I hope there will be a natural progression in Nea's story, a slow burn to the build up of her relationship with MC would be ideal. I know a lot of people can't wait to see the naughty bits, believe me, I do too. But most of the time it takes the realism and that natural feeling away which inevitably leads to one of those disappointing moments you often experience in adult VNs, AKA "Oh, look, it's just a game, it's just a way it is." I have seen too many examples of this that I have lost count.
The backdrop of Nea's story is already very promising, pretty much everyone and everything surrounding her is hostile, people at school, her family, in MC she would have found her one and only special someone who is understanding and supportive. It's basically "two against the whole world" and already a better setup for an exciting story than PL ever was. Man, I do hope they won't mess it up.