- Jun 2, 2017
- 2,417
- 7,315
Anyone who knows me knows I want as much Millie, Evelyn, and M+E time as I can get (and also Millie).Most devs introduce too many characters, then wonder why everyone screams at them about slow progress. I think it's just more fun to spin up new stuff than progress on the existing characters.
Evelyn is probably the #1 draw in the game, and Nea is also popular for the same reason-- a character presentation you don't see in many other games. The smart thing to do, fan-appeasement-wise, would probably be to focus on the characters whose associated kinks draw in paying patrons-- the lolis first, then nea/jamie/tess, then the existing established characters (Seki and Cha). Heather and Alicia are probably the least interesting options. Of course that will change if he pumps a lot of time into them, but that is all time that would have been better spent on Evilyn, Millie, or Nea.
But Luxee seems to have a plan to what he wants to get into the story. So I will trust him. But still humbly request more Millie.
And Millie plus Evelyn