It changes something if Michael beats the two guys spying on Anna's changing behind the fence?
I hoped so but no, it seems not.
And about Rebecca and the photographer questline: correct me if I am wrong but it’s just a teaser guys. There is no quest or further content in this update.
What I personally want to say is, that I would not be the harsh or underwhelmed if this update would have been released 4 weeks ago and the next update would have come now or a week later. But for the amount of waiting compared to the older releases it’s really sad content and quality wise.
If this is cause of the new text feature during scenes: it’s cool but not necessary. If that takes so much time and effort let it go.
And about kinda superfluous scenes like with the cashier and his customer: if there will be further content development it would be nice not generally it would be better you focus more on the already introduced characters and develop more story around them. And BTW: we already had two stalking buddies (train scene)