I do wonder how Andrew (if alive/his path) will react to see his girlfriend starring in porn movies (that includes the sneak filming of Anna and Alfred in public WC if the thugs "shares" it online)

Also to see how Sergey will react will be dope if he finds out, just seeing how angry he got when Anna kissed Michael on the cheek was awesome.

I think the thugs may turn up again, when Anna goes to meet Gianna in the Park. When she gave that guy a blowjob outside the Black Cat Brothel, he told Anna that a whore called Gianna was the girlfriend of a guy that Earl may have killed. And that she was a drug addict who hung out in the Park. He advised her to buy drugs for Gianna to get her to speak.
Those thugs work for Carl. And that means they must sell drugs on the street, and although it hasn't been specifically mentioned, what else could they possibly do for him. Remember early in the game when Carl had Anna deliver envelopes to random guys on the street. They must have been payoffs to Pushers who were selling the gang's product. So these guys just hang out in the Park, because that's probably one of the places they sell. And if Anna wants to buy drugs, it's odds on it'll be these guys she'll end up approaching. So I reckon when that happens, they'll show her the recording, and try and blackmail her into having sex with them.
Remember, these guys have already groped her on the metro, when Anna and Andrew went to the restaurant. So they know she has a boyfriend, and they also know where she lives, because they loitering outside her apartment block when she returned from the beach one time. What they don't know of course, is that their boss is her sister's boyfriend. Or that she already knows they recorded her having sex with Alfred, and didn't seem awfully concerned about it.
As you say Anna is already a pornstar, she must know that very soon a lot of people are going to know about that, and that even Andrew will find out about it eventually. So why would she be concerned about some sextape turning up on the internet, when soon everybody will see her being gangbanged in the porn video? So I'm not sure whether any attempted blackmail by these guys is going to work?
As for Andrew, I guess that will depend on whether she decides to carry on with their relationship after she questions him about his role in Rebecca's kidnapping. If she decides to dump him, it's probably not going to bother her that much. She may not tell him, and just let him find out. Because by then, they might not be together anyway. If she decides to stay with him, then I'm sure she'll have to tell him herself, as well as owning up to a lot of the other cheating she's been involved in.
I expect Andrew will be pretty devastated at first, and it will be an enormous shock to him. Especially when he realises how much Anna enjoys having sex with guys who are a lot more dominant than he is, and have much bigger cocks. I imagine initially this will make him feel very insecure.
But if he wants to stay with Anna, then he needs to get over that. I've said before, that any renaissance route for Andrew will probably involve an open relationship, if only because of time constraints, because producing completely different content for that route involving just Anna and Andrew, would either mean very little content on that route compared to others, or devoting an inordinate amount of time on just a single route. Whereas having an open relationship would mean Deep could use content produced for other routes, on that one as well. So on that route Andrew will have to make certain concessions or they'll split up.
As for Sergey, I'm guessing it will make him even more jealous. Before he met Anna, Sergey kept his passions strictly in check. It's how he's managed to be so successful as a criminal, and never get caught. But he's obviously fallen for Anna in a big way, and he's the kind of guy who gets very jealous, of someone else having what he wants. So I suspect that if him and Anna get closer, he'll demand that she stops doing porn. And if she doesn't, well that will be a deal breaker for any future relationship between the two of them