So you can just stand in a relatively safe spot in between those attack ranges and let them spam short range attacks at you and continue missing. The Samurai Cat is especially bad about that.
I'm absolutely stuck at the
dumbass Samurai Cat. I didn't invest in the Muramasa at all, because I didn't really like the way it attacked, and for some reason I just didn't understand what "Drain" was. I'm guessing that's the lifesteal you were mentioning that makes the katana OP, so I don't really have a reliable way to heal.
I'm kind of at the point of snapping my keyboard in half. I've regeared twice, and I even RNG'ed some ATK +% legendary gears, with an insane amount of HP, but it's not enough. It takes like 100 hits to kill her, but she does me in with 10. Those ninja stars never seem to fucking miss, and when she does that thing that blankets the screen in them, it's basically a game over. I've tried kiting her, but that generally doesn't work, because at some point she throws a shuriken and does like 5k to me.
The worst thing about this game isn't the RNG gear system, the game says up front that it's trying to be like Diablo. The problem, is that the Bosses do an
ungodly amount of damage, and even though there's a Defense stat, the only way to manage that incoming damage is to instead kill the Boss
faster than it kills you. Which is just really fucking
terrible game design. I know it's not trying to be a Soul-like with iFrames, or a proper Metroidvania with artifacts and power ups, but it should at least struggle to be like the classic Castlevania games, and give you openings to attack.
A lot of the Bosses just spit out a ton of shit, then immediately go into the next attack pattern or combat phase with absolutely no delay. The Samurai Cat is infuriating, because of this. She just keeps fucking attacking and chasing you, with no drawbacks. It sounds like I could beat her by abusing the Drain effect, but that just goes to show you that this game has no tactile depth, if you have to be literal god mode to enjoy it.