RPGM - Completed - Apostle [v1.0.3] [kamichichi/Kagura Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    All I have to say is wow. Only entering my second dungeon, but the story and the characters are all intriguing. Only encountered a couple of Boob shots, but the story is what's keeping my interest. Relationships can be achieved with some girls. If you are looking for constant H-scenes and things to Fap too, this might not be your cup of tea. To me it's a good mix of everything. Can't wait to play more. So for now 5 stars and highly recommended. Will update more as I play on.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Black artifact

    1 of the best RPG games I'v played on PC .. truly A great story .
    and I Do recommend it for adult RPG Gamers out there :)

    Guys this creator deserves some credit for what he/she Made .

    Final Score: 9/10 Thanks for reading it.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Good production values with nice art and custom battle sprites for the heroes that look nice, likable cast of main girls and secondary girls which is important since this is a harem game with all of them catering to different tastes. The combat itself is pretty standard for a RPGM but abilities in battle are customizable and up to you on what you want each character to prioritize.

    It should also be noted that this game prioritizes plot over porn. It primarily wants to tell a story with romance added in with the MC and the girl(s) of your choice over just throwing H scenes at you. Honestly it feels more along the lines of a dating sim sometimes. So if you're looking for a lot of H scenes one after another, unfortunately you won't get that here as the game doesn't have many CGs overall.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    This is going to come across a little harsh...

    In terms of production value this is 6 out 5 top of the class. However there is far to much 'game' here for a fap game.

    Whilst the game mechanics are great compared to most fap games they are all about the game and not about the fap. If I wanted to play an actual game I'd go to my Steam library where there are untold amounts of games with better 'mechanics'. I'm here for the fap and whilst there is fap there is a whole lot of game between the scenes.

    I played for about 40 minutes but then just started holding down ctrl and even that wasn't enough.