Yeah, development seems focused around Nea. And I love all the girls (even ones I initially didn't much care for grew on me in the last update) and look forward to more content with all of them. The trouble with a harem game is that there is just so much damned development time spread across all the LIs. Got to be so much easier to do a quick and simple monogamous games, surely.
It's just the never-ending whining that grates these days. It's the same in fanfic. People will read something tagged with a thing they actively hate and then complain that it had that thing they hate. As if they had no way of possibly knowing that it contained that thing going in. Use the tags folks. Tags are your friends, lol.
But I mostly meant from the angle of "Nea is in this game, somewhat central to the plot. Either accept that or F off." So that people who can't stand that can just choose not to play the game. Instead of trying to placate them by allowing a bypass that takes even more development time cutting out a character that Luxee clearly wanted to tell a story about. Coz the bypasses always seem reluctant and problematic. As if they exist only because people wouldn't stop complaining.