It's cool to see another game in the same space as the JSK ones. First off, a couple of bugs:
1) Sometimes clicking after an attack while the girl is still in the flinching animation causes a soft lock: she returns to normal stance and then never begins attacking again. I've seen this most often with Violet. (This is a particular problem when you have a fairly small window to use Xmoves after an attack.)
2) After an Xmove, you sometimes don't gain an action the next time your bar fills up. This seems to happen more for some options than others (groping Violet's chest is okay, but sometimes the other actions cause the action loss).
The combat felt better once I realized that clothing breaks interrupt attacks and that attacking interrupts heals (and that fighting Violet is the best way to get money), but the combat still feels underbaked.
1) Quick Slash is strictly worse than blocking until you have enough speed, then it lets you get more turns.
2) Enemies healing is basically always a free turn, so enemy fight difficulty depends mostly on how often they use it.
3) Enemies only have one attack and healing is a free turn, so you always execute the same strategy.
I'd like to see enemies get more attacks to add variation; a slower attack might be one you want to Quick Slash to avoid taking damage, for example, while a fast attack would be good for getting your MP up. I'd also like to see the player get more moves, but there's an Item and Skill tab at the merchant, so I assume those are coming eventually.
I'll be looking to see where this goes.