I worked through the whole code of the previous v0.0.1 part and the new part of the game and I'm 100% sure that even the "fixed" Patreon version is very far from being fixed, unless T4bbo has already redesigned and recoded the whole Angel score system.
At first I even thought about fixing it myself, but the further I got the more I realized that in its current state it's a bloody mess without any logic in it.
And the broken logic in the first part (v0.0.1) of the game is totally different from the "logic" of the second part - the new content in v0.0.2.
The logic of Angel's scoring system in the first part has been changed in v0.0.2 in a way that there are now 3 variables tracked for Angel:
SugarDaddy, StrictDaddy and AngelRelationship.
Those Daddy variables are both always only incremented, never decremented or zeroed and AngelRelationship is the difference between them: AngelRelationship = SugarDaddy - StrictDaddy
Every time either of the Daddy values gets incremented, AngelRelationship value is also recalculated the same way: AngelRelationship = SugarDaddy - StrictDaddy
Some conditions are based on AngelRelationship value, but some are checking the value of SugarDaddy or StrictDaddy and they do it in a way as if neither of them should ever be larger than 1. As if they were Boolean: 0 or 1. Which contradicts always increasing values of both variables.
In the second part of the game neither of the Daddy values are changed anywhere at all and AngelRelationship value gets increased or decreased directly.
Conditions are checking the value of SugarDaddy and StrictDaddy, expecting them be 0 or 1 (as if they were supposed to change by itself) and only sometimes the value of AngelRelationship, expecting it to be smaller or larger than 0 (which is the only one that makes sense).
So in the current condition the game is unplayable, Angel score system has to be recoded from the beginning to the end to follow some kind of logic and all conditions based on Angel's score values have to be changed to follow it.
It just makes no sense at all right now and it's impossible to understand, what the hell those SugarDaddy and StrictDaddy variables are supposed to be.
In case T4bbo has the intention to follow the logic of the current first part, tracking 3 variables just makes no sense, unless he's planning to check their value sometime in the future to check how large either of them have become.
Since AngelRelationship value is just the difference between Daddy scores, he could just increase or decrease the value of AngelRelationship directly, the same way other Relationship scores are being handled and drop both Daddy variables.
He does that in the second part of the game, but only some conditions are based on AngelRelationship score and many of them are checking the value of SugarDaddy and StrictDaddy instead, expecting either of them to be 1 or 0, although they are much larger than that by the time you reach the second part and they never change throughout the second part.
I'm not trying to insult T4bbo in any way, I understand that this is a rookie mistake. I've seen this kind of errors in logic before and probably made some myself years ago. It doesn't change the fact that the game doesn't work this way and Angel score system has to be changed and all conditions based on it also.
My suggestion would be to simplify it, drop Daddy variables and track only AngelRelationship. Increase it by being a "sugar daddy" and decrease it by being strict. All conditions should be based on AngelRelationship value.
If you want to make Angel to "remember" daddy's previous choice (to be sweet or strict), you could just use a single boolean variable, named SugarDaddy for example. Set it to True at every "sweet" choice and to False at every strict choice. Then you can make Angel react angry the next time (dependent or independent of the AngelRelationship value), because she remembers daddy "being an ass" last time. She could react more angry, if daddy was strict the last time and the relationship value is low and less angry when the relationship value is high for example.