Are there tips n tricks for pixelart H-games animations?


Active Member
Mar 1, 2022
I like pixelart games and sometimes wanna to create some pixel animation art or maybe H-RPG game like EP Hero
But I have bad skill in any jiggle, liqiud and squirting animation.
Are there any site/post for tips n tricks of pixel art hentai animations?

PS Sorry for my bad english grammar


Engaged Member
Jul 4, 2017
I remember there was a thread about this topic some time ago (which might be 1-2 years) where someone posted links to a forum or site or youtube channel specifically about chibi pixel art.
I'm sorry I can't remember any more, but maybe you could find it with search.
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Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
The best way to get good at any kind of art, is to figure out what's going on realistically by replicating realism. Then exaggerating it to fit the style you want.

So if you want to learn how to make things jiggle during sex, I'd recommending watching really thicc/BBW women having sex, and pay attention to how parts jiggle. They have a lot of fat so their jiggling is a lot more noticeable. Get the highest quality video you can. Watch it frame by frame to see exactly how the fat moves. I'd even recommend tracing each frame to get the best experience (just please don't share it). Drawing each frame will help you look more closely and figure out how the fat jiggles and bounces. Then you can go back and simplify it for a pixel animation.

Same thing with liquids. If you want to know how squirting works, watch squirting videos. Again, break it down frame by frame so you can tell what's going on. And then for liquid, find a video of water in slow motion. You'll be able to see how each drop forms and separates. Then you can clump them together and make bigger or smaller droplets depending on if you want a thicker or thinner liquid.

You can always force it and just find an artist that makes similar art to what you want, and try to mimic them. But without an understanding of what you're doing, you're going to run into a lot of trouble. Things wont look right a lot of the time, and you're going to have a really hard time figuring out what to do. Even if you do force your way through it and can mimic theme, you'll only be able to do that one specific thing. If you want to do something different, the process will start over. So I'd definitely recommend learning how things work realistically. It will save you a lot of time and work in the future.

Hopefully that helps, and good luck!


Active Member
Mar 1, 2022
Drawing each frame will help you look more closely and figure out how the fat jiggles and bounces. Then you can go back and simplify it for a pixel animation.
Thanks! I'll try to learn it! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)