Average ladies ?


Active Member
Jan 4, 2018
I mean, when they cry about realism, usually they don't even know what they're asking for.
I think what most are talking about here is just having things in the realm of realistic possibilities. The average breast sizes seen in many games around here are way larger than what even most plastic surgeons would be willing to pump breasts sizes up to because of ethical and health concerns, causing many of the most obsessed body mod freaks to head to sketchy overseas doctors who'll fulfill just about any dumb shit request as long as they're getting paid.

That and teenage boys with dicks that would put John Holmes to shame. And he had one of the all-time biggest dicks in the porn industry coming in at around 13 1/2 inches in length based on the most reliable sources. By many porn actress accounts who worked with him, it was so big that he couldn't even get it fully erect because he just couldn't get enough blood into it, leaving it fairly soft even when he was running at full throttle in their scenes.

Outside of the obese, it is fairly rare to see natural breasts much larger than DD, and even that is pretty uncommon. Average dicks are 5-6" and pretty rarely getting over about 8-9" (even most porn stars are in the 7-9" range). There are of course exceptions, but even those lose their value when devs foolishly make the extraordinary the new ordinary. I think it mostly comes down to inexperience and a bit of ignorance about human anatomy.

In a lot of ways, the current era of porn games reminds me a lot of the old fad of Tijuana bibles, those little palm sized amateur comics that were popular in the early-to-mid 1900s. They were crudely drawn, had unrealistic story lines littered with plot holes, tons of parodies, and lots of exaggerated and poorly formed anatomy. It was a bit of a wild west situation where they were figuring things out as they went and weren't very concerned with quality or realism, but they filled a niche and people loved them. They however mostly started to fall to the wayside in the '50s and '60s when other higher quality porn options started becoming readily available, like men's magazines, porn theaters, etc and were all but gone by the '80s when VCRs became readily available.

Basically as better alternatives show up, the easy low quality stuff starts to lose out and those who make it either catch up to the times or they are left behind and get increasingly marginalized by the market shifts. As more devs and artists hone their craft and push the boundaries, and subsequently people's expectations, we will see more demand for realistic anatomy. There will always be a niche for the extremes, but they are way over represented at the moment and a sizable portions of the fan base are getting tired of the lack of variety.
Jul 14, 2018
Stories, entertainment, culture is often filled with the best ideals we can envision, whether that's the ideal bodytype for a mate or the ideal setting to be a hero or other ideals.

The mastery of an art isn't just learning to shape the marble exactly as you dreamt it should be; it's also having the right dream that speaks to other on a deep level.

And when it comes to porn, it's nice if it helps people to get off.

I think what you're encountering is people who have a different dream of the ideal or are lacking in their ability to create it as they envision it, resulting in comically out of proportion figures. It isn't easy or quick to get good at these crafts.

Of course Alex Vance is regarded as one of the sexiest mainstream-game female characters. The reason is, if I'm correct in my musing, that someone that feels real is preferable to someone that is (supposedly) ideal. And if we are to take Jung's ventures into the subconscious serious, we don't all have the same imprint of ideals we desire either.

The problem is, I think more difficult than we could ever solve, but we do our best by continually learning and making the new.
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Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
Though I'm generally not fan of average people in games, in this case I think, it could maybe work. Most women you meet in real life are not perfect, but they are not hidiously ugly either. Especially when it comes to the various family games, I think the moms should actually look older than their offspring INSTEAD of (NOT in addition to) being taller and having boobs the size of small planets. Don't get me wrong, I like big boobs, but only within the possibilities of human genetics and Earth's gravity.

What I certainly don't like though, is average people with average sexual experiences in porn games. Joe MacTrivial going to a bar, buying Jane O'Average a drink and than fucking her is just boring, not arousing in any way. Unless Joe shortly after that discovers that Jane is the dominatrix who made his mom her sex slave or a succubus capable of teaching him mind control spells or the queen of an alien race assimilating human DNA by having sex with him...
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New Member
Nov 12, 2017
Most likely the reason you only see the "perfect" types in these games has to do with societal norms or mainstream thinking. Most of the devs create the character with what they believe will attract the highest amount of people to their game. For the longest time sexy females were thin to average size with larger breasts and asses. As for the males having a penis larger than most horses in these games, I believe it has to do with the immature thinking that the bigger the better. That's just my opinion or thought process, I could be wrong. I'm all for immersion into these games but if its too close to reality it wouldn't be worth playing. Why play a game about something I can do anyway?

I wouldn't ask for average, but something a little more realistic would be refreshing.
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Dec 31, 2017
I totally agree with you guys, especially with Kryos statement "
I wouldn't ask for average, but something a little more realistic would be refreshing."

We can develop something near reality, but with this fantasy and variety of bodies that conveys to the MC an interested in particular for each character encountered.


Aug 17, 2016
To quote Polonius from Hamlet, "This above all: to thine own boner be true."

Let me unpack: make whatever the fuck you want to make. Don't ask for permission. Don't ask if 'somebody' might like what gets you off. Somebody out there fucking does! For pretty much anything! Want to make a game about a not-traditionally-attractive guy dating a bunch of A-cup ladies with skin conditions? Do it. Want to make an extremely detailed dating sim where the end goal is docking with dudes? Somebody out there wants that, especially because nobody (to my knowledge) has fucking done it before. Want to make a sex romp based in the old folks' home of a leper colony? Do that. You could make a game where a fat kid goes to school with a bunch of hot popular ladies whose sole goal is to crush his nuts and each nut-crushing scene is actually the end-goal of a particular sequence. And yes, if what you really want to make is a hardcore incest game with ladies with big tits and a traditionally attractive male protagonist and said related ladies getting incest pregnant, you can do that too. That last one is probably still the one I'd most like to play, by the way, and I don't really give a shit whether other people are tired of it or not. That kinda shit is exactly what I'm always looking for.

So yeah. Stop worrying about whether somebody might like 'something different.' Instead, make whatever you want to make, but do it well. Put in the time and effort, plan things, make sure it looks good (to your eye, not just the eye of your imagined player/customer), spellcheck that bitch, have at least a couple people playtest it, and make damn sure that it's something you'd be happy to continue to work on even if the initial response isn't half of the world's porn-game-playing population handing you their money and the other half dying from hypoxia due to all the blood pooling forever in their dicks.


I agree with you on the tits issue.
And I can answer the dick one.
Because longer, not necessarily thicker dicks, are easier to work with.
It creates more space between the characters, and gives you an easier time with making poses.


Royal Jelly
Oct 26, 2017
I agree with you if it's from a creators perspective, do whatever the fuck you want. But other then creators, there are way more consumers and we all like to voice our opinions, hoping for something better to be made. Heck, some creators might even listen to suggestions, or start researching some normal anatomy, that'd be neat.

It's like tv programs these days. I used to enjoy channels like Discovery, History and animal planet for the interesting documentaries about science and space and the likes. These days there's nothing but fat blokes with tattoos and dirty beards fixing cars, digging up gold or buying and selling crap in a fake and staged setting. When I switch channels I get a dose of pregnant teenage girls, 300lb fatasses and commercials.
Yeah someone probably took pride in making that crap, but the only people consuming it is a single group of easily entertained people with low standards. Nothing wrong with it, but I don't count myself under it.
Now I'm not complaining that it exists, the producers probably have a blast making it and make a decent living out of it, but when my source of entertainment goes on tv from once a day to once a month at best and the crap that we get served is the only thing we can get, I'll start mining for :test3:

Same goes for these Miss Chernobyl looking ladies in porn games with proportions that only should make an oncologist interested. If that's 90% of the choice for out entertainment, it's won't be a surprise it will raise some brows.

I don't watch TV anymore. :(
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In a Scent
Game Developer
Jun 19, 2018
I've been playing many games, I'm a kind of old school boi, with hair and curves appreciation. But today, I cannot find a game that offers some average bodies like most of our population : normal penis size, some fat, some hair or bush, freakles, tanlines...
Interesting you say that because I'm also the same way. The girl in my avatar (amy) is from my game. She has freckles, tan lines, some sag in the bags, stretch marks and a slight belly pudge.

She is still unrealistically more attractive with a better body than the average population because it seems like the majority here aren't looking for accurate representation of women in games. It is a fantasy setting afterall.
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