Holy Moly, I like that game. The whole package is really good, imo.
You see, some games got one or two strong features and might lack in other aspects.
Some got very good animations but the setting is bland. Or an interesting setting / story
but the models look not so good and / or the overall production value is not that pleasant.
Stuff like that, you get the idea.
But this one here is well rounded. No significant let downs or no-goes.
Or using 'merican grades: Maybe not A+ in everything
but sure as hell nothing lower than Cs in my book.
The Dev even put in the effort to developed some lore for his world.
Everything feels good to me. Again, well rounded is the best term.
Keep this up Kthulian, you are doing great!
Don't get distracted by cries to add certain fetishes or leave other out and stuff like that.
Do YOUR thing and if it continues like this, the result sure will be good.
One simply can't appeal to anyone, don't try.
PS: Your vote...difficult...focusing on one route sure would let you get more of it done
but I personally prefer having all advance at the same time even if it means fewer content.
PSS: Yeah, folks seem to already critize Mida, well...she sure didn't age well in those 10 years!

But the Berdita-Model looks georgeous to me. That evens it out.
Oh and reading that name first thing came to mind was Perdita Durango.