art style?

Jack Madrigal

Aug 12, 2023
don't pay attention to them, they don't know shit about anything, it's just consumers wanting more of the same. do your own thing.

Jack Madrigal

Aug 12, 2023
always rub me the wrong way to see theses clowns with an extremely narrow view of what art is supposed to look like, and if you don't fit that one specific mold then your work is not worth to be looked at.

let's imagine for a minute you're insecure and you don't have the mental fortitude to deal with theses primates, and you bend to please them, so now what ? you got the approval of a fucking nobody on the internet ? it's harmful and discouraging, and it's always coming from peoples just good at using a shovel.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2019
i sort of go for a more cartoon style?
Cuz having an outline is more simple drawing procedure wise,
I may start trying drawings without outline soon
Yeah man I shared my opinion since you asked for it, don't just go with complete overhaul, experimenting sometimes can make difference. I like your style, but I'v seen transitioning, on how much people improve by removing the raw, thicc outlining. Other people who don't draw don't get it, it's not simply removing the lines, you need to do it correctly fill in the gaps with right shading, which in process not only improves quality overall but at same time enhances such technique. I know I'm struggling with it, but someday... It's different for everyone tho :)

Nevertheless good luck o/


Feb 14, 2022
Very nice style. I like it :3 Although there's certainly room for improvement. But what I find painful to look, at is the vagina. I think you need to practice with it. And I say this as artist to artist, even though I'm more draw furry and anime. So keep drawing and you'll surely become a better artist) And most importantly draw the way you want, not others.

I, for example, only started being an artist a year and a half ago. Since I had a desire to create my own porn game about human MC and hot furry girls. Until then, I couldn't draw at all. And there are even some of my old drawings on this forum that are painful for me to look at right now. But with practice, I drew this color sketch in just an hour, with almost no references.

I'd also be interested in when you started practicing drawing and how much time you spend on a finished art. Just out of curiosity. Since I rarely interact with other artists.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
I like it a lot. sure there's room for improvement, but I like how it doesn't look like manga nor really any typical western style.

the biggest problem is the nose. it's not bad in itself, but because everything else is so minimalistic (ie. without texture or detail). the nose sticks out because it has so much detail compared to the rest. too much. and the weird spot in the middle (gloss?) is just out of place.

generally you want to understate the nose on a woman, at least if you want to make her pretty. and especially in front view.

for the nose I'd leave everything out except the lines signifying the nostril holes. for most angles that's enough. look up how milo manara does it, he barely uses any lines and uses no shading, yet his girls convey amazing realism. I kinda feel like your style is geared towards similar minimalistic line rather than heavy shading and lots of detail. but of course you should do any style that feels good.

I saw you mention you don't seem to know too much about the formal side of drawing? if so, here's some things you need to learn:

1. a construction method. doesn't matter which you choose, their purpose is to work as a 'scaffolding' that forces the form and proportions. without using construction it doesn't matter how good you get characters will always look wonky, because they are. the Loomis costruction is a very simple one, but it really doesn't matter. google some shit up and pick what feels good.

2. anatomy, and especially the planes of the shapes. this is a very natural continuation of construction.

3. quality of your line. long strong strokes, never short chicken scratches. I kinda feel this might come to you naturally.

4. draw, draw, draw, draw. draw some more. doesn't matter what, the mileage is the goal here. picasso drew only pigeons for years when he was a kid, and at 18 his portraits were amazing. if you'll draw pussies 5h every day for a year you'll become amazing.

5. shading, colors, all that crap...nice to have but won't polish a turd. construction is the most important early thing, then learning anatomy and the planes. oh, getting value right is 100x more important that shading or coloring. the common mistake is to obsess with perfecting shading or detail, but it won't help if construction is off.

also like jack said, don't cater to tastes of others. but also don't fool yourself calling bad habits 'your style', it's the surest way to never improve.
Dec 30, 2021

I'm working on cell shading, semi realism and background gradient!
And trying to work out body balance like boob physics.
I think there are some improvements actually.
Also practicing draw pussy and stuff.
Thanks for all your advices!

| Vee |

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
4. draw, draw, draw, draw. draw some more. doesn't matter what, the mileage is the goal here. picasso drew only pigeons for years when he was a kid, and at 18 his portraits were amazing. if you'll draw pussies 5h every day for a year you'll become amazing.
I'm so sorry, I know it is true but I just can't stop laughing at this(I'm so bad, teary eyes but still laughing).