Ren'Py - Another Chance [v1.50] [TimeWizardStudios]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    - good graphics and character designs
    - refreshing and witty plot lines
    - point and click...with in game guide :)

    a rather interesting found to me, will come back in a few months for the updates

    (hoping there's a bit more kinky stuff by then
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a amazing game. There is plenty of content to explore and do have one or the other tricky excercise where you need to think before you do stuff. Its not just a game where you click on anything just randomly, you need kind of a system to achive your goals.

    All in all its a very very goood game, keep going like that!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I really, really like this game! Took me one and a half days to finish everything, and I was so desperate to unlock the gallery. Seriously, I love the vibes, the story, the sci fi/fantasy second chance concepts, the art styles, the humour, the dialogue, the pop culture, references, interesting mechanics, basically almost everything!

    The girls are holy smokes, extremely cute af. Nothing beats Isabelle, Flora, and especially Lindsey. Mrs L, the nurse, Kate, Jacklyn, Maxine, they're all hot. I mean, is there too much to ask for a harem or just all these singular routes we're all gonna come close/down to? Who knows, wait till the end. I've always wanted to find a free one like this and the Internet has graced me...(maybe Steam will help concurrently as usual).

    System is flawed with time and bugs, nothing's perfect. Ok. Heh, at least you can cheat for a gallery, stats, money, love, lust and whatever you're doing with console commands. H scenes are great but not sufficient, you get pegged and receive some femdom treatment--which is dope and I'm not complaining or kinkshaming, it's done pretty well. I'm hoping romance and get into these feel good, cuddly wholesome romantic stuff with each girl. At least it's a second chance. I will give mad props to TW Studios for the work, having seen this on r/ForeverAlone, a great post which I stumbled despite 3 years ago. I look forward to fixes and final completion. God, the feels...
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has extremely good art and writing, definitely one I reccomend. The characters are very well made in both senses.
    Even though it is still very early in development, the author seems to update it frequently enough.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    great art even if the h content is minimal.

    repetitive fetch quest style gameplay and plenty of waiting around for the appropriate time to perform the next step. absolutely bonkers logic to the quests. playing without the guide on is impossible. and even sometimes then it's not always clear from the guide what you're supposed to do.

    in the end negatives outweigh the positives and i'm done with this one.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Minimal romance and h-content, despite there (relatively) being a large amount of very repetitive "gameplay" and chore-running and quest-chasing. Game used to be far worse, at least it's remotely playable now. Sadly, just no relevant content. I don't know why games like these are allowed on F95. It isn't a porn game or h-game. It's a chore-running game with a few little bits and pieces of no substance here and there. Like many other weg, it has some potential, but, that's it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is legitimately masterful. The art is beautiful, the overall premise is neat and lends itself to a lot of great moments from the narrator, and the writing manages to be funny, erotic, and genuinely touching, depending on the occasion. All of the characters feel fleshed-out and human, instead of caricatures, and I actually really like how much effort it takes to get H-scenes—it's a lot more realistic than other VNs where every love interest is jumping to get into your pants, and makes the effort feel worth it. My one nitpick is the adventure-game moon logic required for some puzzles, which at some points can get into the "Gabriel Knight cat-hair mustache" territory, but the addition of the hint system has greatly mitigated any potential frustration from that, so I won't knock the game any points for it.

    Overall, I await updates with bated breath. Godspeed, Time Wizard.
  8. 3.00 star(s)



    The art is great. The writing is charming. The gameplay is easy enough with how hand-holding the in-game help is. The characters are all appealing in their own ways. It's got everything you could need to be a good time. I appreciate that your not-mom starts with a negative opinion of you and seems to act with caution, as you are supposed to start out as an utter failure of a human being.

    The one pitfall that proved enough to make me drop the game was the internal logic. Puzzles, decisions, and even the sequence of events follow a thought process that is random at best and nonsensical at worst. Proper context improves the quality of the fun times when they come, and only once have I come across any "content" that didn't seem to come out of left field. As we are 10 builds in, this seems to be a stylistic choice instead of a quirk of a game still in-progress.

    Regardless, I'd still recommend giving it a shot and seeing for yourself if the logic is bothersome enough to get you to stop, instead of just discounting it from the get-go. The fundamentals are all here and they're all solid.
  9. 3.00 star(s)

    The Bubblegum Goth!

    The gameplay is way too confusing even with the tips. The game doesn't have enough content to keep my interest alive. Some events (like Flora's chili quest) have way too much unnecessary clicking. The logic of items, craft system, and their use are often too unclear (let's again consider chili quest: we need to take the cutting board, ketchup, and a knife to make a distraction. But think about it, if there were no tips - would you guess what items you should use? MC could've said the next line: "I need to come up with some sort of distraction. Maybe imitate a cut while cooking?", or something like that and it would be at least more logical.) If the author wants to make a click-based puzzle game then they need to make it more logical and reasonable. If they want to make a visual novel then there're way too many unnecessary gameplay elements that simply stretch out the time with no purpose at all.
    The art is gorgeous! Quite appreciate the work of the artists for that game, as character designs actually look very good, alive, and sexy at the same time. Probably when this game will reach its final stages of development, there would be animated scenes as well - with that art style it will be wholesome.
    The plot, although, has some issues in my opinion. The first questions that appeared in my head were "why MC even got traveled back in time?". We don't need to answer that question at the very beginning of the game, though, but from this particular one we can go further and ask other questions: "MC wanted to go back in time and appear in his 18s? Does he want to redeem his life with which he clearly wasn't satisfied before? Why?". The stranger's 'proposal' felt came out of nowhere for me as MC didn't even make any statement about his past, only frustrated hate-speech towards his current condition. These questions certainly should be answered at the beginning of the game as they will make it have more sense because now it seems that MC got appeared in past "just because". These answers will also help to find the path to move for MC. "Does he want to redeem? Fix the mistakes of the past? Just to have fun?". The scenes with throat-raping Kate and killing poor beavers made me believe that MC is just a selfish asshole, but there's not enough evidence in the game itself to prove it. If he got in the past to fix mistakes - I don't see that too (poisoning a river in the forest and blackmailing a poor nurse only makes mistakes, not solving them). The plot should be more comprehensible at that point.
    Another part of the plot is the characters, and I think that they are alright. For the current amount of the content, they seem to have personalities and traits that help players to distinguish them from each other. I can't say more because there's an obvious lack of content with the girls. With more effort getting put into them I think we'll see a very solid porn game with various characters.

    Summing everything,
    + Amazing art
    + The game has the potential to grow into something good
    + The variability of characters and their personalities is promising
    ± For now, MC's motives are way too unclear. Need to put more effort into building a reasonable leitmotif, which also will allow players to get more emotionally involved in the story.
    - Gameplay is way too confusing, filled with atavisms, and often just seems to be more frustrating than entertaining
    - Playing that game for 2-3 hours led me only for a few gallery scenes, which is disappointing
    - Killing those poor beavers is a deadly sin
    P.S. - I haven't noticed the rating system before so I guess I'll need to copy myself.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Really nice art and slick presentation for complete tedium. I think the devs got lost in the idea of a 90s style point and click adventure game and forgot to make it fun or sexy or interesting in any way.

    The issue is the sheer amount of point and click adventure nonsense you have to go through for any hint of a sexy scene. It's not engaging and it only vaguely makes sense-- if any. So you just have to follow the prompts and do a bunch of busywork. One "quest" has you grabbing about 30 items from the same set of cabinets, and that actually paid off with about the spiciest scene in the game. Most of the time you're lucky to get a girl bending over in a short skirt for your trouble.

    I could put up with all this if there was at least some decent writing payoff, or meaty character moments. However, even that is in short supply as you get maybe 3 sentences of okay story or a couple character quips per 50-step quest while the rest is just exposition about the current nonsense you're working through.

    In summary, this is the sort of game you get suckered into playing for 4 hours and wish you hadn't wasted any time on it. Give it a pass, for your own sake. It gets more than one star because boy is that presentation slick.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Another Chance works to achieve a setting where a young man with no direction in life is given a time-travel powered second chance at his senior year of high school. Instead of an earnest young man who attempts to make right his wrongs, the MC comes across as an angry incel loser who now just has a chance to take his frustrations out on the people who wronged him. A more apt title would perhaps be "Temporal Revenge".
    The writing, while not stricken with poor english or grammar mistakes, still takes too much time making jokes that don't land or describing things the player can see.
    Every choice the player makes has influence on stats and relationships, but because it's all visible as soon as the choice is made players are incentivized to choose the option that gets them the desired effect rather than the response they may have preferred.
    If you like playing games through with a walkthrough, another chance has one built in. Don't worry about exploring or thinking, bc you'll be taken on a tour anyway. You can try playing the game with the quest guide off but because there are often 5+ quests on at once and each one requires specific times/places/people/items to advance, you'll find yourself using it regardless.
    The art is Another Chance's strongest point. The characters are well put together and the game isn't drowning in buxom bimbos; their design is fitting. The settings look good as well and the player doesn't often feel like they can't understand what they're seeing. Credit to the artist(s).
    The sexual content is reason enough to knock off four stars. While the X-ray mechanic is cool for the player, it wrecks any potential buildup for the characters involved. There is a scene early on where the main character quite literally sexually assaults someone who had hurt a friend of his ( and had bullied him in the past) as revenge. The scene isn't that good to begin with, and that compounded with the fact that it is rape just put the nail in the coffin. If Another Chance was about a young man getting even with those who wronged him, and/or had darker themes to begin with, perhaps it would be easier to overlook. It's hard to love the player character and hope he'll make the most of his second chance when he's such a vile person. Instead of being happy for a chance to grow or change, he just revels in his chance to see the young hot girls again and laments the loss of his porn collection.
    Perhaps there is more room for character growth as the game continues, and maybe the mechanics will gain some degree of coherence, but until then I cannot recommend. While being nice to look at, the stilted writing, unfocused mechanics, and gross player character drive this down into the "tried it but won't likely try again" pile. If you're an incel you may dig this tho
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Very fun adventure game.

    While there aren't a ton of adult scenes quite yet, the ones that are here are very very good. I definitely recommend a play. Game is just fun overall.

    You'll probably want to enable the quest hints. Game's kinda difficult w/o them.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This has a ton of potential and I am looking forward to updates for this in the future. The plot has intrigued me and at first I didn't know if I would enjoy it but I was entertained and "you know" the whole time.
  14. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2786345

    Honestly the game was pretty good, i just could'nt get into most of the characters because their to PC, felt forced and over all just didnt like the characters for the most part which is sad because it started off great.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is good, the story is fun to read, also the artstyle is amazing.
    The minus is still ongoing and not finished yet. I hope this game project will continue until end.
    Sorry i cant help much and sorry for bad english, but i hope this review will make this game be better on the future.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Another Chance while having features similar to other games sets itself apart due to the cute and sexy art style and the well made precise dialogue. The dialogue has neither too much exposition nor ridden with grammar flaws. it finds a nice balance in this regard. While the game has little sex scenes in its current state it builds up the world and characters very well and makes one wait eagerly for the next updates. it shows great potential and could easily be one of the top games on the site.
    the one small criticism i have is that the mini games, albeit less in number, is almost entirely dependent on the hint system. It makes it easy yes, but there is little told on how to progress in the dialogue. Using the hints felt immersion-breaking for me . i hope the developer finds a way to incorporate the mini-games in a better way.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is awesome and visually stunning. Time Wizard Studios was inspired to create their own point and click, dating sim video game. Time Wizard Studios released Another Chance a year ago with monthly updates. The newest update, version 1.4 has rectified all the minor flaws within the previous version and added much more great features. Update 1.4 is the best Another Chance currently has to offer. The unique anime art of Another Chance, the art of the characters, and their facial expressions along with the very smooth transitions between each setting are some of the best adult game features I've ever seen. The sound in the game through my laptop speakers has ambience and is cheerful. The visual novel aspect, balance of story and adult themes delivers an experience like no other in Another Chance. This game stands out due to it's very diverse characters of different stereotypes who each have an extremely different personality, allowing the player to replay the game as many times as they would like and giving the opportunity to interact in many different ways with each character. Besides the characters from the previous release, this update has two new characters introduced. Maxine and Bob the beaver. Maxine has yet to be explored, but she is very cute and fun to socialize with. Bob the beaver is is hilarious and the comedian of Another Chance. You play as the main character, a 20 something year old who has no girlfriend and nothing going for his life, but through currently unknown means he is given a second chance of living out his dream to get a girlfriend or multiple. The most prevalent character is Flora, the main character's step sister. She is a sexy, feisty, intelligent, caring, ambitious, and loving woman. Different interactions are done through point and click such as engaging with objects in different locations, completing quests, and socializing with the women. I recommend this game but I do have 2 problems with it. The only problems I have with this game are that sometimes the puzzles are difficult and that their is not much story in the game yet.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Great art, good writing/dialogue. The problem is that there really isn't any substance right now. The sex scenes are few and far between and the game is being updated VERY slowly. At the current pace, honestly I'd wait a year or two and come back, because right now there's not a lot of meat to this game yet. It has a lot of potential though.

    Version 1.20.1 EDIT: So, a year and a half later from my original review, where are we now? Well, there’s definitely a lot more substance and quests. The problem is that there’s been so much time put into slowly developing the girls’ relationship with MC that there still isn’t a whole lot of lewd activity. And there’s nothing wrong with that, I see what the creator is going for with the slow burn, but unfortunately that means that while there is a decent amount of scenes now, the problem I had with it before is still there: they’re so far between that it’s hard to really call this a game you can get off to (unless you plan on unlocking the whole gallery and coming back later). And that’s a shame because the art is so damn good.

    Another thing I have an issue with unfortunately lies in the general structure/foundation of the gameplay: I get when games have choices that have major consequences to the story, but I don’t know if I necessarily support it for an adult game like this. I’m not saying the game needs to go full harem route or anything, but being locked out of entire routes/lewd scenes and being forced to make a completely separate save file for alternate decisions isn’t fun or innovative; it’s just frustrating. I hate having to pick between characters (for example, Flora and Jacklyn or Isabelle and Kate) because I want to be able to see what they both have to offer without being forced to go through 2 or more different saves every time both characters get updated routes. And it’s especially annoying considering that characters seemingly only react to the decisions you make in other routes when the developers want them to. It’s a porn game, it doesn’t have to be hyper-realistic and logical; can’t we just act like every route is separate and MC isn’t actually cheating to save a lot of time and headache?

    Same thing for Love/Lust. Why not be able to develop both routes in one playthrough? It would make more sense that way in my opinion. Love and Lust (as general feelings) are not usually mutually exclusive in romantic relationships, especially the ones being portrayed in this game; they’re two sides of the same coin. One side of the coin may develop faster than the other, but they can coexist and be explored without ruining one another. For example (if you have both stats high enough), maybe one in-game day that you replay a scene, the girl is feeling romantic and wholesome so it’s the Love version. Then, the next day, the girl is feeling horny and pent-up, so it’s the Lust version. Or maybe you can just choose between them whenever you want. I don’t know how difficult it would be to implement something like that, but getting rid of at least most of the major exclusive choices in the game would make for a much more enjoyable and streamlined experience, in my opinion. I feel like it’d also make development speed faster because there would be less independent variables to worry about when coding; but that’s just a guess considering I don’t have any experience with that kind of thing.

    That aside, I do think that eventually, the game will reach a point where most characters have a fully established relationship with MC depending on your choices and then the lewd scenes will start flying out like crazy. But until then, maybe skip this one if you’re looking for a good fap. But if you just want a dating sim with likeable, multi-dimensional characters (that don’t want MC’s dick immediately), some entertaining dialogue and fun point-and-click shenanigans, I’d say it’s worth a download at its current state. I’m bumping my rating from 3 stars to 4.

    I do hope that every update starts to have a bit more substance. At the rate this is going, the game will probably be completely finished in like 3 years lol. I wish the devs the best of luck! This could end up being something really special.

    also flora is best girl
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2596230

    Excellent. Very much appreciate the dev message to the effect of 'there are no events dependent upon you being in the right place at the right time - so don't worry!' Love the art style, and beyond this all I can say is wow. Great job - looking forward to the end product!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is excellent and the humor is great-the game is a bit difficult, especially when it comes to stats in both girls and the player, the quest is hard, but the guide helps. Nice art, but it rarely has sex scenes, especially the force blowjob but then again it was just a drea,
    Good potential-Good game