Your penis shrinks every time you ejaculate?! That already happens to me in real life, I don't need that to happen to me in games.
This is a dumb mechanic; it's only purpose is to increase the grind.
kinda, kinda not. large dick is also connected to suspicion, especially since some people could see it at like 6 inches, then it can end up like 20 inches, which is fucking ridiculous.
for the dev, not sure this is a glitch/issue, but the screen isn't centered right, the wider it is. if i've got it full screen, or even jsut 'most of the screen', the right side of the screen is off - the sliding bar is still there, but i can't select exit on the computer, for example.
so, if you're full screen - at least on my win 11 laptop - if you go to the computer, you have to turn the game off.
if you can't fix it, just move the desktop exit option to the left side, rather than the right. it could easily be in that far left menu.