Anyone else notice that the quailty of games decreasing?


Oct 29, 2017
Most people are just straight up bad writers and/or game designers. People might come for renders & art but if a game doesnt have any quality which make you invested in actually playing it you'll just bin it 10 min after downloading.
Games aim to be super realistic but the plot is so badly written it takes away any realism:
Landlady sees MC dick (wow he is massive, I cant imagine how this feels, Im getting flooded) -> masturbate (obviously saying MC name loud) -> MC is peeking (wow she said my name) -> HJ, BJ, fucking. Hello where are my patreons?
Apart from being a super overused trope I cant comprehend how a game tries to be realistic and this ends up being the plot. Did the writer grow up around wolves and never had any family interactions? Couple this with a generic background story lacking humor and thrill and you get the state of writing in way too many games.
Then there are games who lack any semblance of gameplay or even worse VNs whose gameplay is scene/no scene. Making the game a press ctrl party because the garbage story isnt even worth reading.
I give almost every game I download a chance and there are almost no fetishes I cant get behind in some way or another but these days renders & art wont carry your 'game'. If you're trying to sell a game or a VN actually sell this and not a slideshow I could buy off of renderotica.
There is a reason why AAA games have different design & story departments with multiple people under them. The porn game industry lacks massively here. A few years ago that was fine because the market simply didn't offer as much, which is why the quality declined. It wasnt really good to begin with but we had no other choice.
I really wish some big studio would develop a porn game just to see what would be possible with a huge budget. One can dream I guess.
  • Thinking Face
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Mar 14, 2018
No. it's because people keep rising the bar higher and higher. Years ago, Milfy city was considered to be the best porn game on this website, but now when you look at it, apart from the nice models, the game is extremely simple and straightforward, with no mechanics, no alternatives, no choices. And the plot is generic and extremely outdated considering there are recent games with much better dialogues and stories now. But I have noticed that a lot of devs have been delaying the updates a lot longer to squeeze their patrons as much as they can.


New Member
Jan 27, 2021
Solo dev of LoveO'rLust. I did just launch my project, and it could be described as a v.00000001. I decided to make a cool adult rpg after playing too many that A: never got finished or B: were outright scams collecting $5k. I like rpgs and I like lewd anime. I felt that we can't let the reputation of the adult game industry sink so low after it took SOOOO LONG to get to his amazing point



Feb 16, 2021
Shooting your load a little quick champ, what game are you working on? LoveO'rLust? loveolust? Love Over Lust? or Love O'vr Lust? And what is the abbreviation of over?

Now how are you raising the bar? how does your game separate itself from the rest of the shit pile?
Animated scenes?
Unique story?
Voice acting?
Unique game mechanics?

Its a lot easier to scam people on here, why try to maintain a standard?, First you come up with some cookie cutter concept, Dick chicks, Big tits or monster girl shit, pick one of those.
Next you create some basic menu templates, now onto art...


google is king, just google: beautiful fantasy village art , BAM pick one of the first results and you now have background art


Alright now create a recruitment post showcasing your amazing idea and sucker someone else into creating your CG's with an offer 50% of "revenue share", now be careful not to have a functional demo, if anyone realizes that your 50% contribution resembles some trash VN from the 90's, they might get angry...
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New Member
Jan 27, 2021
Shooting your load a little quick champ, what game are you working on? LoveO'rLust? loveolust? Love Over Lust? or Love O'vr Lust? And what is the abbreviation of over?
:^) I'll bite, I've got plenty of loads to shoot.

"Working Title" means a title that is a work in progress, a.k.a subject to change, a.k.a not final, a.k.a something anyone with half a brain cell can figure out. I'll let you figure out what O'vr means on your own:

I've updated my text posts, thanks for bringing that to my attention. LoveO'vrLust is the current title, and STILL a w.i.p title, and is ..... subject to change.:eek::eek::eek:

Now how are you raising the bar? how does your game separate itself from the rest of the shit pile?
For the curious
  1. all code outside of engine features/systems/dialogue system is custom code by me, what does that mean?
    1. the only limit to features is the engine + my competency
    2. battle system, navigation, player actions, quest system,etc are all coded from scratch
    3. this is not a jerry rigged mismatch of random plugins + undocumented internet code
    4. not a rpg maker asset flip or a ren'py clone(shoutout too two amazing engines and the ppl using them)
  2. a cool army and location capturing system is in the works
  3. 7+ waifus planned
  4. Base Building & Resource System in the works
  5. custom lewd based combat
Just a small list of current planned features :^)
Every story is unique, even the carbon copies. Animations are possible, I'm working on small combat animations, and I have a combat win screen animation. CG animations imo take away the player's agency/room for imagination.

Its a lot easier to scam people on here, why try to maintain a standard?
Developers that choose to scam... well karma comes back around.
I currently only ask for $1/m or a one time donation. Why? Because I know right now I don't have much to offer.

However, a FREE public demo is my #1 priority right now. This demo will include some cg's and a basic quest-line.

Next you create some basic menu templates, now onto art...


google is king, just google: beautiful fantasy village art , BAM pick one of the first results and you now have background art
This is the #1 way to get dmca'd or sue'd. Fyi, there's something called a development build. Paying for art for your dev build is idiotic. However, once you go public + commercial that has to change.

All art assets in my are properly sourced with commercial rights where needed. I even replaced the pictured background :^)

Furthermore, I'm funding all my assets out of my own pockets, as I'm a coder not an artist.

Alright now create a recruitment post showcasing your amazing idea and sucker someone else into creating your CG's with an offer 50% of "revenue share", now be careful not to have a functional demo
While I would love a rev-share with an artist(still available for anyone interested). I've switched to personal funding for quicker results. Again my dev build is fully function-able if ugly.

if anyone realizes that your 50% contribution resembles some trash VN from the 90's, they might get angry...
Lmao, you have no right to judge until you do better. Post some non Daz3d models then I might be moved.

Can someone say BTFO???

For any devs or future devs, don't let the naysayer nodevs keep you down.
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Feb 16, 2021
half a brain cell
For the curious...
you posted on a thread critizing the quality of recent games with your own advertisement?
what part of your CURRENT game shows off any form of quality?

the "placeholder" assets? of which I found one within 2 clicks on google?
the couple lines of code that would take 1-2 hours to setup?

-Paying for art for your dev build is idiotic.
-as I'm a coder not an artist.
-you have no right to judge
dont want to be judged? then don't advertise garbage on a thread talking about game quality, create a development thread showcasing your ability to code and spin a complex narrative, develop a following and build up your audience, otherwise what you have showcased on buymeacoffee or posted here is not raising any bar or upholding any standard.
Mar 11, 2018
Frankly, quite a big chunk of people that've been members here ever since 2016 grew up or lost interest/quit porn in general. With the rise of "NoFap" and "NNN" communities, I suspect the demographics also changed in a drastic way in those short years to a point where current teenagers (let's be completely honest, this fandom isn't strictly consisting of 18+ members) don't find the appeal for sex games. On top of that, much broader approach to video game development tools and guides. It's natural for less competent people to risk less, after all, this is a hobby. I believe porn video game industry is stagnant, because average porn consumers don't take porn too seriously and just do the thing and walk out. If they want a revelation, this industry must market themselves to a more visible public eye like Subverse did. But they can't, because again, porn isn't taken so seriously outside of the internet and regulation laws.
  • Thinking Face
Reactions: AhoyLaddies
Mar 11, 2018
The big question is not: "were games back then better?" but as time progresses everything gets mostly better, so the question should be: "Are the advances as good as they could be?"

In my opinion mostly graphics and technology-based stuff improved, but that was expectable. Computers would'nt get worse in the next years.

Did we actually get better games?
I think games today are ok, but many seem to copy each other, not only in the fetishes and kinks provided, but also in their game structure. Many seem to be little more than kinetic novels or walking simulators with very little real gameplay. I, personally, am not intressted in that kind of "game", i could just watch porn or read hentai, if i wanted that.

What i am missing though is the better (than in the past) gameplay. I like managment games. There are more mangament games out there than a few years ago and some of them are pretty good, but I can't say that they are really that much better, than their predecessors and that is quite disappointing.
(Also many of the newer better ones, like brothel city or station master, are officially completed but still lack a lot of content.)
My thoughts too about copycats. People risk less or either are blossomed by certain concepts they enjoy, but want to perceive in their own twists, pretty much the rise of incest rehash. If a certain game carrying certain tag is successful, many devs with ultra low resources will attempt to recreate that success with the least effort. This is why we haven't explored so many settings and concepts that could make an interesting game. Even changing up from modern digital era to say 70s-80s already makes that project more likeable.
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Alea iacta est

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2019
I would say...
Render quality are improving...
but the games are soulless, even a life-time inmate would be bored of it.

There is a lack of good script, good plot.

Plus, to accommodate US teens (pre-teens?) the theme of the game is always the same:
young boy, landlady, school, college, sandbox... it is a clear pattern, with these teenager boys protagonist that wouldn't excite even a war-level cougar in abstinence...

Quality is not renders... it is not frustrating the customer with insane grind, creating situations, and deliver good quality sex scenes... ideally not politically correct one, (mouth, vagina, cum in or out) is more than this
Jan 9, 2021
I don't know if I can rightfully say that the quality is decreasing, but what I can say, and this is just from my own perspective, is that I'm simply getting tired of 3DCG games. The female models themselves are getting better, for sure, but the majority of them are damn near the same with some guy that lives with his (step) mom and (step) sister and the father either died oh so mysteriously or is somehow absent, has some McGuffin that turns him into Chad Thundercock, MILFs take a look at him and are either immediately thinking about boning him, scorn him but eventually fall in love or are the typical seductress that want more than just a fuckbuddy and are actually very romantic. I'm not even going to touch the writing; there's porn out there with better writing than some games out there, and that's a bar already set so damn low the Devil himself trips over it.

A good chunk of these devs are more interested in making a quick buck than to actually making something fun to play. They put up a v0.001 game, link the Patreon and maybe, possibly update it with some bugfixes. You'd think that these low quality games would immediately die due to said quality, and yet, people can't seem to get enough of them.
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I rape lolis with my tentacles
Aug 11, 2017
We need more asset artists to bring more variety. Or 2D artists.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2016
Plus, to accommodate US teens (pre-teens?) the theme of the game is always the same:
young boy, landlady, school, college, sandbox... it is a clear pattern, with these teenager boys protagonist that wouldn't excite even a war-level cougar in abstinence...
This is more about Western Writers make some Extremely Boring Protagonists, I see this problem even in other fiction.
They either Self Insert with their Extremely Boring Life or Extremely Boring Fantasies.
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Deleted member 167032

Alternate Existence
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
I don't agree, looking at the high number of support for some of the college games. I use to think most players were after good story and character building but last year or so I have changed my mind.

I would say...
Render quality are improving...
but the games are soulless, even a life-time inmate would be bored of it.

There is a lack of good script, good plot.

Plus, to accommodate US teens (pre-teens?) the theme of the game is always the same:
young boy, landlady, school, college, sandbox... it is a clear pattern, with these teenager boys protagonist that wouldn't excite even a war-level cougar in abstinence...

Quality is not renders... it is not frustrating the customer with insane grind, creating situations, and deliver good quality sex scenes... ideally not politically correct one, (mouth, vagina, cum in or out) is more than this
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Oct 5, 2019
I blame Canada, and so should you! No, I blame mainly Patreon and all the Steam early-access culture: to develop a game, you need funds or a well-paid job with a lot of free time and a desire to create art. Some devs have a story to tell and a passion to make strangers jerk off their art (if you needed proof gods exist, here it is!), but as the adult game industry developed, some people came here for the money, and the money only.

Some years ago, I tried to learn Action Script programming, and read a lot of posts about game developing: I was flabbergasted by the number of people asking: "so, I come from [random professional environment], I'm not a big fan of gaming, but I want to make a game. What do people enjoy?". They all wanted to make some time-management / P2W crap, because it can be extremely profitable.

So, a lot of/some devs just try to make a cookie-cutter game and earn money. Patreon (and early access gaming) can be the death of the industry: you make a great intro, promise a lot of stuff, people get enthusiastic, they pay...and after some months, it's more profitable to create a new game and a new hype than developing the one you promised. So you release a truncated monstrosity (good name for a death metal band) and turn the page.

Good games aren't products you consume, they are masterpieces you enjoy and will change you. You need passion to make art, and you gain immortality. Too bad, most people are just after easy money.

Deleted member 167032

Alternate Existence
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Blaspheme "truncated monstrosity" Excellent name for a Black Metal or Gore band i'd say... Not an Inflames or The Sorrow type..

Also you pretty spot on with your remarks. Thing is most people want MacDonalds, and don't really care for 4 star restaurant food.
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Alea iacta est

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2019
Well western adult writer in my opinion are very good.
I watched a lot of porn between end '90 and '2008, and italians, spanish, french writers were very good.
Every story is a proper top quality plot, with a lot of hardcore situation.

Then with internet and big hubs.. all-sex porn took over and producing plot-based porn is not anymore economical.

What is worrying me today though, is the flatness of these games all sit on standard homogenized stereotypes, trying to accommodate everybody, without offending anyone...

but like Margaret Thatcher used to say: "Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by the traffic from both sides."

Porn, adult games, in the past was all about transgression, breaking tabú... nobody was thinking in the past to make "romantic", "date-sim" porn.. just make no sense... for that you have real life.

Deleted member 167032

Alternate Existence
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Maybe because it's now basically a story with porn elements? Not all of the games of course but some. I think it's more like AAA games and many movies do not show sex as it is a human thing to do, you can show murder and killing but not sex.

Who knows.

Well western adult writer in my opinion are very good.
I watched a lot of porn between end '90 and '2008, and italians, spanish, french writers were very good.
Every story is a proper top quality plot, with a lot of hardcore situation.

Then with internet and big hubs.. all-sex porn took over and producing plot-based porn is not anymore economical.

What is worrying me today though, is the flatness of these games all sit on standard homogenized stereotypes, trying to accommodate everybody, without offending anyone...

but like Margaret Thatcher used to say: "Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by the traffic from both sides."

Porn, adult games, in the past was all about transgression, breaking tabú... nobody was thinking in the past to make "romantic", "date-sim" porn.. just make no sense... for that you have real life.
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Alea iacta est

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2019
I see the most successful games here and are the one where the MC has a precise and distinguished personality.

So creating events around the MC exploiting weakness makes the story real.

Talking about Fashion Business, Road Trip, Wife and Mother...

after building the precise personality (no teenager please.. teenager for definition have little personality due lack of life experiences) you need to exploit sexual fantasies...

Sexual fantasies is not the vanilla sex you can have with your wife on Saturday night.. but it is more about BDSD, forced sex, blackmail etc... something that, in theory, you cannot do it or is difficult to find in the real world.

Final ingredient is the setting... School college is ok.. but what about more hardcore places, prisons, war zone, holidays, no western countries etc..

Last bit is... do no try to accommodate ALL audience out there...
In porn industry, you do have different type of producers..

producers for BDSD, producers for rapes, producers for fake casting, producer for ... The point is.. do your story and make it credible for the audience that you want to target.


Aug 19, 2017
I seem to be spending more time ignoring games than actually playing any games from here. The few new ones that actually interest me I add to my watch list and see if it will be more then one and done.
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Alea iacta est

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2019
I seem to be spending more time ignoring games than actually playing any games from here. The few new ones that actually interest me I add to my watch list and see if it will be more then one and done.

Same here, I have a limited list of games I follow.

Normally, If I am not convinced, I try the game here: and then I decide if follow or not!