Feb 17, 2024
I'm just passing through, but this page of psychological back and forth's caught my eye, so at the risk of stepping into something I'm unwelcome in, please indulge me tossing in my two cents.

There's studies to suggest that some fetishes stem from your brain rewiring itself to mitigate psychological damage you've endured in the past. Supposedly, if you have a very painful or traumatic memory that your brain doesn't enjoy having to put up with for the rest of your life, it'll start drawing connections between that painful memory and more pleasant feelings. Agony becomes arousal. The traumatic memory stops being so traumatic rather abruptly as you find yourself exploring new fetishes you probably didn't have before. A coping mechanism that didn't ask for your input before it went into effect.

That's obviously an oversimplification, nothing's ever straightforward or obvious where the brain is concerned. There's lots of outside factors that can go into it too, feelings of guilt or shame that serve as boundaries and restraints your brain can't exactly ignore. Even if the brain makes the trauma into a kink, if all that does is generate a new source of guilt and shame, it hasn't really solved the problem of escaping negative emotions, so more changes need to be brought on...

But the brain is terrifyingly adaptable. If it's functioning in a healthy state, it won't just accept things and wallow in them, it will continue to change and adapt until it reaches a state it can live with. If you can't find peace with some old painful memory, sooner or later, your brain will induce peace in it's own strange way. If you can't accept some part of yourself no matter how long you continue to be the way that you are, it'll romanticize whatever it is you loathe about yourself before long. That's assuming you're not on drugs, alcohol, medication, etc. If you're living in a perpetually altered state of mind, your brain's too busy healing today's physical damage to worry about yesterday's emotional damage- and it's not like that emotional trauma hurts much when you're drunk or riding high on mood uppers so it doesn't even register as a problem to solve at that point.

I think what danadana was getting at is that L.Davidenjoyer's intense emotional response to that situation would eventually leave them with a fetish they didn't want, after that traumatic memory had burned enough of a deep dark pit in their thoughts that their brain could no longer ignore it- and poof, now it's not painful, it's sexy. Because you feel so strongly about it, it'll eventually drag you down under when it's hurt you enough. That line of thinking.

Also, unrelated bit in response to Nyxcro, but sleeping around isn't against the law. Nor is cheating on your partner. At least not in the USA, anyway. The police will never arrest you for sticking your penis in someone you aren't in a committed relationship with- (Edit: So long as it's consensual!). That's kind of absurd to propose that they would or should, at least from my very-much-American perspective. Also-also, sure, nature doesn't have anything like morality, an animal doesn't differentiate between emotions being 'light' or 'dark', they just act on instincts- but if we're talking morals and civilized living, then anger is definitely considered a dark one. You could make an argument about it being righteous anger, justified indignation, but that's a pretty subjective argument that invites a lot of debating over what is or isn't moral at the end of the day.

Sorryforgabbingsomuch. This stuff interests me, and I'm bored.
bro what, you telling me that i am the one with the brain damage? i am talking about your girl cheating on you, i don't mind a threesome with my consent


Mar 4, 2018
Oh yeah, that's illegal in a lot of places, for sure. Though I'm not sure I know of many harem hoarding protagonists that ever bother to marry even one of the girls in their harem come to think of it, heh.


Sep 16, 2018
Oh yeah, that's illegal in a lot of places, for sure. Though I'm not sure I know of many harem hoarding protagonists that ever bother to marry even one of the girls in their harem come to think of it, heh.
Some harem games have the route where you marry all of them in the end.


Active Member
Oct 2, 2017
hi guys is this game only netorare/netorare ? bc i read the cheating tag that should stand for netori but jujding by comments seems only the first 2 i mentioned, ty


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2017
I must say, you have a rather unique sense of humor! Personally, I tend to shy away from NTR games, even if the art is impressive. I'm curious to understand why others find them so appealing. Do you think it's possible that, during your younger years, you may have observed your parents and imagined a scenario where you switched roles with your father? Or perhaps it was your mother? If you do enjoy NTR, it's possible that it may have been her.
Trying to understand another person fetish/kink is stupid, you either have it or not. NTR is complex one and people enjoy it in different often mutually exclusive ways and there will always be a lot of discussion about what is the appeal. So start with something simple like scat. It's so simple, can you imagine the appeal ?
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Mar 4, 2018
bro what, you telling me that i am the one with the brain damage?
No no, sorry if it came off that way, just explaining that there's precedents that might have been being referenced. I shouldn't speak on dandana's behalf though, that was just my interpretation of what they'd said. What I thought they might have been referencing when they said that this sort of thing was specifically targeting people that would have strong emotional reactions to it.

Your emotions are your business, bud, I've got no idea what you think or feel, and I wouldn't suggest otherwise- intentionally anyway. I'll apologize for any accidental implications. But yeah, it was just sharing a tidbit about psychology, and how people can end up coping with things by turning them into kinks. Supposedly, the reason Netorare as a fetish is getting to be so prevalent and popular is because people are hooking up less across the globe. Young people aren't dating. Too busy, too poor, too much time on the internet, whatever the reasons, the last two or three-ish(?) generations have been some of the loneliest thus far, and Japanese men have got to deal with being shamed for not starting families during this period of declining birthrates. So NTR's probably their way around that guilt and frustration, "let someone else produce kids with the girls you admire from afar", I guess, heh.
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Feb 17, 2024
No no, sorry if it came off that way, just explaining that there's precedents that might have been being referenced. I shouldn't speak on dandana's behalf though, that was just my interpretation of what they'd said. What I thought they might have been referencing when they said that this sort of thing was specifically targeting people that would have strong emotional reactions to it.

Your emotions are your business, bud, I've got no idea what you think or feel, and I wouldn't suggest otherwise- intentionally anyway. I'll apologize for any accidental implications. But yeah, it was just sharing a tidbit about psychology, and how people can end up coping with things by turning them into kinks. Supposedly, the reason Netorare as a fetish is getting to be so prevalent and popular is because people are hooking up less across the globe. Young people aren't dating. Too busy, too poor, too much time on the internet, whatever the reasons, the last two or three-ish(?) generations have been some of the loneliest thus far, and Japanese men have got to deal with being shamed for not starting families during this period of declining birthrates. So NTR's probably their way around that guilt and frustration, "let someone else produce kids with the girls you admire from afar", I guess, heh.
no need to apology bro, this is a discussion and every is welcome to share their thought


Jun 7, 2017
But nobody is saying anything like that here. Basically, if you don't want to watch porn, you have a lot of games without which they will give you the same sensation. If you have fun buying a book instead of reading it, use it as a throwing weapon, it's wonderful to me but that doesn't mean that the book was created to be a weapon.

So you have to understand that playing even a porn game to avoid that porn is ridicule even if you like to do that and if you don't want to understand it, I honestly don't care. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Another thing would be that, for example, you would like to complete all the routes, see the route of the happy ending and then the rest with porn because you would be enjoying the full experience.
I love watching porn bro, its trash that i dont want to watch and i already explained it to you if you bothered to read.
And again you throw money analogy while here is a pirate site where we dont pay for shit and just waste our time for free, how i spend it is no different from you what is so hard to understand, i play good games for porn like GGGB and i play shitty corruption ones for the challenge.
Like there is nothing fun about a game where another "holy knight" with generic look get corrupted in the first 5 minutes of the game.
Its alot more fun to dodge all the corruption to me and finish the game with a good ending and if there is no alternative and its linear i might just skip the trash.


Aug 25, 2017
Lmao, suddenly this thread became a board of psychoanalysis jabbering. Read some but can't be bothered to do all of them, especially the more lengthy one, but it's amusing to see smth like that, ngl.

Anyway, just finished the whole DLC. Love it so much. Gaptax did great. Eleanor's corruption can be felt thru and thru in the extra scene. There's a bit of implication that Will/MC realized Eleanor's infidelity, but not outright stated.

As always, the hotness of the scenes in my opinion are Duston/Colonel > Harry/Coworker > Neji/Shota.

I dunno why, but good-natured shota doing ntr's simply doesn't sit well with me.


Active Member
Aug 5, 2023
I love watching porn bro, its trash that i dont want to watch and i already explained it to you if you bothered to read.
And again you throw money analogy while here is a pirate site where we dont pay for shit and just waste our time for free, how i spend it is no different from you what is so hard to understand, i play good games for porn like GGGB and i play shitty corruption ones for the challenge.
Like there is nothing fun about a game where another "holy knight" with generic look get corrupted in the first 5 minutes of the game.
Its alot more fun to dodge all the corruption to me and finish the game with a good ending and if there is no alternative and its linear i might just skip the trash.
are you 4real? Did you seriously get a money analogy from my words? A small one is not enough, we need the biggest one.


I don't know, man, it's like seeing you and the logic shirtless in a ring in a fight to the death.
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