
Jun 8, 2017
I'm stuck on venting frustration and its kinda driving me crazy. Like the guide point me to the nurse to ask her for paper. She say she had some but its in her office and I'm talking to her in her office. She mention Kate so I go talk to her who obviously won't give me any and that's yet i'm stuck. Like I had some other paper lead I found by pure chance which say talk to the prinicple which I can't and the quest guide still point me to the nurse. Please help.


Jul 10, 2017
Interesting as a fucking objective? Ummh..yes but not my first grade. As a romantic interest? Less likely. Isabelle, Flora and above all Lindsey got all bases covered.
To solve the school mystery? A LOT. As a character to interact with? OH, HELL YES! I adore her own witty and acidic comments and I'm decisively totally intrigued by the idea of scratching beyond them to discover the real her (same with KATE. Sorry but seems me you have not completed the quest One Single Moment if you are so judgmental about her. I would not be surprised at all if she would turn out to be the real great and tragic surprise there.).
Did you seriously just call me judgemental over having a negative opinion towards a character that is both a bully and a rapist?

A tragic backstory hardly justifies the kinds of things Kate does. Her downfall when you side with Isabelle is both satisfying and interesting as far as a character goes, and I am invested in seeing where that leads for her. Redemption, perhaps.

As for Maya...As I said it may well be that she got introduced so late and just needs time to grow on me. So far Lindsey, Miss L and Maxine provide, to me at least, far more interesting leads towards the overarching mystery of the school. Even if the latter's approach and cryptic behavior is ''quirky'' to say the least.


Jun 8, 2017
All of this brings me to:

Direction. - Where is this game going? I'm starting to feel like it's "going nowhere fast. "
Little to no development on why he got a second chance
Little development on who's texting him
No kate romance (sadge)
Very little Mrs L. plot development
A bunch of random basket-case characters
0, Zero, No exploration/development of what the MC wants to do with his life. Is he going to pick a major? Have any ambitions? Goals? Passions? (aside from getting laid). Half the battle of "another chance at life" is well... another chance to make something of your life, and here he is just fucking around. At this rate he'll end up a pizza driver all over again. Like I get he cares about x girl, but that don't mean shit if he doesn't start working out and find a passion for something. Like wth. it currently feels like the mc has no future, and not in some big-brained "the dev was ten steps ahead of us" way but in a "they simply forgot what the game was about" way.
Sadly does seem like the fate of most of these projects. Rather than continuing and finish a solid story line with a good cast it gets very bloated very fast. I mean I get it, its a job for them at the end of the day and this is what keep their bills paid the best but still sad that this is what everyone is kinda forced into doing to sustain themselves.

I do agree the MC really not doing anything to actually change his life.

Also way too much fucking clicking for everything. I'm sorry this game is so fucking user unfriendly. Everything take 2-3 more click than it needs to be. There so much pointless clicking its almost driving me insane as a developer and a user.


Active Member
Mar 23, 2019
Sadly does seem like the fate of most of these projects. Rather than continuing and finish a solid story line with a good cast it gets very bloated very fast. I mean I get it, its a job for them at the end of the day and this is what keep their bills paid the best but still sad that this is what everyone is kinda forced into doing to sustain themselves.

I do agree the MC really not doing anything to actually change his life.

Also way too much fucking clicking for everything. I'm sorry this game is so fucking user unfriendly. Everything take 2-3 more click than it needs to be. There so much pointless clicking its almost driving me insane as a developer and a user.
I doubt this is keeping their bills paid. Game development is just a hobby/passion project for most devs and the majority don't make enough from steam/patreon to go full time. As for the MC not doing anything to change his life, hasn't he already done that? So far we've completely gone off course of the original timeline and the MC pretty much never had a single conversation with the most of the LI in the originally, and characters like Isabelle and Jackylin werent even at the school in the original timeline. Aside from just general school stuff which isn't interesting to watch I don't really see what else the mc can do


Engaged Member
Aug 1, 2022
Okay so i hate to be a downer here.... but

"The story stars a 20-something waste of space going nowhere fast. "

It kind of feels like the game has lost the plot somewhere. The things which kept me invested in the characters and what will happen next has been supplanted by lots of different romance options which frankly I don't really feel like we need.

Back when I started playing this there was: Flora, Lindsey, Kate, Isabella, Mrs. L, Jo, and Jacklyn. This seemed like a solid main cast of romance options with a good bit of diversity, but a cohesion to allow main story beats to progress. The main split was "did you side with isabelle or kate" but otherwise it felt like there was freedom enough for the player and things could progress naturally.

For whatever reason they've kept adding characters (none of which are male btw, does the mc really have no guy friends? Like not even a sidekick or comedy relief?) and pulling focus away from the main cast - and consequently the main plot.

Early on the game teases a relationship with Mrs L, but aside from a random screenshot or two of her nude and a weird kiddy pool scene there hasn't been a whole lot of development there. It feels like they've tried to keep up an "intrigue" or "mystery" around her, but it almost feels like devs/writer don't actually know what to do with her. There was a whole workout video subplot which as far as I recall didn't actually lead anywhere (and the mc was just like "oh well, maybe it'll make sense later")

Lindsey - The lindsay scene triggers FOMO for everyone. Like they could've just left out the line where the mc says "is there something I could've done differently", but no instead they put that in there so now a bunch of players (myself included) waste hours trying different combinations of choices to try to save her. I'm probably about 18 months late with this feedback, but it's annoying regardless.

Fetishes - it feels like whenever I come back to this game and give the latest version a try, I find that rather than substantive character-plot development I'm met with a weird fetish scene. I come back for lindsay/kate content and find myself in a feetlicking box, I come back to check out flora content and end up with tentacle r*pe. I understand the game is offbeat, humorous, and dark (if not I wouldn't have made it past that first kate nightmare scene), but I feel like interpersonal interactions have become more sparse.

Tone - In the first demo I played (0.04?) I remember being touched by the chili de carne questline. What starts as some goofy antics, goes horribly wrong, and then ends on a romantic or erotic note in the bathroom. I remember being really impressed by the game's moody melodramatic tone and that desire to fix the things which had gone in the past life. That fear of things going poorly again driving each decision. I then hit it off with jacklyn (the mc commenting that he doesn't remember her from his past life iirc) and decide to go out with her on a date. I remember feeling genuinly bad when flora heard the mc was going to go on a date with jacklyn, and immidiately found myself wondering how I could make it up to her. These are the things which drive a visual novel for me.

Writing/Dialogue - In the earlier versions of this game I felt the dialogue was good. Conversations were snappy, to the point, jokes were frequent but unobtrusive, and characters were easily established and expressed. In the more recent versions I've played though there are boxes upon boxes of text to skip/scim through. Characters monologue and make jokes which go on for too long. I understand Maxxine is supposed to be hard to talk to, but boy is she annoying. Dialogue with maya goes and goes and goes some more. A very easy example of this is to compare the cake quest from a couple years ago with the D&D quest from last year. Both are flora quests which end in the mc's bedroom. The former is clear with its intentions, hits the clear story points, and ends with plot development. The ladder goes on and on and on some more & then you eventually learn that maya was raised by satanists (wtf?). Idk if the devteam is trying to make maya a main girl, but this seems like an awfully odd direction for the guy who had just tried to kill himself & realizes he needs to fix his life.

All of this brings me to:

Direction. - Where is this game going? I'm starting to feel like it's "going nowhere fast. "
Little to no development on why he got a second chance
Little development on who's texting him
No kate romance (sadge)
Very little Mrs L. plot development
A bunch of random basket-case characters
0, Zero, No exploration/development of what the MC wants to do with his life. Is he going to pick a major? Have any ambitions? Goals? Passions? (aside from getting laid). Half the battle of "another chance at life" is well... another chance to make something of your life, and here he is just fucking around. At this rate he'll end up a pizza driver all over again. Like I get he cares about x girl, but that don't mean shit if he doesn't start working out and find a passion for something. Like wth. it currently feels like the mc has no future, and not in some big-brained "the dev was ten steps ahead of us" way but in a "they simply forgot what the game was about" way.

Random guy on the internet who played this March of 2020
Is even worse when you realize this game is not even close to be finished,looks we are like half way in...


Jun 8, 2017
I doubt this is keeping their bills paid. Game development is just a hobby/passion project for most devs and the majority don't make enough from steam/patreon to go full time. As for the MC not doing anything to change his life, hasn't he already done that? So far we've completely gone off course of the original timeline and the MC pretty much never had a single conversation with the most of the LI in the originally, and characters like Isabelle and Jackylin werent even at the school in the original timeline. Aside from just general school stuff which isn't interesting to watch I don't really see what else the mc can do
I mean this game's pateron is at almost $11.5k a month is no longer just a hobby. A lot of the big games that's been in development for years also have pateron that more than enough to be a full time job. At least my experience with those is game has a lot of width, tons of varying content but the depth in each isn't as much but this kinda just set up it to last a very long time which make sense. A lot of people sign up supporting that game, a new game might not get as big following.

As for MC making a change he is but all we seeing is one side how he interact with girl. Nothing about how he interact with other people, his school work, and all that. Sure its not the most interesting but showing almost none of it feels weird too. Especially we got this whole stat system but you have almost no control actually building those stats and they all seem to become quiet pointless quiet early on. As for what MC can do well find a goal in life be good, what is his hobby? interest? likes? What does he want to go after high school? He is someone who regressed, should have much better idea of what his future goal is in life. (or at least a choice player can make or something) Even the mystery of his regression he is so passive about it.

Like for a story about someone regressing and redoing their life the MC is one hella of a blank slate which is probably one of setting where a blank slate mc does not work that well.


Active Member
Mar 23, 2019
I mean this game's pateron is at almost $11.5k a month is no longer just a hobby. A lot of the big games that's been in development for years also have pateron that more than enough to be a full time job. At least my experience with those is game has a lot of width, tons of varying content but the depth in each isn't as much but this kinda just set up it to last a very long time which make sense. A lot of people sign up supporting that game, a new game might not get as big following.

As for MC making a change he is but all we seeing is one side how he interact with girl. Nothing about how he interact with other people, his school work, and all that. Sure its not the most interesting but showing almost none of it feels weird too. Especially we got this whole stat system but you have almost no control actually building those stats and they all seem to become quiet pointless quiet early on. As for what MC can do well find a goal in life be good, what is his hobby? interest? likes? What does he want to go after high school? He is someone who regressed, should have much better idea of what his future goal is in life. (or at least a choice player can make or something) Even the mystery of his regression he is so passive about it.

Like for a story about someone regressing and redoing their life the MC is one hella of a blank slate which is probably one of setting where a blank slate mc does not work that well.

Because that stuff is boring. Nobody plays these game with school settings for the actual school work. Nobody really cares about what the MC plans on majoring in. They can mention it, but it's basically just fluff. School setting games are always more about the characters themselves, the setting is just used to set scenarios. We don't need to see how the mc is actually doing in school. And his hobbies and interest he already talks about while interacting and getting close to the other love interests, like when he bonded with Lindsey over liking the same band. But what you're suggesting I just don't see the point in even mentioning. But you saying we don't see the protagonist bothering to improve and fix his lot in life is just plain old wrong by the fact that pretty much every action he does is compeltely different from what he did the first time around where he was just an anti social slob who never put an effort into anything.
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Oct 11, 2022
Because that stuff is boring. Nobody plays these game with school settings for the actual school work. Nobody really cares about what the MC plans on majoring in. They can mention it, but it's basically just fluff. School setting games are always more about the characters themselves, the setting is just used to set scenarios. We don't need to see how the mc is actually doing in school. And his hobbies and interest he already talks about while interacting and getting close to the other love interests, like when he bonded with Lindsey over liking the same band.
There's no need to throw off the game's pace with mundane things, but at least some mention of what he'd like to do (I think jacklyn said he has an eye for art? but that kinda just seems like her hitting on him), and some slight exploration of what his life looks like outside of sex might be nice.

As for the lindsey band thing, yeah I think this game is at it's peak when its combining relationships, world-building, plot development, and sexy time into a pretty seamless package.


Nov 11, 2023
Why isn't the feature of sorted gallery not added. Put scenes of one person in one folder. So much scrolling need to be done everytime
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Mar 28, 2019
All I want from this game is a route where we can tame Kate and make her into a submissive girlfriend/wife. Breaking and domming sassy, bullish girls is delicious <3.
Quick question what do you mean by "bullish"? I think I know but would rather hear your definition

watashi no R

Jan 8, 2019
If you mean waiting till the game includes a way to stop her from jumping you can't, and they never will because that would mess up the whole story. The game transitions to the second season because she jumps. Again, she's not dead so there is no reason for you to freak out and she still has content. She just broke her leg.
sorry for the late reply, thats not the one im talking about. I just curious about who started this time travel stuff especially how some character implied to know more about this than we do (not sure if newer update actually confirm it). its just kill me to play a vn, complete the available story and wait for another month/year for update, proceed to forgot about the lore and stuff, play again from start, REPEAT. this hold especially true when the game decide the old lore isn't relevant anymore. this is kinda weird coming from someone browsing what essentially site distributing H game but hey I love good story. sorry for the yapping, I'm at 1 AM waiting for something so I need something to kill time


Oct 11, 2022
All I want from this game is a route where we can tame Kate and make her into a submissive girlfriend/wife. Breaking and domming sassy, bullish girls is delicious <3.
Same bro same :(
But less of the "breaking" and more of the "submit to me and I'll satisfy your deepest desires." Like she's really hot & i want a route where you can make her not a bitch & maybe even heal some of that obvious resentment she has against her parents.

Am I just the guy version of a "I can fix him" girl?
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