I understand you don't like the direction of the game, but if you think Deepsleep is going to magically change the entire direction of this game, and suddenly transform both Anna and Andrew into completely different characters, you are sadly mistaken. The patrons can only influence a very small part of the game. 95% of it, is and always will be Deepsleep's creation. Anna and Andrew are the way they are, because Deep wanted them to be that way. And nothing you or I, or anybody else for that matter, will ever change that.
Andrew is a pathetic loser because Deepsleep intended for him to be one. His sole purpose in the game, is to be the schmuck that Anna cheats on. It's not just to do with the size of his penis, he's also immature, lazy and an idiot. His only saving grace is that he seems to genuinely love Anna. But that won't be enough to keep Anna with him
Up until the end of Chapter 1, Deep fully intended for Anna to eventually dump Andrew. I mean he set him up to be the loser, didn't he. Since then Awake has joined as the main writer, and he persuaded Deep to eventually create a new route, where Anna gives Andrew another chance. This will be what they are calling the Renaissance Route, and on that route only, Anna and Andrew in particular will both change a lot, giving them the chance to end the game together. So if you're an Andrew supporter, you will eventually get what you want, a happy ending for Anna and Andrew.
Exactly what form that happy ending is going to take though, I have no idea. It's impossible to deny that Anna has changed significantly since the game started, and even if she gets cured of her condition, we're not going to get a full reset of her personality. My guess is, both of them will have to make compromises and Andrew in particular will have to make major changes to his mindset, and accept that Anna is no longer the pure woman that he put on a pedestal.
On all the other routes though, they will continue to drift further apart, and eventually Anna will dump Andrew.