Annoying thing about incest games


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2017
I think the major problem here are the Incest-Patches. Dialogues are written to allow people to insert random crap as relations.


Nov 21, 2018
Incest games are the lowest tier of shitty porn writing because they don't seem self-aware enough to get how fucking ridiculous people sound if they talk this way.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
I think you fix this by plugging in a nickname option for major characters, so it can be "bro", "sis", "mom", etc. or "Johnny boy" for "John", etc. And the player can designate. Extra work, but if you want customized dialogue, one way to go.
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Using unformal nicknames is better, or short brother down to bro, and sister to sis, etc. cousins to cuz.
The problem, from the point of view of the author, is that it's not necessarily natural to shorten "sister" and "brother" in their native language. But I totally agree that, while my children often use "sister" and "brother" while talking together, it's when they are either playful or angry. When they are just talking "naturally", they use their name or nickname.

You normally wouldn't address your parents by their first names, neither aunts and uncles.
Here I think that it's a cultural thing, and that it also depend of the relationship you've with them. I never called my parents by their name, but never used something else that their name when addressing my aunt and uncles ; and my cousins do the same. But we are a family that share deep bounds together, often staying to each others houses during our youth, what probably make this more natural than for people who only see their relatives once in a while.
In the same time, one of my uncle always called his father by his name, while the rest of the family used "father" or "dad" depending of the context ; and he never did it with his mother. He loved him, but there always were some tension between them, what probably lead to this choice from my uncle ; some kind of "like I strongly disagree with your views, I'll clearly mark that I don't see you as a fatherhood figure".

This being said, at first I thought that using the full word could be a good idea time to time, because games being generally released by updates, it would be a good reminder that you don't call him "bro" because he's your best friend. But in fact there's enough situations where the full word will be used naturally ; anytime someone talk to the MC about one of his siblings, using the full word would be more natural than using the nickname.

The worse is that it's not even due to the fact that a patch is needed to have the incestuous content. Even if they were your "landlady" and "roommate", you wouldn't called them like that. In fact you would do it less often that you've occasion to do it with members of your family. While, "Mother, can I help you", can feel natural, "landlady, can I help you" seem ridiculous ; you would more surely use something like "Mrs Whatever, can I help you".
As for the roommates, there's no reason for this word to be used, even by someone else, unless it's a fully formal discussion. Even the landlady would address them by their name, asking you to "tell [girl's name] that the dinner is ready", by example ; this while a mother would more naturally come to "tell your sister that the dinner is ready". As for friends, unless they never encountered her, they'll ask "how [girl's name] is doing" ; while they would ask "how is your sister doing" unless they are also friends with her.

But, as I implied above, all this is partly a cultural thing. In Japan generally you don't use someone's first name unless you're really close to this person by example, while in many European countries you'll talk about "Fred from the accounting" even if you almost never talk to him ; in fact, in those countries you'll be more likely to know the first name of a person than his last name, while in Japan it tend to be the opposite.
And this level of familiarity/formality, tend to also define the way you address your own relatives. If culturally you're extremely formal with unrelated peoples, you'll tend to also be formal with your family.

So, to come back to the subject, yeah it fill weird for us, but perhaps that it's the opposite that would feel weird for the author.

Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
But, as I implied above, all this is partly a cultural thing. In Japan generally you don't use someone's first name unless you're really close to this person by example, while in many European countries you'll talk about "Fred from the accounting" even if you almost never talk to him ; in fact, in those countries you'll be more likely to know the first name of a person than his last name, while in Japan it tend to be the opposite.
And this level of familiarity/formality, tend to also define the way you address your own relatives. If culturally you're extremely formal with unrelated peoples, you'll tend to also be formal with your family.
lol, I actually worked at a place where there was a dude named Fred in accouting...

Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
I think the major problem here are the Incest-Patches. Dialogues are written to allow people to insert random crap as relations.
Well, a lot of the games where the game is made for the fetish the writing is cringe worthy af too. So if its an ad-hoc by a patch or bad by default, same result really.


Apr 28, 2020
I have 2 brothers and one sister. And in my ENTIRE life I've never had a conversation with them where it's: " oh brother...blah blah brother." Or sister. Or sis/bro.
NO ONE talks like that. Almost as if ppl have names, and use them. Even when they are related to each other. Quelle suprise.

We hardly need the constant reminder that they are a sib. We did dL the game, AND the patch after all, we kinda got it. No, not cousins either. They have names too. The only people in families that get referred to by their title are parents and other pseudo-parental units like aunts uncles (who also have their names attached cause it's aunt/uncle'name')and grand-whatevers.

You kinda don't need to keep beating a horse once it's dead.
Everything that you said turns me off...
Sep 3, 2017
Honestly my relationship with my sister is close enough to where we only refer to each other with insults.
I find it weird when families in games address each other by "brother" and "sister" or any of its variations. I understand if it was a formal setting, but when you are in your own house why would you not use a nickname or something.

It's gotten to a point where if I call my sister and she answers with anything other than "sup ho, how's it goin" or "what's up slut", I know something bad or serious happened. As dumb as it is, I would rather her call me bitch all day rather than brother because at least it's in character for her.


Active Member
Oct 29, 2017
Some people in some families do call each other like that, not in mine but I know people and they don't have any kind of weird relation. Anyways, porn is not real life, is mostly about fantasies that we would or wouldn't want to do in real life but we enjoy watching other people do for sure.

Deleted member 229118

Active Member
Oct 3, 2017
It is a matter of habbit.
My newphew calls me Malaficus because that is how his mother(my sister) thought him.
He calls everyone else by there title.
But calling me uncle would be wierd for both of us.
I think (as others pointed out) it is what you are used too.
If you spend your entire life calling your mother mom, Calling her mother would sound wierd too you.


Active Member
Game Developer
Mar 24, 2020
It's a function of how most games implement these sorts of patches. They just do name swaps, without touching the dialogue accordingly.