VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Apocalypse Mutant Erotica [Final] [Pent Panda]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1044747

    Stop making sense

    I like post-apocalyptic stories - it's a great setting for interesting characters and character interactions.
    Unfortunately, Apocalypse Mutant Erotica is written in such a poor way it made me gladly return to my pre-apocalyptic reality.

    + Interesting story premise / setting
    + Visuals are alright (but definitely not state-of-the-art).
    + Down-to-earth character models (not your typical exaggerated DAZ super models)
    + Unobtrusive text box with excellent readability

    o No music or sound effects

    - Implausible, inconsistent and shallow characters
    - Poorly written story and dialogue (lack of build-up, coherence, logic and depth)
    - Crude humour
    - Engrish (at least in the intro - after that the English gets significantly better).

    Just to give a few examples of the poor writing skills:
    At the beginning of the story we meet a woman named Jody in the ruins of a city.
    • She initially (re)acts hostile ("I will open your guts and have them for dinner"), but immediately turns friendly just a few moments later ("Pleased to meet you") - only to become clingy after another few moments ("Oh, can I join you? Please!").
    • She tells the MC she hasn't spoken to anyone "in centuries" (I assume the writer either meant decades or years, but that would still be hard to believe, assuming it's a city).
    • She also states that the MC is the first non-cannibal she's seen around (how does she even know at this point the MC isn't a cannibal? And why even bring it up as something positive when she just told the MC a minute before she's willing to have his guts for dinner?).
    • Apparently she’s been able to survive for quite a long time on her own - so why is she suddenly acting so desperate and helpless, asking the MC to join him?
    • She also admits she's afraid of being robbed, but still takes the MC (a complete stranger) to her hideout - not without telling him they won't have sex (why would a woman even unnecessarily bring up this topic?).
    • After they have dinner together the MC suggests playing a strip game (eh, right...). She tells him he's a pervert - only to give in to his suggestion a moment later. If you choose for the MC not to suggest it, she will do it instead. In case you insist on not playing the game, Jody will still act like you did ("Let's dress now").
    • The next morning we can watch her doing nude yoga on the roof. Okay.
    And this is just the first encounter.

    In its current form Apocalypse Mutant Erotica is just a poorly written and unintentionally funny fever dream - not the good kind of funny, but rather its cringey sibling.

    Previously, I was looking forward to also give the sequel a try, but I guess I'll pass.
    Some experiences are better left one of a kind.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed the story and overall vibe (yes, including the graphics which arent the typical "pretty girls").
    The only reason why I can't rate this 5 stars is due to its relatively short playtime and a bit of a teaser at the end that makes me want to buy a part two that doesn't exist.
    The lack of a voice over and relatively linear story line wasn't really an issue for me.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    3 stars because it was good for a first game, but short, extra star for the setting. Animations could also have been better, but the decisions made it feel a little more like a game and less pure visual novel. a better post-apocalypse story than Fallout 4 had, that's for sure
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Well, I did like it.
    She doesn't have explicit sex, but that doesn't matter to me.
    The setting is quite good, the characters look like that, mutants and malnourished ...
    The dialogues are good, the games are simple and entertaining.
    It is easy to play and has made me very short. I wish I had seen more.

    I hope there is a second part ...
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    My opinion is going to differ from the previous reviews as I have quite enjoyed it. As far as I can tell, be mindful that it's only the first game developed by Anonymous Panda Studio and it's entirely free on their website, so I can't wait to see more from them in the future.

    Let's start with its bad sides:
    - Yes, it's a bit lacking on its graphical side, but it's not that bad either. Backgrounds are switching between photo to 3D environment but I didn't feel like they were out of places. Animations are frame-by-frame, but I'm not someone who is looking after that as I can enjoy a story without any of it. Same for the lack of sound.
    - Choices are weirdly done and some of them requires you to rollback until you find the correct one.

    Now, what I liked about it:
    - The girls are portrayed realistically and that's not something you can often see in porn games.
    - Each of them has a distinct personnality and quirks that I will not disclose because of spoilers. Let's just say that the story takes a very original (and hot) turn because of it.
    - Even though choices can be felt as a bit meaningless or optional, I feel like I would not have liked this game as much as I did if it were a kinetic novel. Even if there are badly done, it's still gives you a certain feeling of power over the story, as long as you don't try to break from the intended route that the story wants you to take.
    - And speaking of the story, it's short but it doesn't feel fast-paced either. Moreover, it has an open-ending that may lead to another game later on. (the dev already has confirmed that he is working on something).
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    The concept sounded good, but thats about it.
    Gameplay is non existent, you don't really make choices apart of ''having sex or not'' and thats why we are here
    Girls look quite bland, I get its the apocalypse but they are all nearly exact copies of each other
    Also this is a first person game where you lack a body, so yeah, you dont see much except low quality close ups
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Had to take a break from it as it was just so... then came back and it just got worse and worse with a very lacking end.

    It very very meh very low tier effort and was not for potential, decent rarity in many ways (including character looks clearly and the attempt to make camera your eyes), and fact it clearly is a low tier effort game and not a high effort with tons of cash (as far as I know) game I would have likely just suggested skipping the game including myself.

    No Sound, No animation (though a few images at least progress decently and camera eye thing is done alright), BUT
    Worst of all most choices do nothing and the ones that do which are typically just ones that try to stop things just skip to the near end of the other option with No edit... so they don't fit always and are not really choices as the game never edits future references to the choice and defaults to one... (like say you say no to sex, game will progress to the end of it sometimes showing a bit of it still as that is the end of real choice .. and later if referenced will say you did.....).

    The mini game "choices" are aweful jokes? at best or just no reason game over/wrong
    ie basically (climb this broken ladder | climb this sturdy well made shelf | suplex the girl | dance ) 3 those are wrong and just fail no joke added or anything just reset mini game choices while the other 1 (should be quite obvious) is correct and continues mini game to a new set of similar choices...

    --> Basically this is yet another one that should have been a kinect no choice game which would have likely freed up time and effort for making other parts better, but due to feeling the need to make choices even fake ones did.

    So basically

    + rare done things from proper yet still good looking looking apoc. gals -> screen is your eyes.
    - pretty much everything else