VN Unity Ashes of War [1.22] [CTStudio]

4.80 star(s) 25 Votes


Mar 28, 2018
Game is great story wise so far, however the combat is FUBAR, which sucks because it looks pretty fun. Can't click on units, units don't attack ect ect. Still can't wait to see more.

The Pointman

Feb 16, 2023
I feel like wining or losing battles should affect the story and change how it goes could even put a skip battles feature and choose if you won it or not for people who don't want to play them cause right now there is no real incentive to play the battles other than that its a great game.
Apr 1, 2021
Is there going to be a proper Mac version of the game? I tried to run the Windows version through Crossover but got nothing except a black screen(this happens occasionally with Unity games, not sure why). I'd love to try it.


Game Developer
Jan 10, 2018
confused about the controls, i selcet ship, but i can't unselect it...
Yeah, battle system is a bit janky. It was more of a proof of concept, but when I tried to build upon it, I really struggled to get something decent out of it.
You unselect a ship by clicking outside its movement range or clicking another ship.
There's very little visual indication of how the UI works and I'm really not satisfied with it.£

That's why for now, I skipped making more of these little battles and concentrate on the story.
Once that's done, I'll go back and revamp the combat system, probably changing it completely for a more simple system.
Or I'll try to get someone to help, I'll see what I can afford down the line.

Is there going to be a proper Mac version of the game? I tried to run the Windows version through Crossover but got nothing except a black screen(this happens occasionally with Unity games, not sure why). I'd love to try it.
I have no way of testing it, and I had problems with the Linux version, but I can export it to give it a try.


Mar 28, 2018
Is Aidan going to be a gay route or something? I get really gay vibes from him. Either that or betrayal vibes... I feel bad that both of those seem the same to me.

Also shouldn't the Ensign have a proper name since his sister does? He also has a full sprite and is fairly regular, very funny too I might add.


Mar 28, 2018
Also question. Is there a monogamous route in the game? I played through as the general harem, but Eva is my favorite and would to try to just woe her.


Game Developer
Jan 10, 2018
Also question. Is there a monogamous route in the game? I played through as the general harem, but Eva is my favorite and would to try to just woe her.
Given my base guidelines is the harem route when I write, there will probably be a lot of flirting, but, yes, that should be possible to do.


Mar 28, 2018
Given my base guidelines is the harem route when I write, there will probably be a lot of flirting, but, yes, that should be possible to do.
God tier game dude. I have loved every moment of it so far. Art is spot on, world is fun to learn more about, character are fun, humor is there. 10/10. Been jonesing for a new 2d game and this hit all the right spots. I'll be dropping a few bucks on your Patreon, I don't do the monthly thing, but for the fun I have had and the clear work you have put in I have to throw you some bones.
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Game Developer
Jan 10, 2018
Is there going to be a proper Mac version of the game? I tried to run the Windows version through Crossover but got nothing except a black screen(this happens occasionally with Unity games, not sure why). I'd love to try it.

You can try this version.

As always, I can't test it,so I have no idea if it works.


Jul 10, 2018
Excellent, another game to anticipate updates to. The inspiration from Sunrider is obvious, but personally speaking, so far you're doing better than they are. All the girls so far are appealing (and holy shit, abs. Fooly-mode, activate!), the male characters are amusing and in general, though none of them are particularly military, I don't find the lack of decorum so egregious given their situation. Their new situation is discussed and rationalised out, and it doesn't have to be how it would actually happen, it just has to be how we believe it might happen with those characters. So far there hasn't been an instance that has shaken my suspension of disbelief, with one exception. And it's not the rescue of Camilla, or as I call her, RippedNerd. The MC knows what he's doing is dumb, everyone else thinks it's dumb, everyone calls him out on it, and it leads into his later rescue of Nora in much the same fashion. He has counterpoints to the worst eventualities, he deals with pressing crisis before hazarding himself... It's not so bad I can't accept it.

That said, I was mildly surprised that the most obvious answer as to why the MC has not been taking any of the girls up on their advances wasn't said during his talk with Camilla. He's their superior, officially while they were military but still practically now, and he has responsibility over their lives. That's a very difficult thing to put down, and it's a weight that's been stated in other directions previously. Even with the chain of command issue no longer being enforced, that responsibility of everyone needing to be able to trust that personal feelings are not a factor in command decisions where people can die is essential, and coming up with ways past that isn't especially easy for a writer. Though in the game itself MC has already demonstrated his willingness to place the ship ahead of Nora's life, and an inability to prevent Rachel from putting herself in danger, so the crew might not have such a bad reaction to him going further with his relationships with them. Even so, more than a personal cowardice regarding his feelings, I consider that a pertinent objection to doing anything at least with those two, and I was expecting it to be mentioned.

Still, a minor complaint overall. There's a lot to like here. And as Eva might say, when life gives you lemons, never let it be forgotten.


Mar 13, 2018
In the first battle and I can't select any ships outside the first one. Can't control them at all.
for me moving the map works, everytime you cant click on a unit, just move the camera a bit here n there and click the unit

if you still cant click, probably because the unit u choosing are near the border of the screen, move the camera a bit so the unit closer to the center of the screen should help


Game Developer
Jan 10, 2018
Excellent, another game to anticipate updates to. The inspiration from Sunrider is obvious, but personally speaking, so far you're doing better than they are. All the girls so far are appealing (and holy shit, abs. Fooly-mode, activate!), the male characters are amusing and in general, though none of them are particularly military, I don't find the lack of decorum so egregious given their situation. Their new situation is discussed and rationalised out, and it doesn't have to be how it would actually happen, it just has to be how we believe it might happen with those characters. So far there hasn't been an instance that has shaken my suspension of disbelief, with one exception. And it's not the rescue of Camilla, or as I call her, RippedNerd. The MC knows what he's doing is dumb, everyone else thinks it's dumb, everyone calls him out on it, and it leads into his later rescue of Nora in much the same fashion. He has counterpoints to the worst eventualities, he deals with pressing crisis before hazarding himself... It's not so bad I can't accept it.

That said, I was mildly surprised that the most obvious answer as to why the MC has not been taking any of the girls up on their advances wasn't said during his talk with Camilla. He's their superior, officially while they were military but still practically now, and he has responsibility over their lives. That's a very difficult thing to put down, and it's a weight that's been stated in other directions previously. Even with the chain of command issue no longer being enforced, that responsibility of everyone needing to be able to trust that personal feelings are not a factor in command decisions where people can die is essential, and coming up with ways past that isn't especially easy for a writer. Though in the game itself MC has already demonstrated his willingness to place the ship ahead of Nora's life, and an inability to prevent Rachel from putting herself in danger, so the crew might not have such a bad reaction to him going further with his relationships with them. Even so, more than a personal cowardice regarding his feelings, I consider that a pertinent objection to doing anything at least with those two, and I was expecting it to be mentioned.

Still, a minor complaint overall. There's a lot to like here. And as Eva might say, when life gives you lemons, never let it be forgotten.
That, good Sir is a very good point. I thank you for your thoughts and I'll see if I can't adress that in a re-write down the line because that makes too much sense for me to ignore.
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Nov 24, 2021
so this might have already been answered but my phone wont load this site properly so sorry if i repeat a question about the updates. i just wanted to know when the new update was expected and if we have more for the turn based fighting as i loved that part of the game most :D have a nice game people.
4.80 star(s) 25 Votes