I love this game so a delay doesn't bother me, sure I'm disappointed but atleast Deep keeps people in the loop instead of ignoring it.
Only thing I would say is maybe Deep needs to learn from these things , like if he's needing to push back the date do as other have said and keep the release dates vague, end of may to early june for example, also don't try announce an actual expected timeframe, overestimate the date, so if he thinks it'll take 6 weeks say 8, then if he gets it done as he expected he can release it 2 weeks early and be a legend, or if he falls behind he's got himself a 2 week buffer already.
Then again maybe don't wait to the date of the deadline to announce he needs more time, should be able to predict if he'll need more time a few days beforehand right? why not say so then, that way he can ask his patrons do they want to wait for the full release, or would they like a partial release on deadline day? which if he blocks it out in his head into quarters then releases a 3/4 done version of the game, if that's what those supporting him want that is, and then releases the full version when he's done with it.
Then again maybe his actual patrons don't care, or are more understanding of things, if so no need to change anything then, because if you/we aren't supporting him then why should he do anything to suit you/us, at this point I just cant wait to see what he has in store for us and Anna this time, my only thought is I do hope how he does things is to his benefit and not detriment as I would hate for him to lose patrons, as that could make working on the game less of a priority for him.