since I'm a bit sad to always see people asking for the patreon code and waiting until a hero tells them, I decided to disclose the final change to bypass the patreon code for all versions up to this point, it depends on future updates if nothing changes.
View attachment 1fbbf648-9f11-40ab-a95e-94051b1629ee-VEED.mp4
as per video, one open inspect, go to the html code, cotl+f, search for <div class="patreon-box"> ,
then edit text, and replace everything with this code, go to SUPPORTER, and press the button to activate the code, whether it is empty or written is the same, it gives you an error but does nothing, tell him ok, and the patreon is active, you can also upload or update the page, for him you are a supporter, even without knowing the code, after a certain amount of time, or with each new version, you have to do the procedure again
P.S. instead of opening the console and putting the sugar code etc., I use a chrome plugin directly, so it's easier and more intuitive, I use the console only if I have to add a variable or object that I don't have, like = 900 to have the metal, the plugin is called sugarcube hacker, I posted it in the "Tutorial HTML How To Debug", even if I don't know why it's called a virus, even if it's not, I hope I was helpful xP