One odd question, but what is the FONT that is used for the in-game text?! SUCH a delicious and easy-to-the-eyes font.
And WOW, whaaat a beautiful UI this game has! One of the best that I've seen, actually! I am not particularly fan of these "anime"-style of games, but I thought I'd give this one a go since it's gotten such good reviews, and to my surprise, it was one damn enjoyable game. I definitely like it!
It's an OK game, not the best one I've played by a mile. The sex noises are like 3 second clips that loop over and over and it grates on you REALLY fast, you're not really rewarded for staying chaste OR going full-on slut mode, the ending was meh and made everything feel for naught. MC is cute but that's about all I can give it.
Guess I'd give it a 6/10, pretty disappointing, compared to the first game, I'd say. No interesting branching paths for optional equipment/scenes/lore, little relevant story and hardly any character development for anyone except Satia, Claudia and the two new angels. Frankly feels unpolished and rushed. The first game felt like a proper adventure in an interconnected world where a lot of characters would reappear at later points or even at the end of the story, the second one like a poor imitation of one in an isolated world where nothing you do has much of an impact and most of the game is just one big fetch-quest without much story. The unexplained changes to Claudia's design also suck, as far as I'm concerned (random change of hair colour/bunny girl stuff,
seriously, just make a new character if you're going to make so many changes). The protagonist of the first game, Sill, barely gets a nod in the entire story and it's like everyone kind of forgot she even existed after all she had done.
This is because Claudia and many other characters' original artwork were bought RPGMaker assets. Rather than reuse the old design in a new game, the artist drew every character in their own art style. Claudia's rework was especially noticeable, but also gave nods to her original design.
is there a point in playing another new game? i feel like Clauda has become too strong she just sweeps any small monster on the forest. Is there new map, monster, or story? It's kind of short, i thought it was worth the file size.
is there a point in playing another new game? i feel like Clauda has become too strong she just sweeps any small monster on the forest. Is there new map, monster, or story? It's kind of short, i thought it was worth the file size.
If you mean this game, then you would be following the storyline from Last Embryo. There's a lot of details and build-up for future installments, so there is a point. The developer even hinted at another entry with a different character.
Is it possible to have the crest show on the standing picture/during fights? Such that with the file img\pictures\busts\Claudia2\Normal3_2.png
I'm using the compressed version which have all the images.
In my game, it shows during the scene in the bath just after the fight with Elune, but not afterwards.