anyone know why ?

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pure evil!
Respected User
Game Developer
Jun 10, 2018
Man and women are not equal, thats just the truth by nature as kimoo said, but that doesnt mean you dont have to respect a woman. On the other hand, there are too many shitstorming woman nowadays who think they are better then any man and thats NOT true...
Woman are people, man are people (and some are animals xD) nothing more.


Active Member
Jan 4, 2018
@Glew - No one deserves respect; that's something to be earned or lost through an individual's actions. Generally speaking, a good way to earn it, even with those you don't agree with, is by being civil and willing to look for common ground and on the occasions it can't be found, just bowing out and leaving each to their own. Probably also helps not to assume you know what others are thinking or trying to speak on behalf of whole groups. It's rather patronizing to assume others want or need you to defend them and if anything those sorts of unwarranted attacks will backfire more often then not and lead to people digging in their heels even on things they didn't even care about before.
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Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
To be protected? Are you living in a cave? In a safe country no woman needs protection, except in front of some idiots of us men who think only because a woman wearing a short skirt he is allowed to rape her.

Jerk off in a tissue times to see if a child out of it.
You seem to think I'm on the opposite side of the issue of feminism or something. No, I absolutely believe that women are equal to men. I do not consider them superior, and your entire argument, while you're not using it that way, has been used by men to justify sheltering and protecting women from the world for millennia. There's no world in which the ability to bear children is justification for superiority. Sorry, you're going too far when you claim that that makes women superior. Yes, it's amazing, yes, it's imperative to the continuation of the species, no it's not justification for either side, women, or men, being on top.


Carpe Diem
May 23, 2017
Women have fought hard over the years to be heard on an equal footing.they are are not their yet obsticals still survive, But dont forget the voices that changed things if you want blood hack up a Zombie their fair game :) :) :0
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Staff member
Aug 6, 2016
@kimoo - Speaking of blood, not all girls bleed when having sex the first time. There's many different forms the hymen can take and some won't bleed, some might, some do. Luck of the draw. Now factor this in- vaginal bleeding is usually caused by several factors- lack of lubrication because she is not desiring sex or not getting foreplay. Other reasons are the male being unusually hard, large and/or rough, a medical issue like dehydration, or being caused by birth control or medications she's taking. So it's a combination of the type of hymen and ALL the above factors.
I've accidentally caused a bleed with my current gf when we first went out. She's not a virgin and had a few boyfriends prior to me. Apparently it was the fact that when erect, I am HARD (can't bend it at all) and she was excited by it and went crazy with me. When done, I see blood mixed in and was like "Oh shit. Are you okay? I'm so sorry" and she didn't care- she was happy. From that point on, I've been reminding her I prefer it more gentle so she doesn't bleed. But every now and then, she goes crazy. Good thing is, she doesn't bleed anymore.
Every girl is different and they like different things. Your best bet is to listen, be respectful of her, and learn what makes her motor rev. It'll lessen the chance of any bleeding no matter her status or age. And increase her respect towards you.
Remember- Sex is give and take all at once.


Jul 1, 2017
anyway women and men not equal
forgive me but that's the nature of life
and they will not be equal
With your answer, I can only hope for all the women in the world you die as an old virgin. This is not about superiority of the body of the man or the woman it is here to respect and you do not seem to show. So again I have wasted 30 minutes of my life on an indioten from a shit surviving village that did not arrive in 2018. Congratulations you are thinking why? Because you can pee in the stand? Because you can beat her? Oh man you just do not get it right men and respect your women and you get the best gift ... "trust" ....


Latina midget, sub to my Onlyfans - cash for gash
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2017
@Glew all he said is that they aren't equal. Maybe he could elaborate, but I won't assume the worst. You are the only person insulting other people in this thread.


Forum Fanatic
Jul 4, 2017
@Glew all he said is that they aren't equal. Maybe he could elaborate, but I won't assume the worst. You are the only person insulting other people in this thread.
There are places where women are made to walk several paces behind the men and treated like second class citizens.

Women in places like that aren't seen as equal, they are barely seen as people.

He strikes me as someone from a place like that.
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Latina midget, sub to my Onlyfans - cash for gash
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2017
There's no need to call someone an idiot, a 12-year-old, assume he oppresses women, and comes from 'a shit surviving village that did not arrive in 2018.'

All he said was that he can't just talk to a woman about sexual things, women stay virgins until married, and that men only sleep with their wives.

Hell, with a description like that he could be a hardcore Mormon in Utah or part of the Duggar family.
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Game Developer
Nov 23, 2016
Most of the countries on this planet are full of macho men :'(, not just the Muslim countries .


Oct 3, 2017
Oh man, the fun times in this thread subside quickly. Now its just people on the internet misunderstanding written words. And also mix in some language problems. And you have a soup of people arguing over things they probably agree on.

To make it even less fun, lets explain what most people mean when they say woman and man are not equal.

They mean that most woman have other body parts than man, by nature. As in, primary and secondary sexual characteristics. Like, penis and vagina. Thats how humanity procreates. Thats stuff that people normally learn, quite quickly even. Not even in sex ed, like way before that already.

Everything else you read into it is your own fault most of the time. Fueled by only written language instead of spoken one
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