It looks very polished, with a few fiver voice actors you could have this on Steam in no time.
Some of my thoughts: I'm hoping the stats will have some kind of use.
I already like that there are various items you can find and loads of flavor text, this sorta thing is fun and fun is not something you see often in games that end up on f95.
Not sure what kinda gameplay you can expect from such a brief snapshot, will this be some slice of life infinity play high school days game, or are you going for a more linear approach with story telling? They both have their benefits, but one can go on indefinitely while the other has a more defined end point.
Will you be able to unlock everything on a single save or will you have to replay multiple times for various branching story paths?
Is this a choose your favorite waifu adventure or a harem builder?
Oh and last thing, will there be some overpowered plot device/arbitrary power (mind control, magic, horny pills... etc) to boost the speed of in game relationships when people ultimately complain that it's a slowburn and you don't allow butt fucking everyone you meet in the second update?