Thank you really much for your explanation.
Indeed, I made a truly
regrettable mistake
So I'm going to start a change campaign on the title.
But before I embark on this work of correction on all media, could you confirm this one last time if possible.
To have the double meaning I told you about, the correct spelling is therefore:
Apocalypse Lovers?
Does this maintain explicitly the ambivalence of the meaning ?
[Apostrophe uses are explained in square brackets.]
It's [it is: a letter is missing] an honest mistake — it may take some effort to fix the problem but I don't [do not: missing letter] believe you need any regret.
*** Yes, the ambiguity is there automatically (example below)
as there are at least two explicit meanings to your title. However, it will not be explicit that you intend both meanings as the title is an intellectual double entendre ... because every reader needs to first ask themselves, "Who are the lovers? And what (or where, or when) are they loving?". ***
Your story
will answer the readers' questions [
many readers
own/possess the same questions] as any good literature should

. A similar double entendre is the title of
L'Étranger [le étranger: letter missing] where we must ask ourselves, "Who is the stranger and what is he estranged from?", and Camus provides
many answers to those questions.
*** Example: One of English's [something belongs to the English language] most used examples of ambiguous language is:
"I am not human until I have had my coffee." This is usually stated as a mild joke in the early morning by an adult who is habitually sleep deprived. There are
many possible answers to the questions from various obsevers regarding this statement, including:
• She or He (S/He) is always human, as usual, however they
feel very remote from their humanity until they have been awake for some time and have imbibed caffeinated coffee.
• Children who witness the person when s/he first awakes
believe that the pale, wrinkled, hairy, inarticulate, snarling beast that is transformed into Mom or Dad by a potion of magic beans in the morning (i.e.: coffee) definitely wasn't [was not; missing letter] human! (It certainly
wasn't the usual Mom or Dad!)
• The person is
an entirely different creature after sleeping. S/He returns to — or is changed into — a human by the drinking or application of prepared coffee. Much like
Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and other
beast within literature, movies, etc.
Short Version: Yes,
Apocalypse Lovers is correctly spelled and contains all the ambiguity you want and intend. (Not every reader or player will
bother to search for the various possibilities of your title, but that is
their loss.)
Please ask for any other info you want!