How very convenient for you. You can't produce the evidence, because there is none. You're just inventing it. Say the BS enough times and it becomes true
Now, who's splitting hairs? I've never said there has only been one time, when the Devs have delayed an update significantly, only that it has happened infrequently, and in all cases there has been a valid reason. You on the other hand talk about a 'pattern' of delays, which is effectively claiming every single update or at least most updates are significantly delayed. This is patently false, and you have absolutely no evidence for such a claim. Hence your lame excuse for not producing it. Because if you know it exists, how come you don't know where it is? If you're so convinced, it should be easy to find, because after all there is a 'pattern'. And if that's the case, you shouldn't have to go too far back to produce it.
I'm not gonna do that for you. You're the one making this claim, so the onus is on you to prove it. Otherwise, it's just so much BS.