I cannot remember exactly who got oil first and then I wanted to use oil on someone else, all I remember is that it stated that I had none. I know that I bought more than one oil.
So, I looked up the html in Notepad++ and searched for "=-" (as I mentioned my previously post
"Link to previous post here") and changed them to "-=" at the needed lines of the specific items.
This way it uses number per instance (-=) instead of making it negative number (=-). To me, it made more sense to use one item at time needed instead to flush all purchased items in one go by making it "negative amount". (When looking into the code "searching =-", that's where I noticed the other lines of items contained the same "=-" instead of "-=" and I changed it for myself as I posted before. )
I'm mentioning again, if this was purposely then forget about it. It was just something that I noticed while I was playing and do not have a save file for those points of instances anymore. I just fixed the code for me and thought to let you know just in case it was an error.
Keep up the great work!
P.S. This was with the HQ version (still did not try the Standard one)