions. Anna obviously didn't, but could we say the same thing about Rebecca? As soon as she realised Carl was out of the picture for good, she started to panic, wondering where the money was going to come from, now she could no longer rely on him. If she was faced with a similar situation, do you honestly believe she wouldn't have sacrificed Andrew, to save Anna? No, she would have done exactly the same thing he did.


Aug 28, 2023
Yes, because Fitzgerald had told him that something bad would happen to Anna if he didn't. Where Anna is concerned, Andrew doesn't think rationally. He wants to protect her, even if he's actually incapable of doing it. If someone, who you knew was a ruthless criminal, threatened to kill your girlfriend or your wife or your mother or your daughter, would you be so blase about it? Andrew did what he thought was the best thing to protect his girlfriend, and maybe it wasn't, and maybe he wasn't thinking about Rebecca, but in circumstances like that people don't always act logically? If someone gave you a choice between saving your wife or girlfriend, or saving her sister who you didn't get on with very well, who would you choose?

We can all sit on the sidelines and criticise Andrew for making a poor choice. But if we were in the same situation and one of our loved ones was being threatened? Could we all truthfully say, we'd have all sat down first and had a good think about it calmly, and considered all the possible options, before making the most rational choice? Most people are not like that, they panic, they act in the heat of the moment and they make stupid decisions. Anna obviously didn't, but could we say the same thing about Rebecca? As soon as she realised Carl was out of the picture for good, she started to panic, wondering where the money was going to come from, now she could no longer rely on him. If she was faced with a similar situation, do you honestly believe she wouldn't have sacrificed Andrew, to save Anna? No, she would have done exactly the same thing he did.
It is a game/fiction, but you can put yourselves in that mental scenario, I just personally think that the way his character is very narcissistic - and whether, we would ourselves or Anna put partners familly in harms way to save the partner, there is no way in hell they will ever forgive you for it, especially if they get hurt. Another thing is when she was chatting with Rebecca, Anna said herself that he should have gone to someone- he may have felt he had no option but it still shows how he doesn't value her family the way he does about her.

Even when it comes to sex, yes he's below average in size, he doesn't actively engage to see how she feels or is satisfied - instead rolls over goes to sleep and ignores her lack of orgasm - he's always boasting how he can satisfy Anna when he hardly ever does. He changes made plans with Anna to go drinking gambling with Ashley (he's one of the most narcissistic characters in this VN and was probably blackmailing Andrew as well) but that is beside the point, Andrew only thinks of himself before others.

And back to the biker bar, so Anna knows he had a hand in her kidnapping and tries to get him to talk about it and work a way of getting her back, and he's too upset because "he's not listened to!!" He had the perfect opportunity to tell her why and apologise, instead he doubles down and tells her she doesn't know anything and to let him handle it.


Engaged Member
Aug 12, 2022
The reason Anna is fucking everybody, has nothing to do with Andrew. It's because she suffered a head injury, when she was hit by a car, early in Chapter 1. This has caused a chemical inbalance in her brain, which has significantly increased her libido, as well as reducing her inhibitions, which means she's effectively horny all the time and has very low resistance to temptation. Anna's desire to have fun at Andrew's expense, is not the symptom, but merely the consequence of her medical condition caused by the blunt force trauma of her car accident. If Andrew wasn't there, she'd still be just as horny and uninhibited, and just as liable to fuck around. He just happens to be her boyfriend, and thus the person she ends up cheating on. It could just as easily be another guy or nobody.
Luckily, every time I open the F95 site, I put a hot cup of coffee on my desk...:coffee:
soooo how to replay you this time :coffee: slurp (this is the sound of me when sipping coffee:p sshshssluuuuurp and xo-xo

yeah... here we are!

I know that you like me so much...
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even you are make me work too much... I will give you my point of view
Anna was happy to be fucked by a stranger in OLD Church and with Hard Exam part1 ...maybe Anna get another Maybe Anna had another car accident with head trauma even when she was in college? Anna learned at the college how to get advantages by getting fucked by old and important men and despite without having had any head injury..

And was the beautifull Sophia her teacher about this
Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 15.10.02.jpg
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Sophia is stunning with her perfect slender body
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And I stop here.. i really suggest to download Hard Exam part 1 and 2 that was 3 years ago.
The reason Anna is fucking everybody, has nothing to do with Andrew. It's because she suffered a head injury, when she was hit by a car, early in Chapter 1. This has caused a chemical inbalance in her brain, which has significantly increased her libido, as well as reducing her inhibitions, which means she's effectively horny all the time and has very low resistance to temptation. Anna's desire to have fun at Andrew's expense, is not the symptom, but merely the consequence of her medical condition caused by the blunt force trauma of her car accident.
the reason Anna is fucking everyone... is :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:Ohh, COME ON BABY! you really believe this wacky explanation:ROFLMAO:
So why she remember everything??
a head injury can cause amnesia or paralysis the most severe cause death or stay in a wheelchair forever but it can't change personality and in all the prequels??? Anna fucks anyone without having had any head injury
She learned it at the college how to get advantages by getting fucked by old and important men and despite the trauma she certainly hasn't forgotten it until today

the Anna little accident in the street with BRIAN (Emily friend)... I think this is the only scene with Brian.. Why Brian disappers from the game?:unsure: He would be a great cuck for the beautiful Emily in the chapter 2:love:

So Zara from my point a view the reason you claimed is SENSELESS and you are wrong!
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Do you know why the doctor SCHMIDT makes it a point to talk to her privately a he wants to see her again to “look into” the possible consequences of the head injury?
Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 15.53.58.jpg
I would like to point out that Anna is accompanied byBrian to the hospital and he falls asleep in the same room but if it was Andrew for sure the doctor would have ass-fucked Anna
Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 15.54.27.jpg Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 15.54.42.jpg Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 15.55.02.jpg Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 15.55.34.jpg Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 15.55.49.jpg Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 15.56.01.jpg Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 16.08.51.jpg Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 16.08.06.jpg Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 16.15.39.jpg
infact her friend is BRIAN so Dr schmidt cannot fucke Anna ass this time...
Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 16.18.13.jpg Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 16.18.32.jpg
we know that if instead of Brian there was Andrew at the hospital her official boyfriend will continue to sleep and in the meantime Dr. Schmidt would fuck Anna's ass while her boyfriend slept next to her bed

If Andrew wasn't there, she'd still be just as horny and uninhibited, and just as liable to fuck around. He just happens to be her boyfriend, and thus the person she ends up cheating on.
yes you are right
Andrew is the official Anna boyfriend and Anna loves to fuck other men when he is slepping in the same room since the OLD CHURCH short novel... that's just the real reason why... Anna since the Halloween day n the old Church precisely because she discovered that it would be fun and exciting to have him as her fiancé
and that is what made her become uninhibited and always ready to open her holes to gain business and economic advantages with old guys...
she learned this at the college thanks to the splendid Sophia that I hope she will back in the main game

It could just as easily be another guy or nobody.
I always have to be the one to explain the story right Zara?
Wrong Again Anna chose Andrew precisely because he is the only one who falls asleep while other men fuck her...and that is precisely why Andrew is the one and only perfect boyfriend to make Anna successful...and when Andrew finds out how Anna has managed in a short time to become the most important woman in the big city he too will finally realize how lucky he was to have been chosen as Anna's only boyfriend

Anna needs an official boyfriend to prevent some obscurantist, bigoted male from putting her in chains and preventing her from achieving her power goals ... she will win ... she will be the commander ... she will be a porn star without pimps ... she will become rich and powerful
in This Way Anna can freely fuck even the most possessive males and no one will ask her to marry she will be free to take possession of herself.

Without Andrew she will be with nobody becoming just a selfish fat whore in a big city

Andrew's choice demonstrates Anna's extremely rare intelligence....

A real woman needs a cuckold that sleep in the same room when she fucks other men to have success in her life

this is the bottom line of this story.

Have fun!


Engaged Member
Aug 12, 2022
I know what path you want to take in the game. I'm just pointing out that the choice you've said you made, is not going to get you there. But if you want to carry on down the wrong path, then that's entirely up to you. I know which choice I'll be making to have Anna carry on cheating on Andrew, and it's not the third one.
you are playing a path that as no sense with the great Chapter 1
Anna is much more smarter than you... bc you will be caged by someone or you will never be the boss of yourself like Anne is in my path and she deserve to be.
She will only get all this by being with Andrew, her beloved cuckolded boyfriend who sleeps in the same room while someone fucks Anna next to him! :cool:! :cool:
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Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
It is a game/fiction, but you can put yourselves in that mental scenario, I just personally think that the way his character is very narcissistic - and whether, we would ourselves or Anna put partners familly in harms way to save the partner, there is no way in hell they will ever forgive you for it, especially if they get hurt. Another thing is when she was chatting with Rebecca, Anna said herself that he should have gone to someone- he may have felt he had no option but it still shows how he doesn't value her family the way he does about her.

Even when it comes to sex, yes he's below average in size, he doesn't actively engage to see how she feels or is satisfied - instead rolls over goes to sleep and ignores her lack of orgasm - he's always boasting how he can satisfy Anna when he hardly ever does. He changes made plans with Anna to go drinking gambling with Ashley (he's one of the most narcissistic characters in this VN and was probably blackmailing Andrew as well) but that is beside the point, Andrew only thinks of himself before others.

And back to the biker bar, so Anna knows he had a hand in her kidnapping and tries to get him to talk about it and work a way of getting her back, and he's too upset because "he's not listened to!!" He had the perfect opportunity to tell her why and apologise, instead he doubles down and tells her she doesn't know anything and to let him handle it.
Andrew is an idiot and immature, but that doesn't make him the bad person that some people paint him as. I think he really loves Anna, but they just aren't very suited. Anna herself, is a very different kettle of fish. She's a person who never panics, who's always cool in stressful situations. But that isn't normal, most people are not like that. So yes of course, Anna would say that Andrew should have acted differently, because that's what she would have done. But even though she says these things, she's still prepared to give Andrew the benefit of the doubt, and hear his side of the story before making a potentially rash decision, which is what Rebecca is advising her to do. And I think that's Deep saying, well we've only heard one side of the story, and although I've made you all think that Andrew is a nasty piece of work, maybe I haven't told you everything yet? And of course he hadn't, because Andrew wasn't the villain, it was Carl all along.

Rebecca was always going to be sacrificed. Carl told Fitzgerald exactly how to manipulate Andrew, to make him believe he was giving up Rebecca, to save Anna. But the reality was, that it was Carl who gave up Rebecca. Andrew's role was to take the heat, after Sergey was disposed of, and Carl was the new leader of the gang. And with Andrew totally discredited in Anna's eyes, Carl could then seduce her and make her his second girlfriend. Is Andrew gullible, yes of course he is. He may have made the wrong decisions, but he made them for the right reasons. That might make him stupid, but it doesn't make him bad.

Yes, Andrew mistakenly believes he can satisfy Anna, when he can't. But you need to bear in mind that Anna has changed a lot, in very short space of time. It's not been like years, it's only been a few weeks. And before that Anna was quite happy with their sex life. All these things that she now feels are lacking between her and Andrew, didn't exist a couple of weeks ago. So Andrew hasn't picked up on this yet, but bearing in mind he's not the most observant person in the world, perhaps that's understandable. And remember Anna has not enlightened him, of the changes that are taking place with her, so really it's partly her fault that he thinks he can still sexually satisfy her. So it may seem to us, who know exactly how Anna is feeling about everything, that Andrew's boasts are hilariously lame. But from his perspective, nothing has changed, from when they weren't hilariously lame. He's not aware how much Anna has changed. He still thinks she's virtually the same pure girl who started this game, who he's destined to marry.


Aug 28, 2023
Andrew is an idiot and immature, but that doesn't make him the bad person that some people paint him as. I think he really loves Anna, but they just aren't very suited. Anna herself, is a very different kettle of fish. She's a person who never panics, who's always cool in stressful situations. But that isn't normal, most people are not like that. So yes of course, Anna would say that Andrew should have acted differently, because that's what she would have done. But even though she says these things, she's still prepared to give Andrew the benefit of the doubt, and hear his side of the story before making a potentially rash decision, which is what Rebecca is advising her to do. And I think that's Deep saying, well we've only heard one side of the story, and although I've made you all think that Andrew is a nasty piece of work, maybe I haven't told you everything yet? And of course he hadn't, because Andrew wasn't the villain, it was Carl all along.

Rebecca was always going to be sacrificed. Carl told Fitzgerald exactly how to manipulate Andrew, to make him believe he was giving up Rebecca, to save Anna. But the reality was, that it was Carl who gave up Rebecca. Andrew's role was to take the heat, after Sergey was disposed of, and Carl was the new leader of the gang. And with Andrew totally discredited in Anna's eyes, Carl could then seduce her and make her his second girlfriend. Is Andrew gullible, yes of course he is. He may have made the wrong decisions, but he made them for the right reasons. That might make him stupid, but it doesn't make him bad.

Yes, Andrew mistakenly believes he can satisfy Anna, when he can't. But you need to bear in mind that Anna has changed a lot, in very short space of time. It's not been like years, it's only been a few weeks. And before that Anna was quite happy with their sex life. All these things that she now feels are lacking between her and Andrew, didn't exist a couple of weeks ago. So Andrew hasn't picked up on this yet, but bearing in mind he's not the most observant person in the world, perhaps that's understandable. And remember Anna has not enlightened him, of the changes that are taking place with her, so really it's partly her fault that he thinks he can still sexually satisfy her. So it may seem to us, who know exactly how Anna is feeling about everything, that Andrew's boasts are hilariously lame. But from his perspective, nothing has changed, from when they weren't hilariously lame. He's not aware how much Anna has changed. He still thinks she's virtually the same pure girl who started this game, who he's destined to marry.
They really aren't suited anymore, plus if she ever quit porn for the little man, I'd kill him myself for robbing the world of her talents (story wise!)

Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
you are playing a path that as no sense with the great Chapter 1
Anna is much more smarter than you... bc you will be caged by someone or you will never be the boss of yourself like Anne is in my path and she deserve to be.
She will only get all this by being with Andrew, her beloved cuckolded boyfriend who sleeps in the same room while someone fucks Anna next to him! :cool:! :cool:
Yes, I get what you want. I'm just warning you, that the choice you made, won't lead to that. It leads to her becoming faithful and only having sex with Andrew. But if you want to believe that it will lead to something completely different, be my guest.
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Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
They really aren't suited anymore, plus if she ever quit porn for the little man, I'd kill him myself for robbing the world of her talents (story wise!)
As things stand, I totally agree with you. But apparently, he is going to change on the paths where Anna stays with him. How and to what extent I have no idea, because the Devs have so far been very vague about this.
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