
Forum Fanatic
Jun 20, 2022
A child Killer like Vador can have a redemption but Big Mouth Cass can't ? :(
First of all,

Big mouth forced our MC to suicide if not DK; then it has been showed she was a dick and bully to our dearest Kindra and on top of that she thought she was helping to her in her deranged way; she basically used Nicholas to achieve her goals in TWRR; after everything happened she had the guts to blame MC for everything she did and even implied he deserved it; after that she sent people after MC and Kindra; she lied about MC and blamed him and Kindra for stealing at a public interview if not Kindra, she would have publicly execute MC's and Kindra's credibility without even having second thoughts; she fucked over Reina and her company for her own fuck ups and caused multiple people fired from their jobs and also caused huge dive for Vitas(Reina's company) in the market; also cost entire PR department at TWRR to their job and she dared to mock them while the person who just got fired presence; then simply threatened Reina for more, just for getting MC's phone number; she also sent people with guns to break in to Kindra's place; she fucked up a child's mind for the sake of it within a few seconds she met her etc. She never showed remorse, she even thinks she is the rightful one.
Vader was always remorseful about his situation, he made mistakes and owned them. Even though he was a feared person, he did not commit unnecessary evil. You mentioned younglings, it was an order for him and also a test for choosing dark side. He could have done so much more, could have turn into real Sith Lord but he did not. Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to justify what he did but we are comparing an evil villain to Big Mouth and that evil villain comes short in his evilness in their own capabilities. So, what I am trying to say if Vulvamort had Vader's abilities and power, she would have destroyed galaxies for the sake of it. She would have been perfect apprentice for Palpatine.
All in all, some people are beyond redemption and that is that. Maybe she could have justify how she was with some childhood trauma but no way bring back what she took from people. Btw, I can see they are gonna explain her evil self with her father and her relationship with her father, I am sure of it. Especially after the lab scene after she bullied Kindra and MC wanted to meet her father.But,
First: Everything about Vulvamort said here is spot on (for me). Second, those are some rose-colored Vader Eyes you're looking with.

The fact that he's remorseful and sad and STILL kills all those kids just 'cause he thinks it'll save Padme (yes, he's trying to save his estranged wife who's not yet hurt and he's going to damage himself later) is a choice he makes that feels quite unnecessary. Does he have to do it to get the Sith Lord's help? Yea. But that's a choice, not a "necessary evil" ... it's just an evil choice.

Once he goes Darth, the only thing he ever shows regret for (in the movies) is failure. Even the choice to save Luke isn't about regret, it's about his legacy, and choosing his son over his Master (who over the years kinda proved less-than-reliable, and even moments before told Luke to kill Vader and replace him, so loyalty not exactly big in their line of work). The fact that he felt some good in himself killing the emperor and saving his son can just as easily be viewed as vanity on his part.

(And if you add in all the non-movie material, Vader may not have destroyed galaxies (you know, 'cause they only lived in one), but he certainly destroyed countless lives and even some whole societies.)

Also, do people who see 1-6 in chronological order feel the same about Vader's redemption as those who see them in release order (4-6, 1-3)? I know I don't feel as good about the redemption story after seeing the prequels as I did before seeing them.

TL/DR: Vulvamort is beyond redemption (belongs in a rubber room, IMHO). Vader's redemption is sketchy, in hindsight (or at least after the prequels were made).


Forum Fanatic
Jun 20, 2022
I mean, if Cass would sacrifice herself to safe the MC's or Kendra's life she could be forgiven (post mortem), like Vader :whistle:
I would find that so out of character it might ruin the game for me ... I know there's at least 12 more chapters to work on such a change, but right now I can't see it ... and the writing would have to be fantastic to pull it off.


Engaged Member
Oct 31, 2017
Spoiler Alert, Vader redemption is basically comitting suicide by killing both himself and Palpatine. He basically did a Gollum from the LOTR. That is acceptable. The last deed they did was a good thing for humanity in general, but they didn't get happy life and happy ending for it. Sorry, not sorry for those who haven't watched Star Wars saga and the LOTR trilogy:p.

Now, if Vulvamort redemption going to be she becomes a LI, gets back together with MC, geting married, have kids etc. then I guess it can trigger players to go on a witchhunt against digi.b:p.

Vulvamort redemption ( if there is even going to be one ) should be just the same like Vader and Gollum, dead to save the MC ( or his LI for example ), but no happy life and/or happy ending for her.


Active Member
Aug 9, 2020
Cas has done too much to the MC for him to easily trust her again, a redemption arc would have to be pretty special for that. That said, one could be pretty interesting to follow. People do have life changing experiences and can come to regret past actions and behavior, even to the point that they really try to make up for what they've done.

I've no idea, obviously if this is in the cards for Cas and I have a very hard time seeing her become a LI again. What could possibly happen is her becoming an ally of sorts, not quite a friend but someone who tries to help.
So, while she'll still probably be a rather unpleasant person, her arc could see her struggling with finding herself completely friendless, even jobless and trying to be a better person.
Even nasty people can have interesting stories.
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 20, 2022
Spoiler Alert, Vader redemption is basically comitting suicide by killing both himself and Palpatine. He basically did a Gollum from the LOTR. That is acceptable. The last deed they did was a good thing for humanity in general, but they didn't get happy life and happy ending for it. Sorry, not sorry for those who haven't watched Star Wars saga and the LOTR trilogy:p.

Now, if Vulvamort redemption going to be she becomes a LI, gets back together with MC, geting married, have kids etc. then I guess it can trigger players to go on a witchhunt against digi.b:p.

Vulvamort redemption ( if there is even going to be one ) should be just the same like Vader and Gollum, dead to save the MC ( or his LI for example ), but no happy life and/or happy ending for her.
More Gollum than Vader would make sense for me ... still trying to get one over on everyone but manages to help MC (and everyone else in his life) by happenstance.

EDIT: Again, it'll all come down to what digi wants to do and how well he does it.


Active Member
Aug 9, 2020
It's been awhile since I read them, but didn't Gollum basically just slip and fall?


Engaged Member
Oct 31, 2017
Cas has done too much to the MC for him to easily trust her again, a redemption arc would have to be pretty special for that. That said, one could be pretty interesting to follow. People do have life changing experiences and can come to regret past actions and behavior, even to the point that they really try to make up for what they've done.

I've no idea, obviously if this is in the cards for Cas and I have a very hard time seeing her become a LI again. What could possibly happen is her becoming an ally of sorts, not quite a friend but someone who tries to help.
So, while she'll still probably be a rather unpleasant person, her arc could see her struggling with finding herself completely friendless, even jobless and trying to be a better person.
Even nasty people can have interesting stories.
Precisely that, her proper redemption arc will take a big chunk of the story/game which dilute or shift the focus from the MC.

It is just me probably but I rather play for the MC and I really hope the focus ( other than the MC ) will be more towards Artemis, the titular character and the LI of choice.

More Gollum than Vader would make sense for me ... still trying to get one over on everyone but manages to help MC (and everyone else in his life) by happenstance.
Spot on.

EDIT: Again, it'll all come down to what digi wants to do and how well he does it.
Yeah, that's the best part of it;). Really looking forward to it.

It's been awhile since I read them, but didn't Gollum basically just slip and fall?
Yeah, his last deed ( greed ) basically saves Middle-Earth, unintentional/accidental 'redemption'.


Active Member
Aug 9, 2020
Frodo and the entire Middle-Earth ... definitely not something he intended to do.
Yup, that's what I meant. What I was actually getting at, and this is getting OT, was that Gollum didn't have a redemption arc. He got what he wanted and died for it, because of a simple accident. He didn't try to do something good.

Either way, it'll be fun to see what Digi.b has in store for us


Active Member
Aug 9, 2020
It is just me probably but I rather play for the MC and I really hope the focus ( other than the MC ) will be more towards Artemis, the titular character and the LI of choice.
It's just you :)I actually don't particularly like the MC all that much tbh.
Of course the story should focus on him, but I also think other interesting characters can get some attention. And, obviously, I want to see a lot of Artemis herself.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2021
Easy solution for ppl that just want Cassandra for sex slave purposes:
Kill her character off, use her body/dna for a template for a new bio-android hybrid prototype.

Name it Vulvanator or Vulvatron, have rough hardcore sex, done
None of the bad and all of the good :WeSmart:


Engaged Member
Dec 4, 2017
I would find that so out of character it might ruin the game for me ... I know there's at least 12 more chapters to work on such a change, but right now I can't see it ... and the writing would have to be fantastic to pull it off.
Oh i completely agree with you on that. I can't see that happen, at least for now.
Is there even a tag on F95 for necrophilia?
Don't worry about that, we will find a nice volcano or reactor core for her last good deed, there won't be any remains left :LOL:
  • Haha
Reactions: Elhemeer
Oct 10, 2022
Well there goes my chance of watching Star Wars
Hey at least no one said Vader is Anakin and he is father of Luke and Leia.

I would find that so out of character it might ruin the game for me ... I know there's at least 12 more chapters to work on such a change, but right now I can't see it ... and the writing would have to be fantastic to pull it off.
First of all, it would be too out of character for her, but if something like that happens I will think it was Vulvamort look alike, maybe a robot looks like her, and I would think that sacrifice probably a part of a grand scheme. She will come back to hurt MC and others more. Like Moriarty did it to Sherlock etc.

I mean, if Cass would sacrifice herself to safe the MC's or Kendra's life she could be forgiven (post mortem), like Vader :whistle:

You are kinda right, I have a soft spot for Vader but I am behind what I said. Vulvamort is much more evil than Vader in their own accord. If she had fraction of Vader powers we would see how she would surpass Vader in her evilness. She is just a bitch who happens to know people and she fucked beyond counting people's life. Like Nicholas said she should have come with a warning label. :LOL:
Yeah that is me alright, especially when I talk about evil bitches.

Kill her character off, use her body/dna for a template for a new bio-android hybrid prototype.
No no no no no, what if she reborn or something. Can't risk it.
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